My tren nightmare-Must read for newbies/rookies like me

Yeah I have heard some stories like yours. Everyone is different I guess. I ve done Tren A and Tren E only sides were night sweats. Got muscle and cut at the same time. Love that stuff lol
I did tren E at 400mg a week for 12 weeks with anadrol 100mg ED for 5 weeks with tritest300 at 600mg a week...
Damn that was the best bulking cycle I have ever done my strength was like fuk it shot up so damn fast tren is POWERFUL shit ...
I did tren E at 400mg a week for 12 weeks with anadrol 100mg ED for 5 weeks with tritest300 at 600mg a week...
Damn that was the best bulking cycle I have ever done my strength was like fuk it shot up so damn fast tren is POWERFUL shit ...

kinda like my current cycle..cept i'm at test e 750 mg
I remember reading this when you first posted it. It's one of many, many first hand accounts I read when considering if I wanted to try tren, or not. I would say from my research your reaction was one of the more severe examples I ran across. One thing I discovered for certain, out of all the AAS available, tren is consistently reported as having the widest and most severe range of side effects. Some people have virtually no negative reaction while others end up with horrible insomnia, soaking night sweats, and aggression so bad they want to punch Mother Theresa in the vagina.

I've come to believe that tren is a very bad choice for anyone who has poor impulse control. If you go jabbing this stuff into your body without fully understanding the possible side effects, with little or no means to counter the sides, and are too stubborn to walk away from it if the sides are too severe, you have no business considering tren.

That said, I'm now into my 3rd week of a tren E cycle. So far, I've been fortunate. I've had literally zero side effects except for some insane pumps and ridiculous size gains. Regardless, I'm fully prepared to stop running this shit in a heart beat if the sides become unmanageable. I am not so emotionally invested in my physical appearance that I'm willing to jeopardize my mental health and physical well-being. Good job, Teutonic, for walking away and knowing your limits instead of blindly pressing ahead into the abyss, consequences be damned.

X's Freakin TWO!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the big heads up T-man

The way I think about AAS is the same way I see people react to other illicit drugs including alcohol. I am sure we all know the guy who is a drunk dick after 3 beers. Then there is the guy I used to work with who would dry chew 10 percodan (or whatever opiate he had that day) and go on to work his shift seemingly unaffected. We all have different constitutions, thus different reactions. The world of endocrinology is a wacky one indeed. :scratchhe
Tren is the king of all steroids IMO. You are right though bro....more people need to read these threads. There's a million first cycle threads everyday and most of the advice is the same if newbies would read. I read, read and read until I couldn't read anymore before I took the plunge. It scares me how many newbs don't read and just start cycling without any knowledge at all. AAS is not a game and I don't think some of the newbs take this stuff seriously. Good post Teutonic. Cheers bro :)
I'm currently running my first cycle of tren and really haven't had bad side affects. I'm getting great pumps and am loving it. Will do another cycle of tren next year!!
im in about 10 days running prop and tren ace. the only side i have is insomna
I am loving how i feel on tren.

good post T
you running tren enan at 400mg/week along with 750mg test? Keep me updated on your sides bro

Yeah i will, i figure if the sides are bad i'll still fight through it. i wna get the full benefit from tren. only 3 injects in though.
I m not sure anymore..think it was a...luckily I had some water base handy and 2 day s after my last , 2nd pin,
I started it and 3-4 days later I was better..some guy s on here..Biggin, Kane and 1 badmofo and ythrashin literally walked me through it as I was paranoid as fuck, wild racing thoughts panic...I am intolerant of it it would seem..and only wrote to keep the noob s aware that this game can turn ugly...a cautionary s all true..nay sayers can come on down to the swamps and kiss my redneck german ass as I m drowning em .why would I lie to people I don t know ???
Just an old fucker trying to get karma...peace bro man.
daum T, you had some crazy sides. i hope i dont have any sides like that, i am ready to stop the tren if it gets too crazy.

feeling great at the moment
Well not sure if i'm right or not..but this has never happened before lol.

this morning i shot up 2 ml of test/tren in my left quad...good blood in the chamber..then during the inject and a little while after..probably 5 minutes or so; i got a pretty mild the one where you wheeze a little and have to cough it up..nothing crazy or frightening..So i'm assuming this is the "tren cough"?

4th injection of tren E btw
I had the metal taste upon injection and a wicked cough right bad my asshole hurt..
I think tren cough is more like kennel cough where you mildly cough for no real reason..especially when pushing yourself...but I m not sure...
I m not sure anymore..think it was a...luckily I had some water base handy and 2 day s after my last , 2nd pin,
I started it and 3-4 days later I was better..some guy s on here..Biggin, Kane and 1 badmofo and ythrashin literally walked me through it as I was paranoid as fuck, wild racing thoughts panic...I am intolerant of it it would seem..and only wrote to keep the noob s aware that this game can turn ugly...a cautionary s all true..nay sayers can come on down to the swamps and kiss my redneck german ass as I m drowning em .why would I lie to people I don t know ??? Just an old fucker trying to get karma...peace bro man.

LMFAO, You tell em Bro.
I had the metal taste upon injection and a wicked cough right bad my asshole hurt..
I think tren cough is more like kennel cough where you mildly cough for no real reason..especially when pushing yourself...but I m not sure...

Yeah i've had a metal taste after 2 of the injects so far. first one and this one. and yeah sounds like my cough this a.m.