My tren nightmare-Must read for newbies/rookies like me

I m not sure anymore..think it was a...luckily I had some water base handy and 2 day s after my last , 2nd pin,
I started it and 3-4 days later I was better..some guy s on here..Biggin, Kane and 1 badmofo and ythrashin literally walked me through it as I was paranoid as fuck, wild racing thoughts panic...I am intolerant of it it would seem..and only wrote to keep the noob s aware that this game can turn ugly...a cautionary s all true..nay sayers can come on down to the swamps and kiss my redneck german ass as I m drowning em .why would I lie to people I don t know ???
Just an old fucker trying to get karma...peace bro man.

Well crap! I have been researching Tren for my second cycle. However, I tend to be prone to any sides that comes with drugs. I'm going to keep researching for a few months and see what I come up with.

Thanks for your story though-it does keep a person thinking. Especially, if people think that something like that couldn't happen to them.
Well not sure if i'm right or not..but this has never happened before lol.

this morning i shot up 2 ml of test/tren in my left quad...good blood in the chamber..then during the inject and a little while after..probably 5 minutes or so; i got a pretty mild the one where you wheeze a little and have to cough it up..nothing crazy or frightening..So i'm assuming this is the "tren cough"?

4th injection of tren E btw

Interesting. Especially on tren E. And the fact that it's your 4th pin and didn't happen on the previous three. I don't get it. Something for me to keep an eye on for myself, though. Any chance you pinned a bigger dose this morning than the previous three times?
Interesting. Especially on tren E. And the fact that it's your 4th pin and didn't happen on the previous three. I don't get it. Something for me to keep an eye on for myself, though. Any chance you pinned a bigger dose this morning than the previous three times?

Na I don't taper doses.. Was 1 ml @ 200mg is it not common for this with tren e?
Na I don't taper doses.. Was 1 ml @ 200mg is it not common for this with tren e?[/QUOTE]

I'm no expert on Tren. However, I did read something somewhere that each person IS different and it depends on your diet sometimes if some sides are experienced or not. Which sort of makes sense with the iron/metallic taste in your mouth (could be an iron related issue; some people get more some get less during the day).

Again, just a thought about something I read a while back.
I would have thought if you were going to have a negative reaction to a 200mg dose of tren E it would have happened with your first few pins -- not your fourth. That's why I'm baffled. That said, it doesn't sound like an intolerable side if that's the only negative reaction you're getting to the dose you're taking. I'm running tren E at 300mg EW. I intentionally picked a dose in the low range, but 400mg EW (assuming you pinning 200mg x2 EW) isn't exactly an insane dose. 500mg seems to be the dividing line for most people between tolerable and intolerable sides.
the problem was the amount you took. .

yes in fact yes.

i do think it's just that.

some people can get fabulous effect with a low amount of tren. some other need a bit more.

personnaly, i had to stop a cycle, only one time, it was on EFP tren-250 ( veyron pharma now) and i took 1000mgr for 2 weeks in middle of the cycle.

needless to say the side i got... suddenly i began very very unsupportable for everybody... paranoid, dreaming awake, completly confused and agressive.

what i learn is than Tren, will not bring you a good trip when you take it that mush but only drive you on Mad way.

it would be a paradise if a overdose of tren make you sweets confusion, like if you were on rec-drugs, or alcohol... But it's not the case.

so, before that cycle i never suffered of the strange side, a bit more sensitiv, night sweats yeas, warm, etc...

but the lesson is learned. i'm very carreful now.

i did a ROHM tren-enth cycle added one vial of trenagen to.

that wasn't that bad at all. but several weeks after, i rememeber than i was nervous during the cycle, and two month after to.

So it's sure, tren is not for Newb at all...
even it's hard for regular user then.
There you have it gents...KANE fkn knows boys.
(And before you think of flaming his many languages can u type..I can do 2..U ?)
My whole point , besides pointing out my hypersensitivity to most all meds ie benadryl make s me nervous..was to not listen to gym gurus. Tren is in my opinion..for serious and or people with a long cycle history and should not be run until all other avenue s have been explored.
At my age..with my goals..with my bone s and joints...I ll stick to test test and test and a lil deca...:beertoast
nice post teutonic. I knew a long time ago tren would never be for me.
Hell ephedrine makes me
test prop all the way for me.:)
I would have thought if you were going to have a negative reaction to a 200mg dose of tren E it would have happened with your first few pins -- not your fourth. That's why I'm baffled. That said, it doesn't sound like an intolerable side if that's the only negative reaction you're getting to the dose you're taking. I'm running tren E at 300mg EW. I intentionally picked a dose in the low range, but 400mg EW (assuming you pinning 200mg x2 EW) isn't exactly an insane dose. 500mg seems to be the dividing line for most people between tolerable and intolerable sides.

Those were my thoughts exactly..who knows though. and yeah i chose 400mg because it's nothing insane, and i want the full benefit.

Btw ill stop Hijacking your thread now haha sorry. if i have more issues ill post a new thread
that insane cough some peopl describe, not the mild one, seems to come when shooting too close to a vein or blood vessel. I've had it with enth/eq, coughed so bad once I swore I was going to break a rib, and abs were sore for days as a result
that insane cough some peopl describe, not the mild one, seems to come when shooting too close to a vein or blood vessel. I've had it with enth/eq, coughed so bad once I swore I was going to break a rib, and abs were sore for days as a result

I never had the bad one, I've only had the mild one a few times. It just felt like my chest was itchy inside and it didn't last long.
i've not posted in here yet and i should since i had a bad first go round with tren but i came back to it.

but one dream i had while on it was real sour.

i dreamed my ass was a lemon and some one was sucking on it.

no really i had every side under the sun hit me. its no joke when these start. but i took the advice of those that know better about tren abd it worked. now i run it with no problem.
Lemon ass? That's your worst nightmare? Hell, that's just a regular Friday night for me, baby. ;-)

Throw in a feather duster, a chimpanzee, and a bottle of lube and now you're talkin about a real good time.
yes true i nrglected to say.

first problem was the eating i just could do it.
i was told to use GHRP2 @ a low dose. this worked
the cough not not much to be said about it untill u get use to it you may have it.
the sleeping and sweating i was told to back down the dose cut it in half and build back up. that worked out great.
for the anxity i swas told to take a zanax that i got from the doc and that made coming off so much better.
but the best thing was to keep the first cycle short.
and that was the best advise right there. it showed me what to look for and how to act for it.
now i run it just fine.
Lemon ass? That's your worst nightmare? Hell, that's just a regular Friday night for me, baby. ;-)

Throw in a feather duster, a chimpanzee, and a bottle of lube and now you're talkin about a real good time.

i wish that was all the dreams had been.
i dreamed my girl was screwing around and i caught them. busted her legs so she couldn't get away and made her watch as i slowly guted the guy.
an other was some one insulted my girl and i beat them to almost death and the pulled the tounge out with pliers and cut it off and then cut the ears off the prick.
all the dreams had been violent. and very real. that caused the sweats for the most part. i would wake so angry i had to remind myself i was home it was just a dream not real.
Yeah, those other dreams make lemon ass sound pretty tame. lol. Not good!! How long after you backed off before things returned to normal? Did you stop using the tren or just cut back the dose?
i was doing Tren ace @ 50mg ed for the first 4 weeks so cut back to 50mg eod for the last 4 weeks and it all smoothed out. i cruised for a while and then picked it back up a month later. and started at 100mg eod and have gone up to 200mg eod now.
for the most part i'm calm and very normal. the only time i break into a sweat is when i work out or have sex.
the dreams are not there. well no they are but not as they had been.
it has has to do with the body and mind building tolerance to it imo.
i've been running now 8 weeks and i have 4 weeks left then i'm cruising till new year.