Ok this is really weird, ever since i started using N2 Slin i seem leaner even though i am bulking and eating dirty. I keep getting more compliments which is great! I take 1 before my breakfast/pre workout meal with about 70 carbs and i have noticed a lot better fullness to my workouts and pumps are a ton better. I feel like i am absorbing my food better as well, due to starting advanced probiotic and n2 slin i feel i have made my food work better for me. Barely any more GI issues and horrible gas like i used to have, milk doesn't even mess with me anymore. Buying a probiotic has been one of the best decisions i have made! Tomorrow is chest well see how it goes.
Oh and in 1 week my overhead press improved from 55lb DB's x 10 reps to 70lb DB's x 9 reps, something tells me this bulk is going VERY well BTW i have not done overhead pressing in a good 5 months due to shoulder complications that are now resolved!