I didn't use till I was almost 30. I was a soft 265 before I used anything. I used off and on for 10years and for the last 3 or 4 I have been competing so I don't come totally off. At 22, the best thing you could do would be to stay clean and utilize your natural testosterone.what age was.you when you.decided you didnt want to come off and what would the benefit be on staying on apart from goin massive im gunna sound a dick here but iv been thinking it.through.and i would like to.blast and.cruise but im only 22 and i have high test naturally also i would like to compete someday but im no where near bigger nuff yet thanks
You could compete as a natty and do well. Local contests are about getting ripped and you don't have to be on to do that.pinnhead would i have to.blast and cruise to.stqnd a chance in competing one day
How do you rotate your compounds in the offseason? like how long do you stay on test+deca before u switch to test+eq. do you ever use tren, or any orals?
Is the lifestyle hard to maintain amidst other responsibilities such as work and family? I am no where near your level, but have thought about competing someday if only just as an amateur because I find the difficulty fun and a challenge. But even now I have trouble managing my time between work, school, and my training, yet if I do not work I cannot afford the vast amount of food I eat each week or even consider AAS. A typical 12 week cycle (2 compounds, 1 oral, AIs PCT) for me cost around 800 dollars, more if I decided to get bloodwork or tests done. So I must work, usually a little overtime, if I want to do these things, and sometimes it gets in the way of training the way I would like. Do you have a similar experience? Secondly, does your personal life effect your training? Viewing from the outside the sport can come across as selfish and self-centered, and usually upsets family. Simple activities like holidays and eating out suddenly become obstacles to my training. I'd rather maintain my own scheduled dieting regiment sometimes, and going home for holidays it's difficult for me to find a gym. Occasionally, I'll take my girlfriend out on a date, and she'll get upset she's the only one eating ice cream or that I can only eat certain foods. How do you coupe with these changes?
EDIT: I'm sorry I just saw the thread was about doses. I read the first post and it sounded like general questions about what you do though. I hope this is okay though. I've always been more interested in upper level bodybuilder's personal lives. They're normal guys, just a little bigger.
I listed my prestack above, I don't do cardio, before a show I eat 3500-5000calories. My body fat never goes about 8%.I am most curious about your usage of AIs. What AIs do you use and at what dosages? Also tell me what your E2 is at while on these dosages of Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during your typical cycle.
I use arimidex at 1mg per day and exemestane at 12.5mg a day for the last month before a contest. I don't use anti-estrogens any other time. I don't know what e2 is.
The next thing I am curious about is the compounds that you use while cutting for a show. T3, Clenbuterol, T4, ECA, etc? Also what dosages do you use those compounds, and how much cardio do you do, and how many calories are you eating leading up to a show? How high do you let your body fat go in the off season?
10iu gh post workout in the off season, and precontest I do 10iu post workout and 5iu at bedtime.Curious about your gh dosage. You listed your slin above but no mention of how many iu`s gh
It's my pleasure. You know the only thing I use is Pinnacle. If it wasn't for JB helping me out, I could never afford what it takes to get to this level.I was waiting for a loooong time for you to come up with a thread like this buddy... Looking good.
BTW what gear are you using??? lol...
Does running that much gear ever effect you mentally. I feel like a lot of gear use can cause anxiety to be worse some times. Do you ever drink occasionally to blow off some steam and have a good time. When cycling that much how often can you really drink and still be safe. Iam always curious just how do the pro's and top Npc competitors deal with stress cause I know some compounds can cause elevated anxiety. And I feel like some times just being able to overcome anxiety and stress in life is a big part of becoming a top bodybuilder people over look.
Anytime.interesting ive had friends who used kratom. Thanks for answering my question.
If I was to do a competition should I do a bulk cycle leading into a cutting cycle? Or do a bulk cycle do post cycle therapy (pct) take time off than do a cutting cycle.
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What's your opinion on Bostin Loyd's 10 month transformation to win the Contra Costa 2013 overall?
Is his theories and dosages on par with what others do?
Untold truth epidose #3 - YouTube
He probably slings juice.Wonder where he gets his money from?
I watched the video about his protocol. I'm interested to know if most guys use that much synthol in contest prep. He's shooting 6ccs in each body part he did that day after workouts. That seems like so much. In the video you can tell he used synthol in his biceps..he added 2.5 inches to each arm, but they look distorted and puffy. Also, if you know, how does the body dispose of synthol? I couldn't find anything about it online.
He didn't max out his natural abilities
How did you determine that you maxed out your natural abilities?
Sad thing is Loyd claims Dave Palumbo coached him. Kinda makes Palumbo look bad for tellling this kid to shoot up 12ccs of synthol a day and 7g of gear a week..