National level Superheavyweight answers questions about doses.

How big were you at your natural "max." I'm at about 215lbs 9% BF at 6'2" with a deadlift in the high 500s, squat at mid 400s, and bench in the 300s; i also have rather average genetics. I don't think I'm maxed out, but I'm just curious as to where you were to give me a realistic view.

Also, once someone juices, would you say that their natural muscle building capabilities depleted, even if they aren't at their natural genetic max?

awesome thread :D
How big were you at your natural "max." I'm at about 215lbs 9% BF at 6'2" with a deadlift in the high 500s, squat at mid 400s, and bench in the 300s; i also have rather average genetics. I don't think I'm maxed out, but I'm just curious as to where you were to give me a realistic view.

Also, once someone juices, would you say that their natural muscle building capabilities depleted, even if they aren't at their natural genetic max?

awesome thread :D

eh 188cm tall weighing 98kg with those lifts? You must look real skinny and you can squat 450lbs?
Hey man I am a 24 y/o aspiring bodybuilder. I am 6'2" 220lbs 12% BF and want to enter my first show in a year. I am bulking right now and have been for awhile now using test/deca/dbol.
1) I want to know if I should cut to hardin the muscles or keep bulking up.
2) I am not vascular at all and was wondering if that is something I should be worried about or does that just mean my BF% is too high to see and viens.
I really appreciate you are doing this ,Bro. It's so good to see somebody who is honest about bodybuilding and AAS.I don't understand why so many people say that drugs are not that important.I know diet is very important and genetics along with others things count a lot .But let's be real without drugs even the most gifted pro BB would not be even half of the size the are.Anyway i'm not trying to minimize the importance of diet ,training and rest but the truth is nobody can get to a pro level or close to it without very large doses.Once again Pinnhead thanks fot this thread and your willness to help others.
I agree. Genetics is the main thing. When you combine drugs with genetics, you get freaks. I have very average genetics and will most likely never turn pro, no matter what I do. I got to where I am by lifting hard and heavy for 20years, combined with drugs and consistent uptake of protein.

Im starting my fourth year at the gym.
1st cycle, maybe 15lbs of lean mass. Unfortunately, most of all of what you gain with drugs, you will lose without them.

How big were you at your natural "max." I'm at about 215lbs 9% BF at 6'2" with a deadlift in the high 500s, squat at mid 400s, and bench in the 300s; i also have rather average genetics. I don't think I'm maxed out, but I'm just curious as to where you were to give me a realistic view.

Also, once someone juices, would you say that their natural muscle building capabilities depleted, even if they aren't at their natural genetic max?

awesome thread :D
I was 265lbs natural at 20% bodyfat. I don't think you decrease your bodies capabilities to put on muscle if you do a cycle, but like I said before, you will lose almost all of what you gain while using aas.
Why have you never tried primo? I have heard some pretty good things about it.

Never really considered it because its not very strong. It's a good choice for women, I believe.
Hey man I am a 24 y/o aspiring bodybuilder. I am 6'2" 220lbs 12% BF and want to enter my first show in a year. I am bulking right now and have been for awhile now using test/deca/dbol.
1) I want to know if I should cut to hardin the muscles or keep bulking up.
2) I am not vascular at all and was wondering if that is something I should be worried about or does that just mean my BF% is too high to see and viens.

Depends on when the show is and if you are doing physique or bb.
BB I believe I am already to big to bulky to do a physique and honestly much rather do BB. And I haven't picked a show but I want it to be around a year away.

Honestly, right now you would do better at men's physique with your current stats. The guys winning the shows that are 6'2 are usually around 220 and 5% bodyfat. Right now you would have to diet down to around 195-200 to be lean enough to do a show, and that's fairly slim . Have you been to a show? Mens' physique guys are pretty big. If you enjoy flexing and posing, I'd def say bodybuiding is for you. My recommendation is not to go over %12bf for offseason and give your self 16weeks to diet. A local show is about whos the leanest, so get ripped and you'll do well.
Have you experienced large hair loss with so much stuff?

What did you do to stop it? finasteride?

How did that affect your sex drive?

Love all the knowledge you're spreading around thanks bro
I'm 194cm at 280lbs at 14%. Still can't figure out why I look anorexic.
My 19 inch arms look like girls arms

It's because you are tall. My arms are over 20' and still don't look big because of how long they are. You would have to have 21' arms to look big when you are over 6'2
Have you experienced large hair loss with so much stuff?

What did you do to stop it? finasteride?

How did that affect your sex drive?

Love all the knowledge you're spreading around thanks bro

Some hair loss when I use mast but it grows back when I stop. I've never used any hairloss products. My sex drive stays pretty constant, except when Im really lean and 4 weeks out from a contest. I think the tren kill my drive, but it may be the masteron.
I do respect his honesty though.


Ever have a scary experience with slin?

Yeah, a few time I started sweating profusely and have to eat some sugar asap. Never life threatening. You would have to take 200iu or more to die from it.

Do you think the Olympia/IFBB is filled with a chemical warfare type of drug use mentality?
Absolutely! But there are also the guys that don't need that much shit. I was hanging out with Jose Reymond a month ago and he said he doesn't use huge amounts. Probably 70% use 4g or more and the other %30 use 2g or less. Some pros value there health more then others.
Are you able to comfortably afford your gear?
JB with Pinnacle gear is the only reason I'm able to afford what I need. I honestly think Pinnacle is as good as pharmgrade. Test is test is test, as long as it's dosed correctly. I use to be sponsored by a company that sold IP brand, so they gave me what I needed, but when I swithched to Pinnacle I took my physique to the next level. Most all upper level guys and pros are sponsored and that's how they get their stuff. Pros get their stuff from the same place you get yours, they do it thru a ug lab.
Most advance cycle you have completed? 2.5g test, 700mg tren, 700mg mast, 50mg/day anadrol.

Would you do it all over again as far as the sport and gear use go?
Absolutly. I've only been competing for a few years, so I don't have too much wear and tear yet.
Thanks! Very helpful to have someone with such experience and open-mindedness on the boards .......any time

See bold above: Great thread and I appreciate what you're doing for these guys here, but I have to disagree with the bolded statement above. The amount of slin it takes to kill someone can vary GREATLY based on both insulin type and sensitivity. On top of that, there are other factors which can play a role, as well. The fact of that matter is that a mere 50 IU dose of Humalog could EASILY kill someone who has excellent insulin sensitivity. It is true that the body will kick glucogenesis into high gear if BG gets low enough, but it certainly has its limits.

I have seen guys nearly die from less than 50 IU of insulin. I don't want to take up to much of the thread, so I won't list all the examples here, but I have been around insulin for the better part of 15 years...and heavily involved for about 10. I have seen, worked with, or known of literally 100's...if not more...who have used insulin of all types, dosages, programs, and under numerous circumsrances...and I tell you the truth when I say that many, many guys could die from less...much less...than 200 IU of insulin (either Humalog or Humulin).

Many times insulin using BB'rs, due to their extremely poor insulin sensitivity...don't realize how sensitize some people can be to this drug. They think that just because they can inject 30 IU...not eat anything...and not feel a thing, that others will react similarly. Drugs like GH & insulin, especially when the BB'r gets up to higher dosages, almost ALWAYS causes severe problems with insulin sensitivity...easily surpassing the point of clinical insulin resistance. GH at 10-15 IU daily, by itself, will cause clinical insulin resistance in most people. Once you add in regular insulin use on top of that...and an off-season diet loaded with carbs (often processed, such as white rice, etc)...and it is a recipe for severe insulin resistance.

Few BB'rs gets their insulin sensitivity checked...very few...even the responsible ones. This is a mistake! BB'rs have been taught that if they get regular bloodwork and take steps to maintain the common health markers, such as those related to the liver, cardiovscular systen, kidneys, and prostate, that they are fine. Very rarely will a BB'r get an insulin sensitivity test...because he doesn't know he should...and not doing so could have serious ramifications down the road in terms of metabolic health. In some cases a BB'r can become so insulin resistant that he only requires 1/20th the amount of carbs to cover his insulin needs, as a guy with greart insulin sensitivity would. When a BB'r in this situation makes recommendations or statements regarding maximum dosing or other safety requirments, his answers are usually derived from his own personal experience with the drug...and with such tremendous potential variation in insulin sensitivity between individuals, this can be a real problem.

When someone has 10X the insulin sensitivity of another guy and is asked to give recommendations, he might think to himself..."Well, I can use 50 Humalog and only go a bit hypo, so 40 IU should be fine for him". Some people require as many as 15+ grams of carbs per IU of slin (I have seen some as high as 20+!)...and while this is not common in BB'rs (as BB'rs generally have lower sensitivity compared to many other non-BB'rs) it still happens, especially with smaller guys who use no GH and don't eat nearly as many carbs. These guys often have much greater sensitivity...and when they hear that it takes at least 200 IU of slin to kill them...and they hear it from a national level BB'r...they might say "OK, if 200 IU is the limit, then let's start with 50 IU Humalog pre-workout"...and then ends up in the hospital or dead. My best friend, lifelong diabetic..and very reposnible with his use...almost died from a 45 IU inject of Humalog. He injected 45 IU in anticipation of eating his entire brithday cake...LOL...but then 5 minutes later he became very ill (food poisoning) and could not hold down any food or drink (this has happened to more than one person I know). After a short time he got very worried and had someone drive him to the hospital. He amost died on the way there. He was rushed into the ER where he was carried on a stretcher and immediately given MULTIPLE glucose IV's. The doctor told us he was literaly minutes away from dying, as his BG was at 17 when they first tested him!!!!

The point here is that we should NEVER spit out a random number when it comes to the maximum amount of slin it takes to kill someone....because we can NOT possibly know what that number is for everyone. It is like an opiate user saying it takes 1,000 mg of oxycontin to kill someone. Ok..maybe for a guy with a massive tolerance, but not for the typical guy! You did not even clarify the type of slin you were talking about! You just spit out a number...200. When someone like you says something like this...your words have clout because of your status as a BB'r...people take what you say to you need to be careful when getting into this kind of territory.

Anyway, thanks again for the thread...I am sure many guys find it fascinating. :)
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Thanks for taking your time to write that and I agree with much of what you said. Here's my question. How many bodybuilders do you know of that have died of insulin overdose?