Ya I think boston loyd fucked up. He could have slowly added in gear and gotten better results over a few years. I bet he used so much gear that his body only used like 50 percent of it and the rest just went to downgrading his androgen receptors and to side effects. He is pretty much the poster boy of using steroids wrong. And making the sport look bad.
I do respect his honesty though.
I think he said Palumbo is his current coach but during Contra Costa it was John O'Regan. He didn't mention his full name but it doesn't take much to find that out.
Ever have a scary experience with slin?
Do you think the Olympia/IFBB is filled with a chemical warfare type of drug use mentality?
Are you able to comfortably afford your gear?
Most advance cycle you have completed?
Would you do it all over again as far as the sport and gear use go?
Thanks! Very helpful to have someone with such experience and open-mindedness on the boards
Ever have a scary experience with slin?
Yeah, a few time I started sweating profusely and have to eat some sugar asap. Never life threatening. You would have to take 200iu or more to die from it.
Do you think the Olympia/IFBB is filled with a chemical warfare type of drug use mentality?
Absolutely! But there are also the guys that don't need that much shit. I was hanging out with Jose Reymond a month ago and he said he doesn't use huge amounts. Probably 70% use 4g or more and the other %30 use 2g or less. Some pros value there health more then others.
Are you able to comfortably afford your gear?
JB with Pinnacle gear is the only reason I'm able to afford what I need. I honestly think Pinnacle is as good as pharmgrade. Test is test is test, as long as it's dosed correctly. I use to be sponsored by a company that sold IP brand, so they gave me what I needed, but when I swithched to Pinnacle I took my physique to the next level. Most all upper level guys and pros are sponsored and that's how they get their stuff. Pros get their stuff from the same place you get yours, they do it thru a ug lab.
Most advance cycle you have completed? 2.5g test, 700mg tren, 700mg mast, 50mg/day anadrol.
Would you do it all over again as far as the sport and gear use go?
Absolutly. I've only been competing for a few years, so I don't have too much wear and tear yet.
Thanks! Very helpful to have someone with such experience and open-mindedness on the boards .......any time