1st cycle, maybe 15lbs of lean mass. Unfortunately, most of all of what you gain with drugs, you will lose without them.
Are you referring to a PCT or that I need to keep cycling or I will lose the mass I have?
1st cycle, maybe 15lbs of lean mass. Unfortunately, most of all of what you gain with drugs, you will lose without them.
Are you referring to a PCT or that I need to keep cycling or I will lose the mass I have?
Are you referring to a PCT or that I need to keep cycling or I will lose the mass I have?
If you are 160lbs at 12%bf and do a cycle of 600mg test and gain 20 lbs in 3 months. 6 months after, you most likely will be around 160 lbs at 12%bf. Best case scenario 165 at the same bf. Look at Kevin Levrone. From a ripped 260 to a soft 200 when he came off. You have to continue to cycle if you want to keep growing.
So DreDoctor was incorrect then?
there would be zero need for anyone to CYCLE if you got to keep what you gained... keeping 5lbs of mass is not bad. put 5lbs of steak on a plate and then imagine that on your body, its not small. Then think of 20lbs.. with out the gear there is no way your going to hold on to that much.
Why is that the case that you lose all of your gains when you come off cycle? It is impossible to hold mass gains?
But isn't that guy who stopped cycling way past his genetic potential? I mean I wouldn't mind keeping 5lbs but I also know I'm not at my genetic limit I hope.
Think about it. We all see the guy that blows up and gets huge, then you don't see him for a while and he comes back to the gym small. Now if you keep working out and eating well, you can maintain the mass for a while, but eventually you will lose what you gained from the drugs. When you gain say 20 lbs from a course, 12-15lbs is probably water, so you will drop that quick but the 5-8lbs of muscle you will keep for several months, maybe 6. So that's why you go back on cycle before you lose it all, so you can build from there.
Think about it. We all see the guy that blows up and gets huge, then you don't see him for a while and he comes back to the gym small. Now if you keep working out and eating well, you can maintain the mass for a while, but eventually you will lose what you gained from the drugs. When you gain say 20 lbs from a course, 12-15lbs is probably water, so you will drop that quick but the 5-8lbs of muscle you will keep for several months, maybe 6. So that's why you go back on cycle before you lose it all, so you can build from there.
Think about it. We all see the guy that blows up and gets huge, then you don't see him for a while and he comes back to the gym small. Now if you keep working out and eating well, you can maintain the mass for a while, but eventually you will lose what you gained from the drugs. When you gain say 20 lbs from a course, 12-15lbs is probably water, so you will drop that quick but the 5-8lbs of muscle you will keep for several months, maybe 6. So that's why you go back on cycle before you lose it all, so you can build from there.
Thankyou buddy.Great thread, Pinnhead.
That is awfully depressing lol. What about the guys who only cycle once a year? Is that a waste?
If you want constant improvement, probably so.finally someone else other then me says you lose all your gains if you dont keep using gear ... blast and cruise is the only way to go
Yeah, 3 months on, and 3 months off, you could still make constant improvements and stay healthy. The only way you would keep ALL your gains would be to stay on. You could take gh to help keep your gains, or creatine to help keep the water weight. Did I answer all your questions?Ok so than how long should you cycle for like 3 - 4 months and than just take 3 months off of using anything than start another cycle. What do you consider a good routine. Im trying to figure out how long I can cycle for and still keep all of my gains. What is the best way to go about that. Also what substances can I take while off to keep my gains. Would using hgh while off cycle be smart to keep gains or is that a waist of hgh.
Interesting brotha. I ask because I just finished up a very simple cycle of 600mg a week for 15 weeks of test e. It is now 6 weeks since my last pin and went through a good post cycle therapy (pct). As of now, I have not lost 1 pound. I did up my calories by 500 a day and started 10g a day of creatine to try and hold the water weight.
I have been this weight naturally before, so I am hoping to hold my gains. Been lifting for 18yrs now, and this was my 2nd go around on the gear. Honestly, do you feel running gear causes irreversable damage to our bodys in the long run and shortens life span. How about damage to the brain, competing for seratonin and dopamine?
You shouldn't lose too much muscle in 6 weeks, however in 6 months you may lose all your gains. But you said you've been that big naturally before, and since we have muscle memory, you should be able to hold that weight naturally again. And if you started using creatine, you probably added 5-7lbs of water weight. As far as damage, your guess is as good as mine. I think some of us will pay in the long run for what we do now, others wont have any repurcussions. It's like some people smoke their whole life and live to be 100, others die young. I hope I'm not taking years off my life.Interesting brotha. I ask because I just finished up a very simple cycle of 600mg a week for 15 weeks of test e. It is now 6 weeks since my last pin and went through a good post cycle therapy (pct). As of now, I have not lost 1 pound. I did up my calories by 500 a day and started 10g a day of creatine to try and hold the water weight.
I have been this weight naturally before, so I am hoping to hold my gains. Been lifting for 18yrs now, and this was my 2nd go around on the gear. Honestly, do you feel running gear causes irreversable damage to our bodys in the long run and shortens life span. How about damage to the brain, competing for seratonin and dopamine?
Well that's depressing. So there is no point in doing a couple cycles and just stopping then right?
Like I said before, some guys like to do cycles just to look big at the time. Think about the guys at the gym. How many do you see that constantly improve year after year. At my gym, there might be one or two guys that actually grow year after year, but most bulk up, and when they get lean, they are the same size as they were the year before.