New member
Hey guys, I've been getting a lot of questions about what I take, diet, and workout routine. So I figured I'd just come here and field any questions. I know when I started taking aas, I had tons of questions and it was hard to get answers to the exact questions I had. So you can ask me anything, no matter how simple it is. I've been lifting for over 20 years and have been "supplementing" for over 10. I did a national show this year, and placed in the top 10. Here is a pic from a few months back when I was getting ready.
Hey man. I'm still new to the game. I'm currently running my second cycle ever of test cyp only. I did my first cycle at 600mg/week and this time running double that at 1200/week.
I'm 21 and I read your comment about not starting until late 20s or even young 30s. But to be honest man. I love the sauce and I actually hate coming off. I was thinking abt blasting and cruising but I would like to ask in more depth or detail to why staying natural other than my body creates a larger amount at this age to stay off and wait till later? Would love to hear back from you if u have time. When I started AAS I was 20 at 85kgs, on cycle I went up to 98 by the end and at contest cut down to a lean 94. After my cycle I took a break for about 6-8 weeks and monitored
My blood levels. When they were back to normal I started again because I was sleepy all the time and wanted to get back on. When I started up I lost around 3kgs from my contest weight at around 92kgs. Since I have started again I'm on my 5th week of my second cycle and I'm already at almost 105kgs. Great results from good training and diet. And I'm worried if I come off its going to disappear.
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