I think you skipped the question where the guy asked about AI's and how you control estrogen when running several grams of test. I personally need 1mg of adex even on just 600mg test. I can't imagine what I'd do on 1g+.
The one thing I'll tell you. Enjoy the day. As long as you don't drink anything, it doesn't matter what you eat on the day of the contest. I eat shit food all day, but allow my self only 12 oz on show day. Meet people and have fun. Be the guy with a smile on your face. You can't control the judges so just enjoy the whole process.I have my first competition this Saturday. I'm hooked. It has been grueling, but well worth it. I love the feeling of accomplishment I've already gotten, and I haven't even stepped on stage yet.
I try to make sure it's whey isolate, but sometimes I drink whey concentrate. Vitargo is my fav drink during a workout, but most of the time I drink gatoraide. I take 10g of creatine before or after workout with my sugar drink.You said you take 50 & 60 gram shakes and 100 gram sugar shake. These shakes made by doubling the amount or something you whip up? Is there a powder or shake that works best after a skin dose. Just curious to know what you take for shake supplements.
You'll just have to try it. Gh works ok for some and great for others. Gh while off cycle should help you maintain muscle, but as far as how much, I really couldn't tell you.Awesome thread Pinn. Just wondering if it would even be worth taking growth when being "off" for someone who doesnt blast and cruise.
For example. After PCT, hop on growth for 3-4 months, then cycle again without gh.
I think you skipped the question where the guy asked about AI's and how you control estrogen when running several grams of test. I personally need 1mg of adex even on just 600mg test. I can't imagine what I'd do on 1g+.
I only take anti estrogens for the month prior to a contest once a year, when I take arimidex at 1mg so that I'm able to dry out. I've never had a problem with gyno. Some guys are sensitive to estrogen, and some, like me, aren't .
Thanks for the advice. I've been working with 3J for a year now, and he's been amazing getting me ready. It's going to be a lot of fun!
. Certain guys are sensitive to estrogen and hold lots of water and get moon face. I have never had a problem with water retention. Some people believe that anti e's decrease the effects of aas.What about water retention? I'd imagine you'd be a balloon on 2g+ test and no AI.
. Certain guys are sensitive to estrogen and hold lots of water and get moon face. I have never had a problem with water retention. Some people believe that anti e's decrease the effects of aas.
People believe a lot of what is written here but miss out one thing. Genetics, every pro says it and most forum posters too. A huge part of BB is genetics. There (OP included) bodies deal with huge doses with ease and respond very well to AAS. If we all handled it as well there would be many more huge ripped guys around.
I listed my prestack above, I don't do cardio, before a show I eat 3500-5000calories. My body fat never goes about 8%.
10iu gh post workout in the off season, and precontest I do 10iu post workout and 5iu at bedtime.
It's my pleasure. You know the only thing I use is Pinnacle. If it wasn't for JB helping me out, I could never afford what it takes to get to this level.
I use to run 2.5g test plus other stuff, but I stayed so tired all the time, both mentally and physically. I found that cutting the doses back, I feel much better. I hate running tren because it makes me feel agitated and shitty all the time, but I do it because I need the fat burn and hardening effect. I don't drink because I'm a mean ass drunk and it's not cool to have a 300lb douchbag acting a fool. As far as stress, I use kratom to chill me out.
Helooo sir
i want to ask one thing about my next cycle, how to use gh with sust and deca cycle...i am complete new to gh so please tell me the correct way to use of gh.
And i want to tel you one thing you are really cool person while giving answers to every question seriously great sir
Never taken a day off? Interesting. What do you think about over training? Better yet, say your arms are lacking and you need to do everything you can to make them grow. How often and hard would you train them (on a sick stack of AAS of course)?
12 cc's daily SEO? Goddamn man, How quick does that breakdown and leave the site for you? How do you space the shots?
Does taking a test only cycle allow you to work on the same muscle group everyday? My friend is doing chest EVERYDAY and says he feels fine because of his test E. Also, this probably sounds dumb, but is your site legit? It is the site I want to order from lol