I think I could maintain on 500mg test and that's exactly what I do for a month at a time. I've found that if I take over 4 grams, I get sick. Lately I've been at 2.5g and getting great results. I sweat real bad when I get hot, which is usually at night, but I'm not one of those guys who sweat profusely all the time. I don;'t have any acne probs, and no anxiety to speak of. When I'm prepping for a contest at 3 weeks out, I start feeling shitty. Just overall state of being isn't good. It's one of the reasons a lot of guys take amphetamines and narcotics. As far a hair, it's grown back a lot in the last 3 months after stopping mast. Thanks for all the cool questions.Great thread, thanks for sharing man!
(Rough estimate) what's the lowest you think you could run test at to maintain (or keep 90%ish). For example, I heard from a personal friend of Lobliner that he cruises at 250/wk and can maintain there, do you think that would be possible as a SuperHW?
How do you find the sides in general at the higher dosages, compared to lower? I noticed you already answered for hair loss, but what about anxiety/sleep/sweats/acne etc?
Why thankyou.Great post!
Silly question, but what is your protocol on blood donation? RBC count and hemocrit can be a concern during lighter cycles. With heavier cycles I would think it would be something you'd have to take care of every few weeks.
I don't give blood. Except maybe if I get a bad shot and its shoots out everywhere.
I used them off abd on for a year because I was sponsored by a major peptide company. Of which I used lr3 igf the most. Honestly, I just don't if I gained anything or not from it. I tried the cjc ghrp combo and it seemed to make you feel pumped and put on some water weight, but I also don't know if It did anything.. To this day I use ghrp6 when I'm not hungry or sic just to stimulate my appetite. With the peps, you need constantly be pinning all day long, and that's just a pain in the ass. I actually like creatine way better for gains over peps.What do you think of peptides for stimulating your own bodys GH?
I did a 2 month cycle when I was 19 and went from 200-225. I didn;'t do my 2nd cycle til was maybe 28, when I was about 260natural at 22% bf maybe.Pinnhead, What age were you when you first started using gear?
I've never given blood either on cycle. Do you do something else to deal with high RBC count, or is it even a concern?
Any reason in particular you didn't continue to cycle until you were 28?
I know I'm overtraining if I get hurt. I do like lots of volume, as I feel it's best for both taller guys and older ones too.Tempe sure does have some great 'scenery'
You seem to employ a higher volume style training. What's your body type? Ecto meso ect?... How often do you run into overtraining? I find when I'm not growing, the two answers are almost always I'm not eating enough or I'm overtraing, or some combo of the two...
I totally disagree. When you put eq in to your muscle, do you think it just sits there? No it gets in your blood and starts working. Same with test, the day you shoot any kind of test, it will start working..Enanthate has a longer half life, but it still starts doing its job from day 1.PinnHead what is your opinion on frontloading to get things going a bit quicker? Lets take EQ for example. It takes ages to kick in. If you do front load, how do you do it?
I'm 6'3PinnHead, how tall are you?
I know I'm overtraining if I get hurt. I do like lots of volume, as I feel it's best for both taller guys and older ones too.
I totally disagree. When you put eq in to your muscle, do you think it just sits there? No it gets in your blood and starts working. Same with test, the day you shoot any kind of test, it will start working..Enanthate has a longer half life, but it still starts doing its job from day 1.
I'm 6'3
Never been told it was a problem.
Do you think insulin can be used without HGH or peptides without getting fat?