need big arms

gator_mclusky said:
Looks like theyre growin as fast as they can from the stretch marks across em Take ur time mang. I know its hard to.

Since when does strech marks tell that you are growing as fast as you can??

Shit im tired of ppl saying they grow so fast that they get strech marks.. its youre SKIN that is weak nothing else.
Insane_Man said:
Dude you already have big arms. If you're only 150lb then I think you might need to start working on your legs and back more.

I was wondering when somebody would mention that he might want to think about wheels if he's that height with 17"'ers and weighs that little.
peanut said:
Here is a pic of my arms I am wondering what I can do to make them bigger...

Nice guns bro, I was amazed when you said they were only 17inchs! they look bigger! you do straight bar curls? Im sure ya advantage of being short, from what I understand our short arms look and grow bigger faster then a long armed/muscled persons.... although I understand their's will get bigger then a short arms persons ever will..... know if this is fact?....NM I just Dlove answered that...
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therev said:
Nice guns bro, I was amazed when you said they were only 17inchs! they look bigger! you do straight bar curls? Im sure ya advantage of being short, from what I understand our short arms look and grow bigger faster then a long armed/muscled persons.... although I understand their's will get bigger then a short arms persons ever will..... know if this is fact?....NM I just Dlove answered that...

You are correct sir. Longer arms are harder to get bigger. Im 6 4 and have had a hell of a time gettin my arms near 19. I used to workout with quys 5 8 5 9 had no prblem gettin 19's with shit diet and shit training.
they are big bro ghee how big do you wan them at a hight of 5'6" im 5'6" and with gear had like 18inch arms man and I thought they were too big for me at a weight of 195lbs myself now im down to like 16inch arms at 165lbs. You must have a lot of upper body mass as opposed to leg mass to be at 150lbs. Great pics man........
I may some of the smallest legs into comparison with my upper body ever. i need to get some pics goin up there. i think i was closer to 160 in that pic but now im down to high 140's because i just got the flu and currently recovering. I think i may stay around 150 and keep my body fat low for the summer and concentrate on gaining leg mass until i even out my current body.
It's true he looks like an upside down pack of cigarettes with two cigs hanging out halfway. Ok maybe not. But he is lying about the weight. He's around 153-ish. Don't let him lie to you. And he didn't have the flu, just a nasty case of the crabbies from some strippers and ended up throwing up a lot after.

Peanut tboost looks pretty thick man so u should take it back what u said about him cause he looks like he might be bigger than u. On the other hand u look more cut
Naam, I never said anything derogatory about tboost, if you read through my threads other people talk about him...not me.Tboost said he weighed 195 so i would assume that he is bigger then me. Again, thanks for your comments.
you want 21s , heres how to get them.

syncronize your bicep and tricpes together , meaning 1 set of bis then 1 set of tris , reps 8-12 rest only for 2mins tops inbetween , the goal here is to reach a maximum pump expanding facia (high blood volume) yet heavy ass weight .

my arms went from 17.5 to 21 using this method.
Damn all these posts and still not the right answer. you know how your arms grow? well besides eatin like a racehorse. HEAVY BACK WORK. The more your lats come out the more size that will go to your arms. You gotta pull heavy weight no-way around it. I used to devote a seperate day to arms and balst em it got me no where. Started pullin heavy squattin deep, benchin low rep and weighted dips my arms went to 19's from 18's in less then a yr.
I have been doing what vander just suggested for a while and it works ok for me, but recently changed to a 2 day a week arm work with better progress and pumps, My arms would recover in around 72 hrs so I figured I'd hit them again rather than letting them sit for 3 days with not fatigue. good luck
hey bad MF, do u think u can right me out what work out you do for your arms and what days you do it on because i have been slackin a lil bit on my work outs and have been lookin for something new to get me back on track. Thanks again for your imput.
peanut, sure here it goes, Its late so ill do my best since im tired...

First, if possible find someone with bigger and more defined arms than you and setup a schedule to workout arms with them EVERY arm workout.. I have done this recently and it motivates the hell outta me, In about a month or two I might have to find someone to replace him :)

Here is an example of what vander suggested, I'm sure he might have something to add considering his arms are inches bigger than mine.

Set 1 Bi's: Standing barbell curls, 4 sets one warmup, 3 heavy but perfect form 6-10 reps with spot. Good squeeze and slow negative on everyset

Jump to Tri's Set 1: Skull Crushers, 4 sets Same thing as Bi's heavy but good form on Every rep, if you don't need a spot by number 10 then you are not lifting enough, thats why he is there remember.

Set 2 Bi's: Dumbell Curls, seated or standing, 4 sets, same thing, have to have spot on these to get full effect.

Set 2 Tri's: Seated over the head presses ? Not sure of name but Sit with arms straight up with dumbell over head and keep elbows parrellel. anyway 4 Sets, same thing

3 Bis: Preacher Curls Barbell, 3 Sets

3 Tri's: Cable push downs 3 Sets

4 Bis: either hammer curls standing 3 sets or reverse curls, or incline bench curls. something that will isolate whatever part of your arm you think is lacking

4 Tris: Kickbacks 3 sets or something isolating tri.

anyway you get the idea, if your not sore after something like this then I dont know what to say, maybe your not getting the same intensity out of your workout than i am.. but try this and grow

I would suggest 4 - 6 weeks minimum, I'm doing this twice a week right now for my second week, fun stuff

Anyone feel free to critique this workout, or offer other suggestions
Bad Mf, Thanks for the arm workout. I'm def goin to try that out starting next week, but do you think that you can just let me know how you are able to fit in arms twice a week. Maybe you can just post your traning week such as a monday through friday of what body parts you do but no exercises. Sorry to be such a pain in the ass.
Vander V said:
you want 21s , heres how to get them.

syncronize your bicep and tricpes together , meaning 1 set of bis then 1 set of tris , reps 8-12 rest only for 2mins tops inbetween , the goal here is to reach a maximum pump expanding facia (high blood volume) yet heavy ass weight .

my arms went from 17.5 to 21 using this method.

I usually don't devote a day to arms cause of heavy compound exercises during the week. I went a litttle lighter on leg's today and decided to try the syncronization of bi's and tri's.

Best arm workout I ever had! My arms were looking swollen and felt crazy pumped. I did 3 sets of incline pressdown's, 3 sets of preacher curls alternating one set pressdown rest 1 minute then hit curls rest back to pressdowns. I might have over did it cause I then alternated skull crushers with DB concentration curls. Kept the rep's 8-12.

peanut, no prob. I'll sum it up real quick

First your gotta give a little to get a little. If your gonna work arms twice a week, prepare to leave out something that week.. Sometimes I leave out shoulders, since they seem to be a more dominating part of my body.

Now I only do this 2 day a week arm routine every other week. Otherwise it's once a week so I can fit in my shoulder day. But I have been doing a 5-6 day a week routine for about 10 weeks now and Feel overtrained, so I'm going to try starting next week a 3-4 day routine for like 4 weeks, to help with overall recovery etc etc...

anyway, Ill do two weeks so you can get an idea of what its like, it changes depending on my mood that week.

Mon:Quads, calves, bi's ----- Mon: Quads, calves
Tues: Chest, abs, forarms -----Tues: Chest, light tri's
Wed: Back, Tri's, Traps ------- Wed: Back, light bi's
Thurs: Hams, calves -------- Thurs: hams, calves
Fri: Bi's, Tri's, abs --------- Fri: Arms
Sat: Off, or Shoulders ----------- Sat: off
Sun: Off --------------- Sun: off

Hope this helps, It's hard to put up a workout routine, I change it up every couple weeks. If you don't try new things, you won't know what your body reacts too. good luck
Bad MF, i have made myself a new routine which pretty much follows the one you have written out for me. I like how you split everything up during the week without overtraining your muscle groups. I did quads and calves today and started to front squat and only used 225 for sets of 10 since i have to get use to doing them...i know that is piss poor...Thanks again for the workout routine and the advice was def appreciated