Transdermal Transformation

Day 9: 8/24/11 Back

1 AgeForce Testo100 Patch
1 AgeForce Pre/post workout Patch
5 pumps RS Transaderm (post workout)
2 pumps AgeForce Muscle Recovery Gel (2 post workout)
20 pumps Taurus 7-KE (10 AM and 10 PM)
4 scoops Aromatase inhibitor (AI) RecoverPro (2 intra, 2 post)
3 scoops Jacked

135 x 10
225 x 10
315 x 10
405 x 5
455 x 3
495 x 1
405 x 5
405 x 5
315 x 12

One Arm DB Row
100 x 12 (5 sets)

Rear Delt Row
110 x 10
130 x 10
150 x 10

CG Pull Down
140 x 12
160 x 10
180 x 10

EZ Bar Curls
95 x 12 (8 sets)

Preacher Curls
75 x 10 (5 sets)

I had a good time with the Deadlifts today! I was going to keep going up in weight, but on the 495 I started feeling tight in my glute/hamstring area. I've pulled my hammy before and it was not fun, so I decided to back off and do some reps at 405. No problems what-so-ever and it felt really nice!

One notable thing is this is the first time I've been able to get back to preacher curls in about 6 months! My wrist has been messed up since the start of the year and I had to be careful with how it's positioned, etc. Preacher curls were absolutely too painful to do, so I've laid off. Well, my shoulder and wrist are healing very well now and I was able to do 5 sets with no pain in my wrist! It's great to feel like you're finally healed and becoming hole! I can't wait for my shoulder to get better to start pressing again for real!

Supplements, the Pre/post patch and Testo Patch fell off at the gym today which kinda bothered me. I had them on my forearms, but I guess I was sweating pretty good on the DLs because the Testo patch (put on last night) fell off completely, while the pre/post workout was slip/sliding all over. I may need a different strategy on placement. The top of my foot seems to be the most secure and least noticeable, so I may be doing all my patches on my feet, LOL! I saved the pre/post patch and put it on my foot after the shower so I can get all the post workout goodies in there.

Transaderm is still doing great. I put a pump on my sack yesterday and it was not to my liking really. I have a high body temperature naturally, so any sort of lotion/cream down there makes me sweat. Well, the Transaderm was giving me swamp balls last night, so I'll be keeping the doses to my chest/shoulders for the remainder.

Other than that, things keep plugging along! Sleeping well (though not enough), eating lots, and lifting more each week! Love it!
Day 10: 8/25/11 Chest & Hamstring

1 AgeForce PowerPatch

1 AgeForce Testo100 Patch
1 AgeForce Pre/post workout Patch
5 pumps RS Transaderm
2 pumps AgeForce Muscle Recovery Gel (2 post workout)
20 pumps Taurus 7-KE (10 AM and 10 PM)
4 scoops Aromatase inhibitor (AI) RecoverPro (2 intra, 2 post)
3 scoops Jacked

Incline DB Bench Press
45 x 20
70 x 15
80 x 12
90 x 10
95 x 8
100 x 6

Incline Flys
35 x 12
40 x 12
45 x 12
50 x 12
55 x 12
60 x 10

Pec Dec
170 x 12
190 x 12
210 x 12

Leg Curls
130 x 15
150 x 15
160 x 15
170 x 15
180 x 15
180 x 15

Good Mornings
135 x 10
155 x 10
155 x 10
155 x 10
155 x 10
185 x 10

bw x 10 (3 sets)

Tricep Rope Extension
50 x 15 (15 sets)

Felt good and pumped in my chest. My hammies/glutes were fried from the last couple days of squats and deadlifts, so I took it relatively easy on them. I did everything as supersets with 1 chest and 1 hamstring exercise back/forth. Actually, I do this with all my workouts I just never really note it (looks too confusing on the screen). I did the Tricep rope extension between sets on a few of the exercises just to give my body a little break and also to get a good pump in my triceps too.

I used the HGH PowerPatch again last night, this time on my forearm, and to be honest I didn't feel much and didn't sleep great either. I don't know what it was, just not a great night on them. I moved the patch to my foot after my shower, and later in the day I'm noticing more of the tingly/swollen feeling again in that left leg. Really, really odd! I honestly don't know what to make of this.

The Testo100 patch I can't tell much on yet. I have noticed libido is picking up a little, though not much. I figured the stack of Testo100 with Transaderm would be good since Transaderm would increase total test while Testo100 would inhibit aromatase and free up test (stinging nettle root and 6-oxo). I've only been using it a few days, so hard to tell just yet. I feel a bit more energized in the evening which for me is a sign my test levels are increasing. I'm still withholding judgment though.

The pre/post workout patch I cannot feel it doing much of anything. I don't respond well to "pump" products though. Maybe I'll try putting on 2 patches, LOL! I'm seriously looking kinda funny with the number of patches I wear!!!

The AgeForce jewel IMO, however, is the Muscle Recovery Gel, that stuff feels really good. My wife, who abhors supplements, has stolen my bottle and won't give it back to me! If it works on her, it'll work on anyone I think! LOL!

I'm out of Jacked now, so I'll be switching to N2KTS Green Apple.
Day 11: 8/26/11 Shoulders & Arms

1 AgeForce Testo100 Patch
2 AgeForce Pre/post workout Patches
5 pumps RS Transaderm (postworkout)
2 pumps AgeForce Muscle Recovery Gel (2 post workout)
20 pumps Taurus 7-KE (10 AM and 10 PM)
4 scoops Aromatase inhibitor (AI) RecoverPro (2 intra, 2 post)
1.5 scoops N2KTS

Seated DB Military Press
40 x 20
50 x 15
60 x 15
70 x 12
80 x 9
85 x 5

Upright Row
95 x 12
95 x 12
105 x 12
105 x 12
115 x 10
115 x 10

Cable Side Lateral Raise
12.5 x 10
15 x 10
17.5 x 10
20 x 10
22.5 x 8

Reverse Grip EZ Bar Curls
75 x 12
75 x 12
85 x 12
85 x 10
85 x 10

Cross Body Hammer Curls
35 x 10 (6 sets)

Rope Cable Hammer Curl
50 x 12 (5 sets)

One Arm DB Overhead Extension
30 x 12
35 x 12
40 x 10
45 x 10
45 x 8

CG Smith Machine Bench Press
110 x 15
160 x 12
160 x 12
180 x 7
180 x 7
180 x 6

Rope Overhead Extension
50 x 12 (5 sets)

Decent shoulder workout today, the military presses felt good given my gimpy shoulder. Wrist was bothering me a little bit too, but not enough to change up my plans. It's been a while since I've done heavier DB Militaries, so it was nice to see my shoulders working again!

Overall though I don't feel like my arms were overly fatigued. This is constantly a problem with my arms, I work very hard at the gym (out of breath, dripping sweat, etc.) but my arms never really feel spent when I leave or anytime afterwards. I want that dull soreness so I know I pushed my arms as hard as they could go. I go to failure on my lifts, but those suckers just won't talk back! I guess if they grow that's okay, but I miss the feeling of it and wonder whether they're going to grow or not.

Supplements today, I tried 2 Pre/Post workout patches, one on each forearm. I wanted to see what "double dosing" was like. Well, I didn't notice much anything to be honest. I'm not noticing a whole lot from them at all unless they're increasing my endurance without me realizing it (possible) or improving my recovery. I may try taking some time off of them and see how my body reacts.

I ran out of Jacked so I'm using up the rest of a N2KTS tub I have. I started at 1.5 scoops, but I think I'll bump up to 2 scoops.

The rest is still chugging along, nothing else major/new to report on today.
Day 12-13: off

Day 14: 8/29/11 Chest & Tricep

1 AgeForce Testo100 Patch
1 AgeForce Pre/post workout Patch
5 pumps RS Transaderm (postworkout)
2 pumps AgeForce Muscle Recovery Gel (2 post workout)
20 pumps Taurus 7-KE (10 AM and 10 PM)
4 scoops Aromatase inhibitor (AI) RecoverPro (2 intra, 2 post)
2 scoops N2KTS

Flat DB Bench Press
50 x 20
75 x 15
85 x 12
95 x 10
100 x 6
100 x 6

Incline BB Bench Press
135 x 15
155 x 12
185 x 10
205 x 8
225 x 5

bw x 15
+25 x 15
+45 x 10
+45 x 9
+45 x 8
+45 x 6

Cable Chest Press Machine 21's
35 x 21
45 x 21
50 x 21
55 x 21
60 x 19

Pec Dec
210 x 8 (7 sets FST)

Tricep Rope Press Down
50 x 15 (6 sets)

Skull Crusher
75 x 12
95 x 12
105 x 10
105 x 10
105 x 9

Underhand One Arm Tricep Press Down
15 x 12
17.5 x 12
20 x 12
22.5 x 12
25 x 10

One Arm Cable Kickback
15 x 15
20 x 15
25 x 12
25 x 12
25 x 12

Good chest/tricep workout, very good pump throughout. I felt very swollen in the chest area to begin with, then triceps started getting really pumped too. Shoulder was a little bit of a nuisance, but better than previously and not bad enough to prevent the workout. Still not 100% though.

I took the weekend off from all supplements (other than staples) and got back into the patches/sprays today. I can feel the energy boost from Transaderm, that's noticeable. The Testo100 Patch and Pre/Post Workout Patches aren't too noticeable to me honestly. I don't know what's at fault here. The N2KTS got me going and ready for a great workout. All in all, enjoying the stack.

I'll be using another HGH PowerPatch tonight, applying it to my left foot. I have heard inner thigh works pretty well, but with tomorrow being leg/squat day I don't want to risk it falling off or being uncomfortable during squats.

I feel like I'm looking pretty good in the mirror, skin is getting thinner and striations/veins are coming out a bit more. I think I need to work my lower abs and obliques some, I've laid off all ab work lately...
Day 15: 8/30/11 Quads

1 AgeForce HGH PowerPatch
1 AgeForce Testo100 Patch
5 pumps RS Transaderm (postworkout)
4 pumps AgeForce Muscle Recovery Gel (2 post workout to each leg)
20 pumps Taurus 7-KE (10 AM and 10 PM)
4 scoops Aromatase inhibitor (AI) RecoverPro (2 intra, 2 post)
2 scoops N2KTS

110 x 10
200 x 10
290 x 10
315 x 10
365 x 5
385 x 5
405 x 3
315 x 10
335 x 8
355 x 6

Leg Press / Calf Press
450 x 15
540 x 15
630 x 15
720 x 15
810 x 8

While it doesn't look like much, my legs were TOAST after this. The squats were feeling good with incredible pumps, but VERY draining. I was dripping sweat throughout, soaked my shirt and everything. I was taking long breaks between sets though to help get me ready. I hit some PRs on volume (405 x 3) and overall felt strong. Legs were looking good too afterwards, so I'm excited about that. Leg presses were okay, totally finished off quads by the end. I was having a hard time making it up stairs afterwards!

I used an HGH PowerPatch last night and had very vivid dreams again, and my sleep was VERY deep. I never sleep through my alarm, but it took a couple rings to bring me out of it. I'm usually up before my alarm, and the slightest vibration will totally awaken me if I'm not up yet, but that wasn't the case today. I'm feeling slight tingling/swelling in my left leg today too.

I started back up with the Testo100 patches yesterday (5 days on, 2 off). Libido has been increasing, but that may be due entirely to the Transaderm. Not entirely sure, but both libido and energy are signs for me that something is at work (especially the energy, I can tell every time I take a T-Booster that works for me).

I didn't use a pre/post workout patch today. I ended up feeling beat and tired during/after the workout. May be all mental, but perhaps it was doing something that I couldn't "feel" to help endurance? I'm not sure, but I'll try a few more days without it before going back on them to test it out.

So far Transaderm is a champ product, love the drying time and easy application, and I feel it's having the desired effects. I'm looking forward to getting some more bottles of this!
Day 16: 8/31/11 Back & Biceps

1 AgeForce Testo100 Patch
5 pumps RS Transaderm (postworkout)
1 pump AgeForce Muscle Recovery Gel (post workout)
20 pumps Taurus 7-KE (10 AM and 10 PM)
4 scoops Aromatase inhibitor (AI) RecoverPro (2 intra, 2 post)
2 scoops N2KTS

WG Pull-ups
bw x 10
+10 x 10
+25 x 10
+35 x 7
+45 x 5

CG/NG Pull-Up
+25 x 10
+35 x 10
+45 x 8
+35 x 10
+25 x 10

Bent Over BB Smith Rows
110 x 10
200 x 10
220 x 10
240 x 10
250 x 10
270 x 10
290 x 8

One Arm Smith Machine Rows
110 x 10
130 x 10
150 x 10
160 x 10
170 x 8

290 x 10
380 x 10
470 x 10
520 x 10
560 x 10

Preacher Curls
75 x 12
85 x 10
95 x 10
100 x 10
100 x 8
100 x 7
100 x 5
95 x 8

Good back workout, pull-ups didn't feel great, but the rows and shrugs felt much better. My arms were very pumped too, pretty good considering I only did 1 bicep specific exercise at the end. There was a dull pain in my right bicep, not sure what that was all about.

Everything else seems to be going fine. Nothing out of the ordinary today.
Day 17: off

Day 18: 9/1/11 Chest & Triceps

1 AgeForce Testo100 Patch
5 pumps RS transaderm (postworkout)
2 pump AgeForce Muscle Recovery Gel (post workout)
20 pumps Taurus 7-KE (10 AM and 10 PM)
4 scoops Aromatase inhibitor (AI) RecoverPro (2 intra, 2 post)
2 scoops N2KTS

Incline BB Bench Press
135 x 20
185 x 12
205 x 10
225 x 5
235 x 3
205 x 8

Decline BB Bench Press
135 x 12
185 x 8-10 (4 sets)

bw x 15
+25 x 15
+45 x 8-10 (4 sets)

High Cable Cross Over
35 x 12
42.5 x 10
45 x 10
50 x 10

PecDec Flys - FST-7 Style
220 x 8 (4 sets)
210 x 6-8 (3 sets)

Cable Rope Push Down
70 x 12 (5 sets)

Overhead Tricep Extension Cable
50 x 12 (5 sets)

Face Pulls
30 x 12
40 x 12
50 x 12
60 x 12
70 x 12

Arms were SORE as all get out by the time I got to cable cross-overs. The tricep pushdowns got a great pump going, and the dips just killed me. By the time I got to doing my 5th set of Crossovers, I couldn't get the weights started my triceps were so burnt out!

Chest got a good workout too. The incline presses felt good, but shoulder would act up when I got too deep on the ROM. I had to keep upper arms to parallel at the bottom of the lift, below that it didn't feel good. After the FST-7, my chest was pumped up and SOLID! It felt really good to be so pumped up like that!

I used my last dose of N2KTS, so now I'll be moving on to some APS Mesomorph I have left over. I'm just trying to clear out some of the open pre-workouts I've been storing, LOL!

I used the PowerPatch yesterday, but didn't make it to the gym. I didn't feel very much, but I went to bed at 1AM which is late for me. I woke at 4AM (3hrs later) and felt ready to go, but my normal wake up time is 5AM so I went back to bed. Well, my son decided to get up just before 5AM so I was unable to get out of the house in time for my morning workout. Oh well, I think my shoulder needed some rest anyway.

That was my first pack of PowerPatches. To be honest, I'm not sure what they are doing, but the effects are not pronounced. Some days I feel it more than others in terms of sleep/dreams/tingling/swelling, but I haven't noticed any drastic changes over the last 3 weeks of using it. I have 2 more packs to use, so we'll see how 9 weeks will treat me. I'm hoping to increase weight/size/strength while maintaining relative leanness.

The Testo100 patch doesn't seem to do much more than what Transaderm would seem to give me alone. I'm hoping with the ingredients it would help free up bound test and for Aromatase inhibitor (AI) control, and so far I haven't had any real bloating, so maybe it's doing something but it is not very noticeable to me yet.

I've laid off the Pre/post workout patches to see how I feel when I go back to using them. I'll restart that next week to see how it goes.

Transaderm is still doing great, easy to apply and I can feel an increase in test levels by way of increased energy and libido.

I'll be heading down to VA Beach this weekend, my wife is running a half-marathon there. It should be good, and some time away since her parents came into town to watch the house/grandson.
Day 19-22: off / half-marathon on day 21

Day 23: 9/1/11 Chest & Triceps

5 pumps RS transaderm (postworkout)
2 pump AgeForce Muscle Recovery Gel (post workout)
20 pumps Taurus 7-KE (10 AM and 10 PM)
4 scoops Aromatase inhibitor (AI) RecoverPro (2 intra, 2 post)
1 scoop APS Mesomorph

Flat BB Bench Press
135 x 20
185 x 15
205 x 12
225 x 8
225 x 5
225 x 4
185 x 10

Incline DB Bench Press
65 x 10
75 x 10
80 x 10
85 x 8
90 x 5

bw x 15
+25 x 15
+45 x 8
+45 x 7
+45 x 9

Low Pulley Cable Cross-Over
25 x 10
30 x 10
35 x 10
40 x 10
40 x 9

PecDec (FST-7)
220 x 6-8 (7 sets, 30 second rest between sets)

Tricep Press Down
60 x 15 (5 sets)

Overhead Tricep Extension
40 x 10
60 x 10
65 x 10
70 x 10
75 x 8

It was nice to have the long weekend off, took a trip to VA Beach with my wife and ended up running a half-marathon with her. It was pretty fun, they had bands every mile. It was my first half, but I'm not expecting to make a habit of it, just too much damage to my knees!

Tuesday morning workout was nice, hit chest up and got a great pump going. My shoulder seems to be doing much better, I had a lot less pain on the pressing moves, so that was VERY nice! I hope they continue to improve at this rate!

I haven't been using patches for a while now, I'll start them back up today. I want to be able to judge their impact, and figured this would be another way to experiment.

Transaderm is treating me very well IMO, energy/confidence/attitude are all up the way I know my test levels are increasing. I cannot stress how easy it is to apply Transaderm, and the number of servings you get. I just ordered 2 more bottles, LOL!

My 7-KE seems to be doing pretty well keeping me lean during all of this. The bottle is running a bit low right now, but I've been using quite a few sprays in excess of the standard dosing. I don't know how prominent the results would be since I'm not in a caloric deficit, but anything that can help keep cortisol in control during the morning and evening time where I'm fasting is welcome!

Making good progress, but I feel my gains are not what they should be. I'll have to weigh in and measure to see how things are going...
Day 24: 9/7/11 Back & Biceps

1 AgeForce Testo100 Patch
1 AgeForce PowerPatch

5 pumps RS transaderm (postworkout)
2 pump AgeForce Muscle Recovery Gel (post workout)
20 pumps Taurus 7-KE (10 AM and 10 PM)
4 scoops Aromatase inhibitor (AI) RecoverPro (2 intra, 2 post)
1 scoop APS Mesomorph

WG Pull Ups
bw x 10
+10 x 10
+25 x 10
+45 x 7
+45 x 6

NG Pull Ups
+45 x 7 (5 sets)

Smith Machine Rows
110 x 10
200 x 10
250 x 10
270 x 10
290 x 8

Shrugs (starting with a Deadlift)
380 x 10
470 x 10
470 x 10
470 x 10
490 x 10

Low Pulley Cable Row (FST-7)
220 x 8 (7 sets, 30 second rest)

One Arm Cable Curl
25 x 10 (8 sets)

Hammer bar Curl
75 x 10
85 x 8 (4 sets)

Incline DB Curl
35 x 10 (5 sets)

Great back workout, between the pullups, rows and shrugs (with DLs) I got a great workout in for my back. It feels nice and tight, good contractions and working with heavier weights. Bicep workout was just okay though, I really think I need to find some new high-intensity types of lifts for biceps. I work them hard and to failure, but those things have a hard time getting sore and growing!

PowerPatch was used last night, I slept REALLY deep. I woke twice, but no problem falling back asleep and I was feeling great both times I woke and eventually when I got up for good. Vivid dreams too, not the most vivid ever, but much more so than baseline.

Testo100 seems to give me a little extra "kick" with my Transaderm, or at least this morning it had that kind of feeling. Pairing the 2 helps my aggression in the gym, or today it did, depending possibly on other factors.

Transaderm continues to ROCK! I'm enjoying the feeling of being on it very much.

7-KE seems to be doing fine, nothing too noticeable. Midsection was looking good in the mirror post workout, so I'm staying pretty lean during all of this.
Day 25: 9/8/11 Shoulders & Arms

1 AgeForce Testo100 Patch
5 pumps RS transaderm (postworkout)
2 pump AgeForce Muscle Recovery Gel (post workout)
20 pumps Taurus 7-KE (10 AM and 10 PM)
4 scoops Aromatase inhibitor (AI) RecoverPro (2 intra, 2 post)
1 scoop APS Mesomorph

Seated DB Military Press
40 x 12
50 x 10
60 x 10
70 x 10
80 x 9
85 x 5

Fat Grip Scott Curls (Reverse Grip Preacher Curls)
45-75 x 10 (8 sets)

Fat Grip CG Decline Bench Press
135 x 10
135 x 10
155 x 10 (6 sets)

Seated DB Curls
40 x 10 (4 sets)

bw x 10 (4 sets)

Face Pulls
40 x 10
50 x 10
60 x 10
70 x 10
80 x 10

DB Side Laterals
20 x 10
25 x 10
30 x 10
30 x 10
30 x 10

Cable Front Raise
10 x 10 (4 sets)
12.5 x 10

Brought out the fat gripz and worked some arms. The shoulder presses felt really good, I haven't been able to go heavy in a while. Everything else was "okay", pumps weren't too special or anything either. I don't particularly care for the Scott Curls or CG Decline Presses, so I don't think I'll be doing a lot of those. I'm still trying to find a good and effective arm routine...

Supplements are going well, staying lean and strong. Nothing out of the ordinary today.
Day 26: 9/9/11 Chest & Hamstring

1 AgeForce Testo100 Patch
1 AgeForce PowerPatch
5 pumps RS transaderm (postworkout)
2 pump AgeForce Muscle Recovery Gel (post workout)
20 pumps Taurus 7-KE (10 AM and 10 PM)
4 scoops Aromatase inhibitor (AI) RecoverPro (2 intra, 2 post)
1 scoop APS Mesomorph

Incline BB Bench Press
135 x 20
185 x 12
205 x 8
225 x 6
225 x 7
225 x 4

Flat DB Bench Press
80 x 10
85 x 10
90 x 10
95 x 8
100 x 5

+45 x 10 (5 sets)

Straight Leg DB DLs
80 x 10
85 x 10
90 x 10
95 x 10
100 x 10

Seated Leg Curl
130 x 12
150 x 12
170 x 12
190 x 10
210 x 8

Quick workout today, not much time. I didn't get a very good pump today at all, I didn't have time for flys or FST-7 work. I felt pretty good on the presses, and the leg curls, but overall a mediocre workout.

I slept really deep last night as well with the PowerPatch. I don't recall extra vivid dreams though. Leg is feeling a little "different" today, sllightly "swollen" type of feel. I'm 8 patches in so far IIRC.

Things I noticed today were my delts were looking very big and striated doing dips. My forearms and delts are very vascular too. Chest development seems to be improving as well, getting more of a "ridge" between my pecs which is cool. Overall development is going very well!
Definitely one of the most detailed journals I have ever seen. And the numbers are nice as well brotha.

Its all looking pretty damn good
very detailed journal, and very easy to follow. I am curious to see what you think about these now nearly two months later...