Neighbors thought we were having sex


I am banned!
So, just recently I explained to my fiance about testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and what it does for me, etc... At first she had the typical "wait, you use steroids?" response. But after a semi-intense discussion and a little be of education, she seems to have realized that this has a definite place in my life.

So, yesterday was pin day for me. And I called down to her and told her to come upstairs. I figured it would be good for her to see what it is I do. So I sat down at my desk, pulled out a pin and prepped for injection. The entire time she is kind of watching in amazement/horror at the needle (1.5, 25g). After prepping, I jab that MF'er into my quad (I don't mind quad injections) and half-shout "OH YEAHHHH!" like to kool-aid man.

She just kind of jumped and says, "oh... OH! OH! OH GOD IT'S IN SO DEEP! OH! WHY IS IT IN SO DEEP?" Then, before she knew it, it was over and I was pulling the pin out.

I was bleeding a little bit so I took an alcohol swab and was rubbing the leg and said "if you rub it, it won't really hurt the next day."

Well, about 5 minutes later I went outside and saw my two neighbors sitting outside. Both of them kind of looked at me and gave me the universal man-signal for "YEAH BUDDY, YOU JUST GOT LAID." Took me a second to figure out why they were giving me the gesture, then it hit me... LOL!

Haha, Nice. I can only imagine what they were thinking after hearing your "if you rub it, it won't really hurt the next day" line.
Lmfao! Hahaha spongy thats funny. Its deep deep inside. Lol they must be used to your quicky's JP man!
You know how PB gets all worked up over any thread with sex in it!!

At least the fiance is a good sport about it!
Hahahah thats funny! So she`s cool with it then?

She's cool with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), she understands that it's a medically accepted treatment for low testosterone. Keep in mind I'm on legit, doctor prescribed TRT. If I was, say, self TRT'ing using UGL's, she would probably feel differently.

Basically, I let her into a small portion of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and allow her to accept that as fact. The other aspects... well, let's just say she thinks my bottles that say Anavar on them are just another supplement I happened to pick up from the local supplement shop.

It's a fine line. Some of the guys (and girls) on here are cool enough to have spouses or partners that are totally accepting of the lifestyle. Other's (like mine) need to be SLOWLY introduced to it. And still others, need to be completely kept in the dark. Which is not ideal or entirely possible for the duration.
She just kind of jumped and says, "oh... OH! OH! OH GOD IT'S IN SO DEEP! OH! WHY IS IT IN SO DEEP?" Then, before she knew it, it was over and I was pulling the pin out.

Talking about my sex life on here Bro?