New Cycle, First Time Making A Log

Hey Milk-man;

It's lookin good - glad to hear you've lost 6 lbs of fat - that must feel pretty good - I am sure the Winstrol (winny) will help with the cut - has the acne quieted down? I didn't have much of that when I tried oral Winstrol (winny). I did read that you should take some milk thistle for your liver with the Winstrol (winny) - it's pretty cheap - seems worth it. Good luck bro!
BTW what size pin did you use for the bi's? length? What the size of your guns atm?

I'm not a big believer that steroids actually help with burning fat, but they most definitely help with muscle retention, so the Winstrol (winny) does help with that. I like the Winstrol (winny) alot for the harder look it gives me, but the acne does kinda suck. It has cleared for the most part, but not completely.

Milk Thistle is always a must when running an oral, but I actually use it throughout my cycle the whole time.

I used a 27g 1/2" pin for the biceps but could have easily gotten away with a 25g 1" pin, and I'm planning on using that size if I choose to shoot them again.

I don't measure my arms normally, but the last time they were measured the stretched the tape at a hair less than 18".
starting tomorrow is going to be the close to my cycle :(... its going to end up being 123 days (17.5 weeks)... a little longer than I wanted for a 2nd cycle, but I guess it's too later now to change anything

its going to be 20 days of Test Prop @ 100mg/day and Winstrol (winny) @ 50mg/day, along with pyramiding T3 to 100mcg and back down

I'm going to be hitting a full on Keto diet with less than 50 grams of carbs a day. Cardio is going to be everyday possible for 45 minutes in the morning on the Stationary bike.

PCT is Clomid and Nolvadex along with Tribulus... and will start 4 days after my last injection of Test Prop

Weeks 1-2 100mg Clomid
37.5mg Nolva (liquid 25mg/ml)
3,000mg Tribulus

Weeks 3-4 50mg Clomid
18.5mg Nolva
3,000mg Tribulus
Day 104

50mcg T3

30 minutes on the Stationary Bike (~9 miles at a 6/10 resistance level)... was going to go longer, but my girlfriend wanted to bang this morning, so naturally I started my cardio session later

Spring is finally here (I go to school in Western New York) and my allergies are acting up, gotta get some stuff to make me feel better

Shoulders and Traps

Smith Machine Press 185/10, 225/8, 235/7, 235/5, 185/10
Side Raises 40's/15, 45's/12, 50's/10
Cable Front Raises 100/15, 110/12, 120/12
Nautilus Shoulder Press 250/7, 220/12, 220/11
Barbell Shrugs 275/15, 315/12, 315/12

100mg Test Prop injected into the left delt... going to need someone else to help me with my delt injections because there becoming a big pain in the ass

kcals: 3039
fat: 105 grams (32%)
carbs: 46 grams (6%)
protein: 462 grams (62%)
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50mcg T3

30 minutes on the Stationary Bike (~9 miles at a 6/10 resistance level)... was going to go longer, but my girlfriend wanted to bang this morning, so naturally I started my cardio session later

Spring is finally here (I go to school in Western New York) and my allergies are acting up, gotta get some stuff to make me feel better

Shoulders and Traps

Smith Machine Press 185/10, 225/8, 235/7, 235/5, 185/10
Side Raises 40's/15, 45's/12, 50's/10
Cable Front Raises 100/15, 110/12, 120/12
Nautilus Shoulder Press 250/7, 220/12, 220/11
Barbell Shrugs 275/15, 315/12, 315/12

100mg Test Prop injected into the left delt... going to need someone else to help me with my delt injections because there becoming a big pain in the ass

Nice post dude - glad to hear you started your day with a bang - 2 kids and 15 years into it - that's a distant memory for me! Hahahaha but it's all good anyway. Looks like a great shoulder workout! Keep up the good work!
Day 105

50mcg T3

squeezing a quick Bis and Tris in because my life sucks, and the majority of my day is going to be spent in the library doing a research paper for an upper level PLSC class

It's about 6pm (I've been in the library from about 2pm, I had a bunch of shit I had to do beforehand) right now and I have to work a "senior happy hour" from 9-11 at the bar, which will give me a break and some more money in my pocket. Going to go to bed at 12:45 and wake up at 6am and hit the 24 hour lab.

Bis and Tris

Smith Machine CGBP (started about 4 inches off my chest) 225/20, 275/12, 315/5
Straight Bar Curls 95/15, 115/10, 125/8
One Arm Over Head Extensions 35's/15, 40's/12, 45's/9
Incline DB Curls 35's/12, 40's/10, 40's/10
V Bar Pushdowns 100/3x12 (heavy stack)
One Arm Nautilus Preacher Curls 80/12, 80/12, 80/10

100mg Test Prop injected into the right shoulder... my buddy had to do it for me cuz I don't have enough flexibility anymore

Took 20mg's of Adderall today, probably going to rock some out tomorrow morning.

kcals: 2576
fat: 75 grams (27%)
carbs: 50 grams (8%)
protein: 414 grams (65%)
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Hey Bud; I am sure to be speaking out of ignorance, but you might want to check if the adderrall conflicts with the T3 - I think they both affect thyroid, but dunno. Good luck with all the work - sounds like a bitch!
Hey Bud; I am sure to be speaking out of ignorance, but you might want to check if the adderrall conflicts with the T3 - I think they both affect thyroid, but dunno. Good luck with all the work - sounds like a bitch!

t3 is a thyroid stimulant and adderall is an amphetamine, so i don't think they will do anything too bad
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Good to know - i thot you might have done your homework. Good luck getting thru your papers/school work., dude!

yeah man, even though I buy the shit illegally... no different that juice I suppose, I do as much research as I can before I put shit in my body

as far as the school work goes, everything has worked out thus far... I got a 2 day extension on the paper that was due Monday 4/28 (I had to present it today and hand in the "revised" edition Monday) because my professor is behind on everything and feel bad about it
Day 106

50mcg T3


unfortunately I had to do another 8 hours or so in the computer lab getting this fucking paper research done... it seems like there just isn't a light at the end of the tunnel

took another 20mg's of Adderall today to get me through it and it worked, but I hate the way it kills my appetite

100mg Test Prop... injected into my right glute, hit it at kind of a weird angle, so we'll see how it feels tomorrow

kcals: 2339
fat: 107 grams (43%)
carbs: 11 grams (2%)
protein: 312 grams (55%)
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Oh Man I feel your pain I hate writing shit too and sometimes I have to do it for days - SUCKS! Hope it goes well for u bro!
Oh Man I feel your pain I hate writing shit too and sometimes I have to do it for days - SUCKS! Hope it goes well for u bro!

see, I don't mind writing... I do pretty well with it and I really do get a great feeling of accomplishment when I'm done with everything. its just that I find it incredibly hard to get all my resources and thoughts organized... what doesn't help is when you research a really off the radar topic and have to write a 15 page paper relating it to modern political theorists of the time... it gets sticky
no no... not at all, no abscess or infection, it just feels like I hit a muscle that has never been injected into. It is similar to that first injection soreness that everyone has felt

hit a trap..tell me how it feels the first time....
Day 107

75mcg T3


Chest and Abs

Decline Bench 225/12, 275/8, 295/6, 315/3
Incline Bench 225/8, 225/7, 185/12
Flat Bench Flyes 55's/10, 55's/10, 55's/11
Cable Cross Overs 90/12, 90/12, 90/10

Hanging Leg Raises 2x12
Hanging Knee Raises 2x20

*i didn't use a Roman Chair or whatever those are called, so I did it with no back support which makes everything a whole hell of alot harder

100mg Test Prop... injected into the left glute, heated up the oil in the pin and it went really really well
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Day 108

75mcg T3


Smith Machine Squats 185/12, 225/10, 255/8
Leg Extensions 275/12, 290/12, 305/10
Leg Curls 210/12, 210/11, 210/9
Single Leg Nautilus Leg Press 260/12, 280/2x10
superset w/
Nautilus Calf Raises 360/18, 360/15, 360/12

*really starting to feel burnt out, I think I'm going to have to carb up a little bit this weekend to get the glycogen storage back

100mg Test Prop... injected into the right quad, went well but it was a little more of a pinch than I thought would have happened

kcals: 3222
fat: 153 grams (43%)
carbs: 28 grams (3%)
protein: 427 grams (54%)
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