New Cycle, First Time Making A Log

Ditto - great log - I see day 85 and you pinned some sust - are you on the tail end of the cycle? Good luck w the DL's tomorrow. BTW do you pin yourself - any tips on hitting the glute if so? i am getting prepared for a cycle in June and i'm not too fond of needles (understatement).
Day 86

150mcg Clen

45 minutes of Cardio on the Stationary Bike (~13 miles)

took 400mg's of caffeine before my workout because I was feeling sluggish


Smith Machine Shoulder Press 225/10, 245/6, 245/5, 185/12
Side Raises 40/12, 40/12, 45/11, 45/10
Upright Rows 115/12, 125/10, 135/9
Front Raises 45/10, 45/10, 45/9
Rear Cable Raises 50/12, 60/12, 70/10

kcals: 3595
fat: 113 grams (29%)
carbs: 159 grams (18%)
protein: 471 grams (53%)
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Ditto - great log - I see day 85 and you pinned some sust - are you on the tail end of the cycle? Good luck w the DL's tomorrow. BTW do you pin yourself - any tips on hitting the glute if so? i am getting prepared for a cycle in June and i'm not too fond of needles (understatement).

I've been running Sust now for just over 12 weeks, and the results speak for themselves. I love running gear and wish I could go for a while longer.

The only time I don't pin myself is if I'm injecting my right rear delt because I have trouble reaching across my body and shooting with my left hand. As for hitting the glute, I just look in a mirror, stay still and pin myself, never really thought too much about it. I would shoot your quads until your comfortable with needles, it's not a big deal once you do it the first couple times.

Good luck with your cycle when you do it.... There are some really great resources/advice on this board, keep reading up on everything.
Milk.. how much longer you running the Sust?? Doing great w/your dropped cal's.. staying on track nicely bro! Great job!
Milk.. how much longer you running the Sust?? Doing great w/your dropped cal's.. staying on track nicely bro! Great job!

I knew someone who gave a shit was going to ask this question lol.

I'm planning on running the Sust for another 2 weeks, then running Prop @ 100mg/day for 3 weeks until the Decanoate ester gets out of my system, and then starting my post cycle therapy (pct) 4 days after my last injection of Prop. I'm also going to be adding some Oral Winstrol (winny) @ 50mg/day tomorrow and running that until the end of my cycle.

So its going to end up being a total of 14.5 weeks of Sust and 3 weeks of Prop... a little longer than I wanted, but I figured that a typical cycle is actually 2 weeks longer than most people make it seem (the 2 weeks wait period), its not all that big of a deal.

As far as the diet has been going, everything has been going great. I never had much trouble sticking to a diet as long as I changed up protein sources periodically and once a week I have a cheat meal. My strength hasn't completely shit out on me yet, but I have seen a decrease in my overall muscle endurance. The leaning out I've noticed is well worth the drop in weight and endurance. I don't want to lose too quick, but at this pace I'm going to be sporting the 6 pack real soon.
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I've been running Sust now for just over 12 weeks, and the results speak for themselves. I love running gear and wish I could go for a while longer.

The only time I don't pin myself is if I'm injecting my right rear delt because I have trouble reaching across my body and shooting with my left hand. As for hitting the glute, I just look in a mirror, stay still and pin myself, never really thought too much about it. I would shoot your quads until your comfortable with needles, it's not a big deal once you do it the first couple times.

Good luck with your cycle when you do it.... There are some really great resources/advice on this board, keep reading up on everything.

Thanks for the info Milk - Looks like its going to be a good cycle for you. You will be lookin real tonk when the summer hits. i just finished a 6 week cycle of Winstrol (winny) with my clen/cyto - It was great - seemed to help me miantain lean mass while still dropping BF. (I had to get the BF under control before i added and pounds!) Looking forward to the progress pics.
Thanks for the info Milk - Looks like its going to be a good cycle for you. You will be lookin real tonk when the summer hits. i just finished a 6 week cycle of Winstrol (winny) with my clen/cyto - It was great - seemed to help me miantain lean mass while still dropping BF. (I had to get the BF under control before i added and pounds!) Looking forward to the progress pics.

i wouldn't have recommended the Winstrol (winny), but hey as long as you were able to keep the muscle mass, thats what counts
Day 87

150mcg Clen - finished this "cycle" of Clen and I'm waiting for my Thermorexin to come in

45 minutes of Cardio on the Stationary Bike (13.75 miles)


Pull Ups 12,11,9
T-Bar Rows 4 plates/12, 4+25/12, 5/10
One Arm Cable Rows 120/12, 130/10, 130/9
Deadlifts 275/10, 315/10, 365/6
Lat Pull (hands towards face about 2 feet apart) 150/10, 160/8

*did DL's in the middle of my workout because I forgot my belt and I didn't have the energy to do them first, and I didn't feel like being shot for the rest of my back workout

I also had a GREAT cheat meal today at the bar I work at. It was 6 Buffalo chicken wings, a burger with wing sauce, and 2 Bud Lights. I really needed it, not only for my mental sanity, but my body was starting to feel drained a bit. And I still managed to have a "lower carb" cheat meal than I would have thought I was going to eat.

kcals: 2859
fat: 76 grams (24%)
carbs: 150 grams (21%)
protein: 386 grams (55%)

*these totals do not include the Cheat Meal
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Day 88

Weighed in at 244... down another 4 pounds in 5 days. Losing it a little too quickly now, I'm thinking about cutting the cardio back a little bit. I'm not too sure what to do. I did 10 days of cardio in 12 days of cutting today, so I think I'm going to take another day off, and do something like 2 days on, 1 day off with the cardio for now on.



Alternating DB Curls 60's/10, 65's/8, 70's/5
EZ Curl Bar 115/12, 125/9, 125/10
One Arm Preacher Curl 40/11, 45/7, 40/10
Smith Machine CGBP 225/12, 275/8, 275/7
Dips 15,14,12
Tricep Pushdowns 120/10, 120/10, 120/8 (heavy stack)

300mg Sust injected in right glute... little sore after the injection but felt fine the day after

kcals: 3555
fat: 118 grams (30%)
carbs: 170 grams (18%)
protein: 448 grams (51%)
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Day 89 - Day 14 of Cutting

45 minutes of Cardio on the Stationary Bike (~13.5 miles)


literally did nothing more than sat on the couch, on the computer, or napping... thats why the calories were so low (I was also only awake for ~10 hours)

kcals: 2235
fat: 64 grams (26%)
carbs: 100 grams (16%)
protein: 317 grams (57%)
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Day 90

45 minutes of Cardio on the Stationary Bike (13.5 miles)

planning on dropping the carbs to at most 150 grams a day (100 on non-training days), keeping them at breakfast, pre-workout, and post-workout

Week 3 (training days):
3400 cals
100 grams of fat
150 grams of carbs
475 grams of protein

Week 3 (non-training days):
3200 cals
100 grams of fat
100 grams of carbs
475 grams of protein


Decline Bench 275/10, 295/7, 315/5, 225/15
Incline Bench 225/6, 225/7, 225/6
Flat DB Bench 85's/5, 85's/5 (got a little over zealous and it didn't workout well)
Flat Flys 55's/8, 55's/8 (at this point my endurance was shot)
Cable Cross Overs 90/9, 90/9, 90/8 drop to 40/10

kcals: 3386
fat: 99 grams (27%)
carbs: 150 grams (18%)
protein: 461 grams (56%)
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Day 91

30 minutes of Cardio on the Stationary Bike (~9.5 miles)... I had to cut my cardio session short because of time restraints this morning (had some reading on the computer I had to do before class)

Feeling kinda drained throughout the day, I think its a combination of cutting of carbs and overall calories, interrupted sleep, and cardio. My strength is still there for the most part, but muscular endurance has definitely been on the decline.

Still waiting on the Thermorexin to come in and I'm getting pretty excited to see how thats going to work for me.

had a 2 hour baseball practice and an intramural softball game today


Smith Machine Squats 225/10, 275/10, 315/10, 365/6, 225/15 (fucking hippies were using the normal Squat Rack)
Leg Extensions 260/12, 290/11, 320/10, 320/8
Leg Curls 190/12, 200/10, 200/10
Walking DB Lunges 60's/11 steps, 60's/11
One Leg Standing Calf Raises 135/4x15 each foot

kcals: 3666
fat: 113 grams (28%)
carbs: 148 grams (16%)
protein: 505 grams (56%)

*I had work 'til 2:30 in the morning, so when I came back I needed to eat a little something... pushing me over the normal 3,400 calorie day limit.
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Milk-man! Looks like things are going well for you - it's great that you are watching the diet so closely - I recently fell off the wagon for a weekend of parties (complete w/ bday cake) and gained 3 lbs.... So it's good that you are concerned w/ loosing it too fast. It definately takes a wile to get your energy level stabilized when you cut down the calories.

Keep up the good work, man!
Milk-man! Looks like things are going well for you - it's great that you are watching the diet so closely - I recently fell off the wagon for a weekend of parties (complete w/ bday cake) and gained 3 lbs.... So it's good that you are concerned w/ loosing it too fast. It definately takes a wile to get your energy level stabilized when you cut down the calories.

Keep up the good work, man!

the weekends of partying are generally what do it to you.... being in college I know all about binge drinking and the effects it can have on your body.

I have a Staff Party on the 16th, complete with all you can drink top shelf liquor, every beer imaginable, 30 minutes of all the shots you can drink, and gourmet homemade food... I'm going to have to hit the cardio really hard the day before that, and make sure I take in plenty of Milk Thistle to help my body recover.
Day 92



had another intramural softball game and I hurt my right hand a little bit swinging as hard as I could... hopefully it feels better tomorrow


Decline Bench 3x20
Hanging Leg Raises 3x20
Nautilus Ab Crunch 170/3x20

300mg Sustanon (sust) injected into my right quad... hurt a ton when I was injecting it, but about 10 minutes after it felt as if nothing happened

kcals: 3201
fat: 104 grams (30%)
carbs: 90 grams (11%)
protein: 462 grams (59%)
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Day 93

35 minutes of cardio on the Stationary Bike (10.33 miles w/ a higher resistance than normal) ... I'm an asshole and couldn't get out of bed, so I had to cut the cardio by 10 minutes. I also took the Thermorexin on an empty stomach with some water and it really killed me. I won't be doing that again.


DB Press 95's/8, 95's/5, 85's/5
One Arm Side Raises 35's/15, 40's/12, 40's/12
Nautilus Shoulder Press 220/15, 240/10, 260/6
Cable Front Raises 30/3x12 (used the cable row stack, so it was heavier than normal)
Upright Row 115/11,10,8

*the strength is still there, even though the numbers are decreasing... if I was to have a nice couple of days of carb loading and get some energy storage back, I would be as strong as ever, so I'm really happy about that

kcals: 3410
fat: 92 grams (25%)
carbs: 159 grams (18%)
protein: 477 grams (57%)
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Day 94 - Day 19 of Cutting

40 minutes of Cardio on the Stationary Bike (~12 miles, kept the resistance higher, 6/10 on the bike)


Pull Ups 12,10,9,8,5
Cable Rows 200/20, 225/12, 245/10
Lat Pull 180/10,9,7
Corner Rows 4plates/12, 4+25/10, 5/10
One Arm Rows 100/2x10

don't know the nutrition breakdown for today because I had an awesome cheat meal of 12 wings and a burger...also went to the bar and had some drinks ( I know I shouldn't have with running an oral but I really had an awesome time)
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Hahahaha Don't ya hate that !!! No but on a serious note... GREAT LOG MAN... Awesome read !!!

thanks for the compliment

the hippies at my school don't understand what a Squat Rack is used for, and let alone what a REAL Squat is... it's really fucking annoying
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