New Cycle, First Time Making A Log

ManOfMuscle said:
I don't think you're less than 16% in those pics. Back looks good.

i thought I was in the 14% range... but you could be very right, i've never been tested

thanks... back is one of my strongest points
think i'm going to slowly start to drop the carbs

I want to stay at ~255 but in the next 10 weeks gain muscle while losing a little bit of fat, maybe gain 5lbs more of muscle and drop ~10lbs of fat...don't know how realistic this really is, but thats the plan

1,000 posts :)
i think that's a realistic goal over 10 weeks time while on. it's all about the diet.
Aczech said:
i think that's a realistic goal over 10 weeks time while on. it's all about the diet.

and what do you recommend... maybe just a macro break down??

right now bulking and i'm taking in about 4,500 kcals

20%fat (100 grams)
45%carbs (500 grams)
35%protein (400 grams)
Good job finally getting the pic's up bro ;) I'm stoked to see the end results. You've got a great base to work with. I had the same type of acne issue after my last cycle. It was actually the Nolvadex that sparked it and even after being off 3 months, I sill have some. The test gave me very little, until pct! I noticed your back is clearer then your chest. I'll be tanning as well, I know that helps alot! Keep up the good work bro.
..I also think you could cut your cals and carbs and not compromise LBM.
MilkDaScow said:
and what do you recommend... maybe just a macro break down??

right now bulking and i'm taking in about 4,500 kcals

20%fat (100 grams)
45%carbs (500 grams)
35%protein (400 grams)

honestly, i'm a blessed one in the genetics on the diet side with my I don't know a whole lot about diet...i'm working on that now though as i've hired a professional.

Regardless, I would slowly lower the calories, like 250-500 week and see what happens. Maybe increase/add cardio sessions in the morning. And cut the carbs after a set time in the evening. Dieting is a bitch and i'm glad I've never really had to worry too much about it.
Don't worry as much about your macros as eating clean. If you eliminate sugars, saturated fats, salt, and processed carbs you will drop fat.
ManOfMuscle said:
Don't worry as much about your macros as eating clean. If you eliminate sugars, saturated fats, salt, and processed carbs you will drop fat.

see thats where I dont really know what to do... the only sugars I take in is directly after I workout (a mix of powdered Gatorade and Malto), as far as saturated fat goes it really only comes from lean beef and egg yolks (occasionally light mayo that I use in tuna) and the most processed carbs I eat are whole wheat pasta and stone ground whole wheat bread, and white rice maybe once a week

salt is an issue with me though, I have found that my salt intake is way too high, but other than bloat, I don't know what that really has to do with fat loss... if it does, please inform me

I'm going to make a really serious effort to eat clean though and see how it works out...

as far as the before pics go I have seen a definite change in my body thusfar, I think the bf has been dropping slightly, as even though I'm bulking my caloric intake hasn't gone up much more than 5-700 calories more than my maintenance @ 240... more LBM, cleaner diet, steroids = quicker metabolism and more muscle built and fat lost
I really think you're on the right track now with the consistency of your diet. With that in check everything else just falls into place.
Day 34

16th injection

325mg Sustanon (sust) injected into left quad, went well, painless and felt alot better than the last injection into my right quad

Legs and Abs

light warm up with some stretching and a couple of light sets

Squats 225/12, 275/10, 315/10, 365/6, 365/4
Leg Extensions 230/15, 260/12, 290/10, 320/8 (entire stack)
Leg Curls 190/15, 210/12, 210/10, 220/8
45 Degree Calf Machine 340/2x20, 410/4x12-15

Decline Bench Crunches 3x15
Flat Bench Leg Pull-In 3x20

* felt really strong, but sitting at my computer right now I feel like I'm coming down with a cold...sweet

kcals: 4157
fat: 81 grams (18%)
carbs: 453 grams (41%)
protein: 417 grams (41%)
MilkDaScow said:
* felt really strong, but sitting at my computer right now I feel like I'm coming down with a cold...sweet

Quick, start taking mega doses of C and some zinc gluc... or get some Zicam. It will drastically reduce the duration and intensity of a cold... sometimes it even fights it off if you catch it early enough. Good luck w/that bro... and numbers are looking great! How's the Sustanon (sust) feel by the way?? Compared to test.
JayC said:
Quick, start taking mega doses of C and some zinc gluc... or get some Zicam. It will drastically reduce the duration and intensity of a cold... sometimes it even fights it off if you catch it early enough. Good luck w/that bro... and numbers are looking great! How's the Sustanon (sust) feel by the way?? Compared to test.

I've been drinking a ton of water and keeping the vitamins in me like you said, and I woke up this morning feeling OK.

the Sustanon (sust) is awesome, the Prop and the mid-length esters are really nice in the system because they give a kick start to the cycle like no other

I haven't had any Prop pain what so ever, so thats another plus to the Sustanon (sust) I've been running... 18lbs in 34 days... can't complain about that
Day 35


Flat Bench 225/10, 275/5, 315/3, 225/10, 225/10
Incline DB Flyes 65's/3x10
Smith Machine Incline Press 225/6, 205/9, 185/11
Cable Cross Overs 100/3x10

Just didn't have it today, it was one of those days that I woke up feeling kinda drained, went through the whole day feeling drained, and started training and felt drained. I also don't think training tri's on Sunday helped one bit.

On a positive note, because I couldn't train super heavy, I went about my workout differently and really concentrated on the mind-muscle connection and had an awesome pump at the end of the workout

kcals: 4346
fat: 114 grams (14%)
carbs: 427 grams (37%)
protein: 413 grams (39%)
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Day 36


felt pretty shitty today, woke up legitimately sick and I was soo pissed, hopefully I feel better tomorrow

question for you guys who have been following my cycle, I'm starting week 6

I have 2 ideas as to what I'm going to be doing, let me know what you guys think:

1) keep it @ 15 weeks (105 days) and try to maintain my current weight while trying to cut my bf and gain some more solid muscle

2) run the cycle a little longer, maybe 18 weeks (126 days) and do another full 5-6 weeks worth of bulking (hopefully keep the bf at about the same, but gain ~10-12lbs more) and then for the last 6 weeks cut hard and drop the bf as much as possible

I'm kinda split between both, I'd like to hear what you guys have to say... thanks alot
eat a more bulk-type diet, with cutting supplements and morning cardio
Day 37


Deadlifts 225/10, 275/10, 315/10, 365/6 (no belt, I'm an idiot and forgot I brought it to the gym)
Lat Pull 200/3x10
Lying T Bar Row 90/12, 115/10, 130/8
Supinated Lat Pull Down 170/10, 180/10, 190/9, 190/8
One Arm DB Rows 100/2x10

felt pretty strong today even though I started with DL's and I've decided to drop my carb intake by 100 grams/day. My back held up ok throughout the entire workout, and I'm happy I finally got back into doing DL's.

17th injection

325mg Sustanon (sust) injected into the right glute... warmed up the pin before the injection, best injection I've had in both my cycles, feel like I'm getting too good at injecting :)

kcals: 4153
fat: 72 grams (16%)
carbs: 475 grams (45%)
protein: 402 grams (40%)
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