New Cycle, First Time Making A Log

MilkDaScow said:

felt pretty shitty today, woke up legitimately sick and I was soo pissed, hopefully I feel better tomorrow

question for you guys who have been following my cycle, I'm starting week 6

I have 2 ideas as to what I'm going to be doing, let me know what you guys think:

1) keep it @ 15 weeks (105 days) and try to maintain my current weight while trying to cut my bf and gain some more solid muscle

2) run the cycle a little longer, maybe 18 weeks (126 days) and do another full 5-6 weeks worth of bulking (hopefully keep the bf at about the same, but gain ~10-12lbs more) and then for the last 6 weeks cut hard and drop the bf as much as possible

I'm kinda split between both, I'd like to hear what you guys have to say... thanks alot

In my honest opinion, #1 bro. Cycling is still fairly new for you. You have alot of time to let your cycles evolve and for trying new things in the future. Your on the right track already. From what I know about you, #1 will probably yeild the best results for what you want to acheive. Longer isn't always better and sometimes changing a horse mid race isn't always a good idea. Just my 0.02 :)
JayC said:
In my honest opinion, #1 bro. Cycling is still fairly new for you. You have alot of time to let your cycles evolve and for trying new things in the future. Your on the right track already. From what I know about you, #1 will probably yeild the best results for what you want to acheive. Longer isn't always better and sometimes changing a horse mid race isn't always a good idea. Just my 0.02 :)

thanks for the input bro, thats going to be the plan of attack... keep the protein high, the carbs moderate, the fat reasonable, and the cals moderate and hopefully see some real positives in my body

the only thing that I have been noticing is now that the decaonate ester of the Sustanon (sust) is in full force my appetite has increased dramatically, so I might have trouble not housing the cals and straight bulk
i wouldnt extend the cycle length... going for 18 wks might just yield more sides rather than growth. I get cold/flu like symtoms from test sometimes too-- it sucks. I also get acne on my back/shoulders when i run higher levels of test. Tanning helps but what really works is sleeping in a clean t shirt thats been washed without fabric softener....makes a huge difference. good work bro
Day 38

Shoulders and Traps

DB Press 95/2x5, 100/2x5, 100/8 (need some bigger dumbbells at my gym)
Shoulder Shrugs 295/15, 315/3x10
Nautilus Lateral Raises 150/15, 180/12, 200/2x10
Upright Rows 135/3x8 drop to 75/8

*still dropping the carbs slowly, I'm thinking a 50 grams per week

kcals: 4720
fat: 147 grams (29%)
crabs: 400 grams (32%)... exactly where I wanted them
protein: 460 grams (40%)
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Day 39

weighed 251.5 this morning w/ significantly less bloat and if I do say so myself, I look a little leaner than I did last week

.5 mg Arimidex... this tenderness under my nipple is starting to piss me off

probably going to take .5 mg eod for about a week and see how it works out, if it doesn't subside, i'll know it was my gf giving me a purple nurple and not the starting signs of gyno

this is the breakdown I'm looking for in the upcoming week:

4400 kcals
110 grams of fat
400 grams of carbs
450 grams of protein

hopefully I will be able to build lean muscle while stripping bf with this caloric breakdown

Bis and Tris (worked on some pre-exhaustion today)

Nautilus One Arm Preachers 80/10, 90/2x10
Barbell Curls 115/10, 120/2x9
Hammer Curls 45's/2x10, 50's/9

Pushdowns 90/12, 100/10, 110/10
CGBP 205/12, 225/10, 245/7
DB Kickbacks 30's/10, 35's/10, 40's/8
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ManOfMuscle said:
So you already dropped 6 lbs?

when I weighed in at 257 i think it was due to water, etc... I had eaten a cheat meal of chicken wings and a couple beers before bed, so I think the salt made me retain more water than normal

but I would say that I weighed 255... therefore I did drop about 3 pounds

a little quicker than I would have liked, so I think I may have to readjust
Yeah you want to avoid the rollercoaster riding. Juice gives you the ability to gain quickly/lose quickly but from my experience you don't retain the gains as well when the changes come so fast. You're doing a great job, just keep the cals consistant for a week or two.
ManOfMuscle said:
Yeah you want to avoid the rollercoaster riding. Juice gives you the ability to gain quickly/lose quickly but from my experience you don't retain the gains as well when the changes come so fast. You're doing a great job, just keep the cals consistant for a week or two.

Thanks man, I appreciate the insight. I did notice that losing bf on juice has been a joke as compared to naturally. What do you recommend I do for my diet??

I feel as if I stay right around 4800 kcals daily, I would be able to maintain very easily, thats why I have been dropping them hoping that I would be able to shed bf. Another issue that I'm running into is that I'm going on spring break ~4 weeks from now and I would like to be a little more cut up then I am right now. It's actually for club baseball "spring training", but I will be spending some time on the beach. I have a girlfriend and whatnot, so I'm not going to be going out and banging other bitches, but turning some heads would be nice.

I know you can't lay out exactly what I should do, but any suggestions would be helpful.
I would set an amount, 4,300 is good, or maybe a little more if you're feeling depleted, and do your best to be consistant for a couple of weeks. If you like what you see you can keep it there if you feel like you want to cut some more drop them and/or drop the carbs for the final two weeks.
ManOfMuscle said:
I would set an amount, 4,300 is good, or maybe a little more if you're feeling depleted, and do your best to be consistant for a couple of weeks. If you like what you see you can keep it there if you feel like you want to cut some more drop them and/or drop the carbs for the final two weeks.

thanks buddy thats the plan... i think i'm going to go ~4,500 of very clean food and see how it goes
Day 40


got a test on Monday, paper due Tuesday, and a quiz on Tuesday... so i'll be spending some time in the library today

18th injection

325mg Sustanon (sust) injected into right quad... injection went incredibly smooth, did it while my girlfriend was talking to me about some shit I didn't want to hear and she didn't even realize

kcals: 3132
fat: 70 grams (21%)
crabs: 334 grams (39%)
protein: 308 grams (40%)

the calories were very low today because I honestly didn't move more than to go to the bathroom at the library

tomorrow will be back to 4,500-4,600 kcals a day
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Day 41

.5 mg of Arimidex

unfortunately because college has a grip on my balls right now I can't train today, instead I get to write a 6 page paper explaining how my childhood relates to John Locke and Benjamin Franklin... really cool


While I hate not training today, I'm thinking that it might not be the worse thing in the world because I have had a cold for a while now and maybe I'll be able to kick it soon

because of the sedentary day and the cold, I didnt take in that many cals today again...

kcals: 3178
fat:106 grams (31%)
carbs: 282 grams (32%)
protein: 291 grams (37%)

everything will be back on track tomorrow so long as I dont feel like shit like I do now
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Day 42

I hate being sick... woke up today after a night of shitty sleep feeling a little bit better

NO TRAINING... kinda think it's in my best interest to get better rather than train

trying to get the eating back on track even though I don't feel hungry at all
Sorry to here that bro. You don't think you have the flu do you?? It's going around!! A few weeks ago my girlfriend had SEVERE cold like symptoms w/a fever.. took her to the emergency room thinking she had bronchitis or pnemonia.. they tested her for flu and it came up POSITIVE! They gave her an antiviral (Tamiflu) and it cleared it up in like a few days. Good luck my friend.
JayC said:
Sorry to here that bro. You don't think you have the flu do you?? It's going around!! A few weeks ago my girlfriend had SEVERE cold like symptoms w/a fever.. took her to the emergency room thinking she had bronchitis or pnemonia.. they tested her for flu and it came up POSITIVE! They gave her an antiviral (Tamiflu) and it cleared it up in like a few days. Good luck my friend.

i don't think its the flu... my body isn't super achy, its just a really bad head cold... cough, stuffy nose, runny nose, sneezing, and not resting well... all the good shit

i'll be back into hard in a couple days when I feel better... the sooner the better obviously

thanks for the encouragement
I never understood not training because of a cold. It's the only time I feel good while I'm sick because of the endorphin rush.