Death Dealer
I said "steroids are bad for you". 

Soul Rebel said:What was the reason for the 225 rep-out? The thread in the convo lounge must have sparked your curiosity. It certainly has sparked mine. Good work as usual bro.
BIGFOOD said:i didn't go too far back in your log and don't recall any cardio work. am i correct to assume we are alike in saying fuck cardio?
Very lucky indeed.ManOfMuscle said:Yes, diet, lifting, gear, and activity level/metaboilsm are plenty to cut, at least for me.
Soul Rebel said:Very lucky indeed.
ManOfMuscle said:Not trying to sound like a cock here, but I don't consider it luck. Just an overarching understanding of the body which I'm still developing.
outlawtas2 said:Obviously if your trying to get sub 10% you'll probably have to do some cardio, but you can drop a significant amount of bodyfat simply through diet and continued weight training.
Soul Rebel said:At your size and strength, no football, or other collegiate sports to speak of?