New Workout Plan


New member
Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Jennifer of Jen&Chris from the previous RC site. I'm sure you all know about our legal issues over the past year. It's over now and I'm alone for a while. Chris is serving a 27month sentence. He agreed to plead guilty to spare me any harm and unfortunately, he's really paying for it. While he's gone I will be working on rebuilding Pumpnpose & vialsandsyringes. Sidenote: thanks for all your support for those of you kind enough to stick with us.
I've decided to make a profile here as motivation to get in shape and also as a social outlet since I'll be on my own for a while. Any positive messages and encouragement will be appreciated. I'll be posting my pics and workout routine so you can see my progress. This is the first time I've been alone in 10 years and I'm making my own workout routine, so if you guys have any suggestions or comments, hit me up!
**If anyone can tell me how to post pics, I have some. I'll post them as I get in better shape.

Day 1:
Leg Press: 90#x20
extensions: 50#x12,x8,x8cheating
hs curls: 40#x10,x10,x8
stiff legged deadlifts: 30#bar:3 sets of 15
lunges: 10#dumbells x10reps to cool down
abs: 3 sets of 20 reps (ab machine)

Day 2: (saturday) stairmaster 30 minutes, slow and deep.

Sunday off

Day 3:
single leg extensions:(extra slow)
25# 3 sets of 10
hs curls: 20# x10
30# x10
40# x10
Leg press: 50# x10
60# x10
70# x10
80# x10
Seated Calves: 25# 3 sets of 10
Standing Calves: 45# 3 sets of 10
Nice to see your first post isn't how much anavar do I need to run, lol it sounds like you have been around the block though. Sorry about your troubles I know personally it's hard to be perfect in an inperfect world. This will pass for you and you will grow from it, others have been just where your at and worse so keep your head up.
As for posting pic's you have to click go advanced below then manage attachments. You will be able to fiqure it out from there. Keep the log going I think if you do I might be able to get my fiance to learn a little then she wont bitch about me being on the board so much, lol.
Welcome, excited to have you here. I will certainly follow your log. I am familiar with your story. You guys got a raw deal. He is a real man for taking the heat, I hope you stand by him until better days. Good luck!
3rd gym session

Cool, I just read the messages and I hope I do help out some women trying to tighten up. I'm going from memory of when he and I worked out together, but I do remember I did a lot of butt work (extra), and all the "guy" oriented stuff like the benchpressing, etc was actually my strong point. I think it helps with ab development. Everything helps.
Today was my first upper body workout..Got to be careful with the implants. I can't afford to have any injuries now.
Lat pulldown with cables: 60# x3 sets of 10
dumbell rows: 12.5#x15,
dumbell flys: 20# 3 sets of 10
triceps extension kickbacks:10# 3 sets of 10
abs(daily): 4 sets of 12 reps..all I could do..
leg press:70# 3 sets of 10
leg press:70# 2 sets of 10(was trying to do single leg almost..but the other leg was 1/2 used)
Week 2 Workout Plan

I'm sticking to my plan: legs/butt twice a day and back,chest and arms another day. Yesterday I stubbed my toe so hard I thought I broke it. Its blue today but I can press on it, so I did the same leg/butt workout. I'm using the nautilus machines today and I was able to increase my weight one peg.
leg press: 4 sets of 20
4 sets of 20 (different machine)
seated hs curls 3 sets of 10, no increase in wt
seated leg extensions: 3 sets of 10,same wt
stiff legged deadlifts: 3 sets of 20 w 30#

I have coffee with sugar once a day but water the rest of the day. I'd like to say I'm limiting my carbs during the day, but I don't eat during the day, only once around I try to minimize carbs then.
Week 3. I need calf suggestions!

Last weeks journal:
I did an identical workout on tuesday and then again on friday.
leg press: 120# 3 sets of 15
leg press: 120# 3 sets of 15 on different machine to hit a different area
leg extension slow and controlled: 55# 3 sets of 10
seated leg flexion/hs curls: 55# 3 sets of 10
abs on decline bench with the leg hooks. 3 sets of 15.

wednesday: upper body:
dumbell rows with freeweights: 12# 3 sets of 10
dumbell bench press: 12# 3 sets of 10
dumbell flys: 10# 3 sets of 10
triceps kickbacks with freeweights: 12# 3 sets of 10

Does anyone know why the hamstring curls seem so much easier seated than lying on your stomach? & what are some good calf exercises?
Does anyone know why the hamstring curls seem so much easier seated than lying on your stomach? & what are some good calf exercises?

I would assume it either has to do with a leverage and pulley issue, or the weight stacks are the same "weight" but not really.

As far as calf exercise, I have found incredible growth doing DC Calf Raises. You do 1-2 sets of calf raises on any machine you so choose, but you do a 5 second negative, 10 second stretch at the bottom, and an explosive positive. Generally I use about 60% of the weight that I would do for normal sets of 15-20, and I shoot for 12 reps. It's a lot harder and gives you some AMAZING results.