On 600 mg test e and making some really poor decisions


New member
Ive been on (my 5th) for about 10 weeks of 600 me test E and some of deca. My sex drive is wacky i feel kinda depressed about some of the indiscreet decisions ive made. Should i stick it out maybe skip a week on the test or bail? Input please...my training is going well by the way.

Maybe im just being stupid because of some kind of midlife thing any input would be appreciated.
Skippin a wk is just goin 2 put u on n emotional roller coaster . If ur goin 2 bail u better get ur pct in order.
um. what would "taking time off" mid cycle do besides fuck your blood levels up and put you onto a hormonal rollercoaster?

End cycle. Start PCT. If you're feeling emotional, get ready to possibly grit through it getting worse while you recover in PCT.
You need to adjust your cycle. Keep the test at 600mg/week and lower the deca to 450mg/week..

Aromasin has some great properties bro. If you are already running it you may want to up the dosage or start at 12.5mg eod and bump it from there.

You could also try St.John's Wort. It a herbal remedy for the blues. I heard it work well for some people but I haven't tried it.

Get out of the norm. Go have a beer and some pizza with your girl on a Wednesday and bump the cardio up a bit to get the endorphins going a bit higher.

Look at your diet to see how much of your carbs contain sugar and make the adjustments to remove them. You would be very suprised at the difference it can make.

There was some talk on the board about Cialis so I ended up getting a sample for free from the Doctor.... It was the 36hr one. I can't remember that last time I felt like that. I was tap dancing around the house for 3 days with boner on demand... :)

I got myself a Washburn guitar a while back and now I can play Polly by Nirvana flawlessly. It's the only song I can play, It drive my girl nutts but I don't care... hehe

Point is to get out of the norm and change things up.... Good luck
You need to adjust your cycle. Keep the test at 600mg/week and lower the deca to 450mg/week..

Aromasin has some great properties bro. If you are already running it you may want to up the dosage or start at 12.5mg eod and bump it from there.

You could also try St.John's Wort. It a herbal remedy for the blues. I heard it work well for some people but I haven't tried it.

Get out of the norm. Go have a beer and some pizza with your girl on a Wednesday and bump the cardio up a bit to get the endorphins going a bit higher.

Look at your diet to see how much of your carbs contain sugar and make the adjustments to remove them. You would be very suprised at the difference it can make.

There was some talk on the board about Cialis so I ended up getting a sample for free from the Doctor.... It was the 36hr one. I can't remember that last time I felt like that. I was tap dancing around the house for 3 days with boner on demand... :)

I got myself a Washburn guitar a while back and now I can play Polly by Nirvana flawlessly. It's the only song I can play, It drive my girl nutts but I don't care... hehe

Point is to get out of the norm and change things up.... Good luck

agree with yes man,just loosen up and go with the flow,and dont worry so much
Test will increase libido a lot but you can't blame gear for choices you make. If you can't handle the increase in hormones and are making poor choices then it's time to come off and stay away.
dont stop the cycle man trust me! keep it up and train hard make sure all ur anger and pressure is released in gym!
i was going through some shit on my last cycle, popped some dbols and felt shitloads better and trained twice as hard, got very good results.
Test will increase libido a lot but you can't blame gear for choices you make. If you can't handle the increase in hormones and are making poor choices then it's time to come off and stay away.

Oh so true...we re responsible for the choices we make irregardless of those things we ingest to us there.

I have years of depression and counseling to back this up....
Thanks guys

You know reading the posts i have done things a little different this time. I cut back on my cardio because i get knee/lower back soreness when i try and go heavy and do alot of GPP. My sex drive is fine...too fine....thats what i meant by poor decisions. Also my work is just crap right now kinda came apart over the past month.

So im adding 3 30-45 minute cardio sessions a week, zip out the sugar, and i am coming of the deca anyway next week. I had planned on replacing it with 100 mg tren ace eod.

A little backround i took almost a year off when the ecomony came apart for me in late 09-10. Switched industries and now it apprears i made a poor switch. But quite frankly im not sure how "taking off that year to concentrate on making$$" really helped.

I really appreciate everyones input and please continue i am receptive:)
You can pray to whatever god you believe in..but I m into Karma.

If your bedding women under false pre tenes..that is..leading them on without a clear cut understanding of what s going down and will happen after wards..in my opinion ..that s why your depressed as the negative impact you have others will come back to haunt you.

Keep crushing girls feelings and your s will be stomped on by Lord King Karmas wrath.

My 2 cents...live right, feel right..I m struggling due to all the damage I ve caused to people with my punishing people at work and women s feeling s with my disregard for for their feelings.

I recommend any smart ass members use caution when I offer up life advice and then be little it. I m trying to teach all of you young buck s geared and going wide fucking open that this will catch up to you. Do not be like I was.

Aim higher..much higher. ..or meet me on the bottom...
Isn't that a Bad idea to come off Deca and start tren ace ? I always thought it was... hmmm.
Yes that is the problem.........because when i come off the will still be there and i will not longer be interested......i know this. But anyways this kinda put me in check i got some rally good news at work, dropped down to three wieght workouts a week (hard) and did some aerobics. Just needed the input thanks!
You can pray to whatever god you believe in..but I m into Karma.

If your bedding women under false pre tenes..that is..leading them on without a clear cut understanding of what s going down and will happen after wards..in my opinion ..that s why your depressed as the negative impact you have others will come back to haunt you.

Keep crushing girls feelings and your s will be stomped on by Lord King Karmas wrath.

My 2 cents...live right, feel right..I m struggling due to all the damage I ve caused to people with my punishing people at work and women s feeling s with my disregard for for their feelings.

I recommend any smart ass members use caution when I offer up life advice and then be little it. I m trying to teach all of you young buck s geared and going wide fucking open that this will catch up to you. Do not be like I was.

Aim higher..much higher. ..or meet me on the bottom...

Very well put. I like this a lot. I have struggled with depression for a long time and I lived a really bad lifestyle for quite a while. I was in to drugs and excessive drinking. I have since left that life behind and try to live a life based on honesty. I was depressed partly because I was selfish and out hurting others with no concern for theyre well being. Now that I live honestly I don't have to feel bad about myself anymore. And as bad as I want to fuck other girls sometimes, I don't cheat on my girlfriend because I love her and would never want to hurt her. And yes, I absolutely believe in karma and its a bitch. Don't blame AAS for decisions you make. Thats a bunch of :bsflag: