Oral Anabolic Steroid cycles

Lol, still with the humor.
I've tried oral cycles, I got more sides from them then I ever have wit all injectable cycles combined! Winstrol and Diana made me real red more than te muscle I actually got from them, although I never kept any really. I jumped to injectables, whaddya know, I don't get any of that. My opinion/preference is definately injectable all the way. Will never touch a pill again... Maybe. Lol
Besides the fact with injectables I actually keep my gains, and feel alot better. Look better, everything is better. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence in oral land.
Plus not to mention the liver damage that you can cause using oral, but this retard steroidshithead think are better than test. Just keep using you pussy pills and then when you get on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and got a hole on the liver DON`T CRY...
congrats you went from a 1 week ban to permenant

I really appreciate the atmosphere on this forum. The diversity of insults, the variety of furious reactions, bans to all directions, and the sophisticated dialectics... One feels almost like in ancient Athens...! It is really refreshing to be in the company of such wise, experienced steroid philosophers.
I really appreciate the atmosphere on this forum. The diversity of insults, the variety of furious reactions, bans to all directions, and the sophisticated dialectics... One feels almost like in ancient Athens...! It is really refreshing to be in the company of such wise, experienced steroid philosophers.

all you had to do was cool of for a week and change your atttude but your above all, that . go somehwere else but the results will be the same your a arrogant prick who doesn have any idea what hes he doing
I really appreciate the atmosphere on this forum. The diversity of insults, the variety of furious reactions, bans to all directions, and the sophisticated dialectics... One feels almost like in ancient Athens...! It is really refreshing to be in the company of such wise, experienced steroid philosophers.

some people never learn.

all you had to do was cool of for a week and change your atttude but your above all, that . go somehwere else but the results will be the same your a arrogant prick who doesn have any idea what hes he doing

Guess you just found out that Dawg's bark may not always be loud, but his bite is vicious!! :flipoffha
I really appreciate the atmosphere on this forum. The diversity of insults, the variety of furious reactions, bans to all directions, and the sophisticated dialectics... One feels almost like in ancient Athens...! It is really refreshing to be in the company of such wise, experienced steroid philosophers.

Fucking hell man, you really know how to try people's patience.

I'd been reading this forum a long time before I signed up, and lost count how many threads I stumbled across where people brought up the topic of orals only, and more knowledgable people saying it's not recommend and why. And the DaDawg geezer even takes the trouble of explaining why you shouldn't do it in this sticky, but you still don't get it?

You're either a complete thicko or a shit troll, I'll give you some credit and pigeon hole you in with the latter son.
lol i'm back, only came to post this

dbol is a mass drug , if you eat and take dbol you will grow .a lot of the people bitchin about losing all their size when the quit dbol were newbies running dbol only cycles without pct .
yes you will lose waterweight unless you did use anti estrogens like liquidex with it but you lose water weight when you stop drol,test,deca,etc. as well , some more than others but the fact is you can add quality mass with dbol

i wonder what happened in the years after that post made you change your mind

anyways, no hard feelings, happy lifting all!
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if you read the 1st few pages of this thread you would inderstand why oral only cycles are not reccomended.

I've been researching a lot and I plan to be for the next 3 months before I touch another cycle. I was a fool when I was younger, and took some orals (pro-hormones) but followed with post cycle therapy (pct)'s. I did this 3 times but, I never had any issues fortunately. I wanted to do one more cycle and rushed into a beastdrol cycle because a site sponsor from Mr.supps assured me it would be fine to run the stack exactly as I had it:

weeks 1-4 30mg beastdrol
weeks 1-4 forged liver support
weeks 1-4 forged joint repair
weeks 4-8 forged post cycle 2x a day
weeks 4-12 forma stanozol

This was a fucking disaster, and thank you dawg for posting this thread... After 2 weeks of the beast, my natural test dropped ( he didn't suggest a test base). I was a beast in the gym, I had zero side effects (my blood pressure barely increased 122/82 from 112/70) but I had some bad erectile dysfunction. I'd have a hot piece of ass in front of me and I couldn't do anything about it...horrible horrible experience. I quit taking the beast b/c I couldn't handle this, Started the post cycle therapy (pct) w/ the forma and I'm back to normal. I learned my lesson.

I'm posting because I still have enough of the beast to run 4 weeks at 20mg a day. Do you suggest a test base to run with beastdrol? I'm fine with running an injection also. Or should I just destroy the beastdrol pills? Like I said I learned my lesson, I'd rather workout naturally than not be able to have sex lol but, I'd like to not completely waste my $$ from that beastdrol stack.

I have a degree in human biology and I'm pursuing grad school in the fall. I'm uneducated about steroids but I understand the material and I will not run another cycle until I'm 100% educated about everything. Aside from wanting to run a cycle and drinking alcohol occasionally ( I'll stop drinking well before the cycle, during, and after) I am very healthy and have a perfect diet. I'm 24, 205lbs, 12% BF and workout 4-5 days a week with moderate activity/cardio on my off days.

Should I throw away the beastdrol?

If running a 4 week at 20mg is ok, do you have any suggestions on a test base? Thanks guys
I had some bad erectile dysfunction. I'd have a hot piece of ass in front of me and I couldn't do anything about it...horrible horrible experience.
If running a 4 week at 20mg is ok, do you have any suggestions on a test base? Thanks guys

Horrible, horrible! Only few people have ever survived one week without sex! :nerd::laugh3:
I've been researching a lot and I plan to be for the next 3 months before I touch another cycle. I was a fool when I was younger, and took some orals (pro-hormones) but followed with pct's. I did this 3 times but, I never had any issues fortunately. I wanted to do one more cycle and rushed into a beastdrol cycle because a site sponsor from Mr.supps assured me it would be fine to run the stack exactly as I had it:

weeks 1-4 30mg beastdrol
weeks 1-4 forged liver support
weeks 1-4 forged joint repair
weeks 4-8 forged post cycle 2x a day
weeks 4-12 forma stanozol

This was a fucking disaster, and thank you dawg for posting this thread... After 2 weeks of the beast, my natural test dropped ( he didn't suggest a test base). I was a beast in the gym, I had zero side effects (my blood pressure barely increased 122/82 from 112/70) but I had some bad erectile dysfunction. I'd have a hot piece of ass in front of me and I couldn't do anything about it...horrible horrible experience. I quit taking the beast b/c I couldn't handle this, Started the PCT w/ the forma and I'm back to normal. I learned my lesson.

I'm posting because I still have enough of the beast to run 4 weeks at 20mg a day. Do you suggest a test base to run with beastdrol? I'm fine with running an injection also. Or should I just destroy the beastdrol pills? Like I said I learned my lesson, I'd rather workout naturally than not be able to have sex lol but, I'd like to not completely waste my $$ from that beastdrol stack.

I have a degree in human biology and I'm pursuing grad school in the fall. I'm uneducated about steroids but I understand the material and I will not run another cycle until I'm 100% educated about everything. Aside from wanting to run a cycle and drinking alcohol occasionally ( I'll stop drinking well before the cycle, during, and after) I am very healthy and have a perfect diet. I'm 24, 205lbs, 12% BF and workout 4-5 days a week with moderate activity/cardio on my off days.

Should I throw away the beastdrol?

If running a 4 week at 20mg is ok, do you have any suggestions on a test base? Thanks guys

no esperience with beastdrol or ny of the newer prohormones , sorry. stanazol/winstrol is just about my least favorite steroid.
why not juts run 400-600 mg of test eth or cyp a week for 10-12 weeks and run pct 2 weeks after the last injection., thats a tried and true real cycle.
no esperience with beastdrol or ny of the newer prohormones , sorry. stanazol/winstrol is just about my least favorite steroid.
why not juts run 400-600 mg of test eth or cyp a week for 10-12 weeks and run pct 2 weeks after the last injection., thats a tried and true real cycle.

please read the rules?

I want to destroy the beast.
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Hey guys I'm new to all of this except eating healthy and working out. I've already ordered anabol and nolvadex as per recommended by a body builder friend who says that it's a really good bulking boost. My question is that I just want to make sure it's a good one to start with and hopefully didn't waste my money as I am in very short supply of it! Thanks in advance guys and girls!!
Hey guys I'm new to all of this except eating healthy and working out. I've already ordered anabol and nolvadex as per recommended by a body builder friend who says that it's a really good bulking boost. My question is that I just want to make sure it's a good one to start with and hopefully didn't waste my money as I am in very short supply of it! Thanks in advance guys and girls!!

Never trust a "bodybuilding friend". I got 1 who suggested me to start with DBol and stack DECA to make it better.

I went online to get more info and found out it was a really bad idea. Look at other people log or look around on this forum. You will get your asnwer pretty fast.

Of course if the only thing you want to hear is that running oral only is good then that's another problem.
Never trust a "bodybuilding friend". I got 1 who suggested me to start with DBol and stack DECA to make it better.

I went online to get more info and found out it was a really bad idea. Look at other people log or look around on this forum. You will get your asnwer pretty fast.

Of course if the only thing you want to hear is that running oral only is good then that's another problem.

Yes, today, when a stack Dianabol+Deca means taking 50 mg Dianabol/day and 600 mg Deca/week, it would be a "really bad idea". But there is probably a reason, why this cycle was so popular in the past, when people didn't take insane doses of steroids yet.
no , i keep hoping they will come to their senses . 10 pages in this thread and they still keep coming .
it goes to show its human nature that if you want something to be true very very badly you will start to believe it is even when in your head you know its not.

Megalomania is your biggest problem. Its cracking me up seeing all these pathetic weeners sucking up to you. No matter what roid youre doing it will shut you down, no matter what roid youre doing there are health risk.
Megalomania is your biggest problem. Its cracking me up seeing all these pathetic weeners sucking up to you. No matter what roid youre doing it will shut you down, no matter what roid youre doing there are health risk.

are you a natural dickhead or do you practice at it.
Made a believer out of me. I joined this board with the thought of another oral cycle like I did years ago, but after reading lots of threads like this I believe it will be test e + arimidex, then clomid and nolvadex.
quite the marathon..

well after 10+ hours i finished reading another thread and this one and i must say it was quite the journey.

This is my first post (if you cant tell) and this thread about oral only cycles has really been an eye opener.

First up i want to say to DADAWG- not enough homage is paid to you. yeah you may not give people room to play with their ideas of orals only and some people may see you as the king of cunts but i think your a fucking legend.

I've read so much of people with similar problems asking you the same damn shit and although it obviously pisses you off you obvious give a shit about each and every dumb ass and troll that hovers around.

at first i was thinking something similar to what others had thought about a 'dbol only cycle' but after this thread you have definantly changed my point of view.. you have said the issues in which orals only cause yet hardly anyone thinks about how to combat those problems, they only get pissed because you told them off.

So ive gone from thinking i can get away only with orals, to realising how profoundly stupid and dangerous that is.. and whilst my 1st cycle im about to speak of is still initially a dbol cycle it is now much more than that.

a quick spiel about me - 25, been working out on and off for a few years, i got fat and lazy after seeing no results about 2 years ago, since last Dec ive lost 25kg, have decent strength back but am looking for more.

so as for my 1st cycle i was thinking about something like this:

4-6 weeks of dbol (short period i know but am only looking to gain strength, not size.. though i dont car eif i get bigger) whilst also cycling with nolva, albuterol, potassium supplements and a kidney protectant supplement.. all to combat the side affects and to help with cutting.

8-12 weeks PCT of the Nolva, whilst still using albuterol, and again potassium supplements, multi's, fish oil, chromium, vitamins c & e (e not so much, but c much more), a diet plan by 3J (supplements and diet plans will be had throughout and after cycle) and i also believe taking a course of Tribestan may aid in bringing my natural Test levels back up.

My second cycle will be test e. with basically everything else mentioned above, with the dbol only used for the first few weeks then discontinued there after.

I'd love to hear some feedback about all of this.

and to the other moderators who i didnt note, your quite helpful and awesome too! its just DADAWG stands out more lol. thanks guys for being un-apologetic and blunt with everyone. It shows you give a shit.