Oral Anabolic Steroid cycles

his euphoria was probablly mental / in his head because he was taking steroids.

No. It wasn't. I took the same Anavar powder, too.

test is THE natural steroid.

It will naturally cover your face with big red cysts, it will naturally make you bald, and of course, it will naturally enlarge your prostate, too.

nothing wrong with orals as PART of a cycle.

I don't make any difference between orals and injectable steroids, as for the anabolic effect. Why should I do? You can take two orals together, combine an oral steroid with an injectable steroid, or take two injectable steroids. It doesn't matter.

taking enough orals to counter the loss of testosterone you naturally make puts you at a high enough dose by itself so why bother.

I never felt any need to counter the loss of testosterone by high doses of steroids. It wouldn't make any sense, because I prefer little androgenic steroids because of their low side effects. The anabolic effect is far more important for me than any feeling of "suppression". The fact that you lift heavier and heavier weights is a sufficient stimulus, even when you may feel "suppressed".

put your big boy panties on and inject.

In the prehistoric age we used syringes. Now we can comfortably use transdermal gels.
No. It wasn't. I took the same Anavar powder, too.

It will naturally cover your face with big red cysts, it will naturally make you bald, and of course, it will naturally enlarge your prostate, too.

I don't make any difference between orals and injectable steroids, as for the anabolic effect. Why should I do? You can take two orals together, combine an oral steroid with an injectable steroid, or take two injectable steroids. It doesn't matter.

I never felt any need to counter the loss of testosterone by high doses of steroids. It wouldn't make any sense, because I prefer little androgenic steroids because of their low side effects. The anabolic effect is far more important for me than any feeling of "suppression". The fact that you lift heavier and heavier weights is a sufficient stimulus, even when you may feel "suppressed".

In the prehistoric age we used syringes. Now we can comfortably use transdermal gels.

you can justify and rationilize all you want but in the end your a pansy whos afraid to inject.

thats your choice but dont try to make yourself feel better by telling other newbies its ok.
coverd in transdermal patches head to toe when will I see gains and what should I expect?

Please help me DaDawg I didn't want to do an oral only cycle! And needles make me nervious

Should I run pct after these patches?

Aslo I putt one of them on my balls because thats were are natty test is produced and My thoughts were it may absorb better and get into my system quicker? I this OK?

Are my nuts supossed to puff up like this? And the burn! Is that normal? :worried:
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Retarded post.

Nothing wrong with oral only cycles.

Provide empirical evidence showing me "oral only" cycles are so bad?

I love these text book fucks with their know nothing "contributions".

I am sure D was juicing before you were sperm.

I love these text book fucks with their know nothing "contributions".

I am sure D was juicing before you were sperm.


LOL Again: Why are oral cycles bad? Can someone argue logically and rationally? It just doesn't matter, what a steroid you use.

It seems to me that you are simply unable to keep gains from oral-only cycles due to bad post cycle therapy (pct) that doesn't take into account the short half-time of oral steroids and the immediate post-cycle crash.
LOL Again: Why are oral cycles bad? Can someone argue logically and rationally? It just doesn't matter, what a steroid you use.

It seems to me that you are simply unable to keep gains from oral-only cycles due to bad post cycle therapy (pct) that doesn't take into account the short half-time of oral steroids and the immediate post-cycle crash.

if you read the 1st few pages of this thread you would inderstand why oral only cycles are not reccomended.
6 oral cycles and your username is steroidman LOL .

None of us are ever too old to learn guys. This guy has 6 oral only cycles under his belt and that proves everything.

I'll contact Jay and Ronnie right now and inform them to stop those silly injectables.

I'll put them in touch with STERIODMAN!!

Cannot wait to see this year's Mr. Olympia with guys doing things right (finally).
the only reason phil heath won last years olympia is because hes on an all oral cycle. jay cutler was still injecting thats why he lost
6 oral cycles and your username is steroidman LOL .

I choose usernames that resemble the name of the site, where I am registered. Elsewhere I am a "Skroidman" (on Skroids.com) etc. Otherwise I couldn't remember it. Hopefully it is sufficient as an explanation.

P.S.: The total number of my cycles is 7, including a short cycle with nandrolone in 2001. This experience was an ordeal, especially the injecting of the last vial with which I spent about half an hour (being unsure if I didn't hit a vein). Considering that there are new methods of transdermal delivery, using injectable steroids is no longer meaningful.
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None of us are ever too old to learn guys. This guy has 6 oral only cycles under his belt and that proves everything.

I'll contact Jay and Ronnie right now and inform them to stop those silly injectables.

I'll put them in touch with STERIODMAN!!

Cannot wait to see this year's Mr. Olympia with guys doing things right (finally).

Do you know, what was my aim? I suppose you are not interested.

Since I used a non-aromatizing steroid with extremely low side effects, you can guess that my primary aim was strength, hardening of the body and the minimization of androgenic side effects.
I choose usernames that resemble the name of the site, where I am registered. Elsewhere I am a "Skroidman" (on Skroids.com) etc. Otherwise I couldn't remember it. Hopefully it is sufficient as an explanation.

P.S.: The total number of my cycles is 7, including a short cycle with nandrolone in 2001. This experience was an ordeal, especially the injecting of the last vial with which I spent about half an hour (being unsure if I didn't hit a vein). Considering that there are new methods of transdermal delivery, using injectable steroids is no longer meaningful.

You forgot to mention the homosexual site your on were your name is cockman
Guys may be steroidhead has finally found the best oral cycle solution for pussy ass people to don`t inject cuase it hurts...:baby::baby:
Guys may be steroidhead has finally found the best oral cycle solution for pussy ass people to don`t inject cuase it hurts...:baby::baby:

It doesn't hurt at all. The only serious problem is that you can hit a vein - which can have fatal consequences. Several years ago, some guy in the internet talked about his experience. He injected his steroid dose into his buttock, didn't observe any blood in the syringe at all, but subsequently collapsed and fell on the ground. He was coughing the stuff out of his lungs for the next half an hour.

Since we can now use transdermal delivery, injecting steroids is no longer meaningful. Yes, it also has its drawbacks (the accuracy of dosage being the most burdensome), but I would prefer it over injections all the time.
It doesn't hurt at all. The only serious problem is that you can hit a vein - which can have fatal consequences. Several years ago, some guy in the internet talked about his experience. He injected his steroid dose into his buttock, didn't observe any blood in the syringe at all, but subsequently collapsed and fell on the ground. He was coughing the stuff out of his lungs for the next half an hour.

Since we can now use transdermal delivery, injecting steroids is no longer meaningful. Yes, it also has its drawbacks (the accuracy of dosage being the most burdensome), but I would prefer it over injections all the time.
I blieved that you and your pussy ass excuses for not injecting are very stupid and maybe the guy who pinch a vein was a retard and don`t know what the fuck he was doing. Stop trying the bring a nonsense point about oral cycles only. THEY SUCK JUST LIKE YOUR JUSTIFICATIONS OF NOT PUT THE NEEDLE ON YOU ASS....:shoot2:
LOL at these poofs making a fuss, I'm surprised they even go near a pair of dumbells.

Oral only cycles are shit....SHIT. It'll be a waste of your money.

Stick to testosterone to start with and get someone else to pin you if you're that scared about it. I guarantee you'll be wondering why you were so fearful after the first pin, and after a few times you'll be doing it yourself.
I blieved that you and your pussy ass excuses for not injecting are very stupid and maybe the guy who pinch a vein was a retard and don`t know what the fuck he was doing. Stop trying the bring a nonsense point about oral cycles only. THEY SUCK JUST LIKE YOUR JUSTIFICATIONS OF NOT PUT THE NEEDLE ON YOU ASS....:shoot2:

congrats you went from a 1 week ban to permenant
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