Oral Anabolic Steroid cycles

lol wow you've hit da wall already an here i am wasting years of bustin my balls an u have done it in months write a book an ill buy ur secrets lol eat more train harder den eat sum more....
What advice would you give to the person who wants to do a cycle of Primobolan and Anavar (var)? They are both on the mild side when it comes to gains, but in terms of side effects they're pretty low, which is why I'm considering these. Waisting my time?

my bro used primo and sus for 12 weeks used clomid at end with no sides tranied 5 days a week he sais it made his balls bigger lol he got from 12.5st to over 15 he is round the 14st mark now
I've got to think that much of the oral only crowd are the guys that think a good spring training schedule consist of hitting the tanning bed 7 days a week, doing the pec deck and concentration curls only just to get "tone" while they watch reruns of jersey shore in their TapOut shirt sipping on NO explode and listening to diet advice from their bro who is NASA certified or whatever the fuck it is and really knows his shit.

NASA Certified lmao. :)
Hi guys I'm taking 500mg of sust and 250mg of deca on a 10 week cycle but was thinking of cutting it to an 8 week cycle and upping the sust to 750mg but keeping deca the same is this a good plan or stick to wit I'm doing just now? In gained nearly a stone in 4 weeks so far wot do u think? JamboCraig
Hi guys I'm taking 500mg of sust and 250mg of deca on a 10 week cycle but was thinking of cutting it to an 8 week cycle and upping the sust to 750mg but keeping deca the same is this a good plan or stick to wit I'm doing just now? In gained nearly a stone in 4 weeks so far wot do u think? JamboCraig

sustanon and deca both have long esters and need 12 weeks for a cycle.
i put something on a different page so am going to re write here as was directed here..

i have read all 12 pages, but cant find the specific info im after - sorry if i missed it but i did try first!!

i have got some oral turinabol... i am very lean anyway and am not after putting on masses of muscle, but some good hard gains and a general boost to me getting ripped would be nice..

i have had a dig around the forums, apologies if anything has been asked before..

my diet and training are spot on..

i was thinking about running a 4 week cycle, first 3-4 days 30mg per day, then up to 40-50 per day... i am on milk thistle and dont plan on drinking for this period...

am i at risk of gyno? i guess not due to no aromatisation

its the post cycle therapy (pct) which confuses me - someone said i dont need it as t bol is mild, someone said i do... what do i take, for how long for and where do i get it...

also, any advice on the cycle great thanks

all help appreciated

i put something on a different page so am going to re write here as was directed here..

i have read all 12 pages, but cant find the specific info im after - sorry if i missed it but i did try first!!

i have got some oral turinabol... i am very lean anyway and am not after putting on masses of muscle, but some good hard gains and a general boost to me getting ripped would be nice..

i have had a dig around the forums, apologies if anything has been asked before..

my diet and training are spot on..

i was thinking about running a 4 week cycle, first 3-4 days 30mg per day, then up to 40-50 per day... i am on milk thistle and dont plan on drinking for this period...

am i at risk of gyno? i guess not due to no aromatisation

its the post cycle therapy (pct) which confuses me - someone said i dont need it as t bol is mild, someone said i do... what do i take, for how long for and where do i get it...

also, any advice on the cycle great thanks

all help appreciated


you didnt read this thread or you would know.

you are replacing a strong steroid [ test ] with a weaker one tbol. what do you possible hope to gain? you will shut down your natural test and probablly lose lean mass in the long run.
Got my first ever bottles of tamox, clomi and letro along with the metered eye dopper. Whats the best to take this stuff. Mix with a juice, water or really dont make any difference? Thanks
Got my first ever bottles of tamox, clomi and letro along with the metered eye dopper. Whats the best to take this stuff. Mix with a juice, water or really dont make any difference? Thanks

just drink up , doesnt matter.
this has probably been said, but i think people want an oral only cycle because they are scared to inject or think injecting is worse. thats what i thought when i first had the idea to start steroids. i was scared to inject a needle in me and i felt like doing that was like really bad lol even though its better and safer than doing an oral only cycle. I thank God for people like dadawg and others who take the time on this forum and let others know whats good and whats bad. their knowledge they share is priceless and appreciated.

can anyone here recomend a gym in indiana . read the rules

be smart , asking for a source in a open forum is like asking to get scammed. using a yahoo address to conduct illegal isnt very smart either.
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i put something on a different page so am going to re write here as was directed here..

i have read all 12 pages, but cant find the specific info im after - sorry if i missed it but i did try first!!

i have got some oral turinabol... i am very lean anyway and am not after putting on masses of muscle, but some good hard gains and a general boost to me getting ripped would be nice..

i have had a dig around the forums, apologies if anything has been asked before..

my diet and training are spot on..

i was thinking about running a 4 week cycle, first 3-4 days 30mg per day, then up to 40-50 per day... i am on milk thistle and dont plan on drinking for this period...

am i at risk of gyno? i guess not due to no aromatisation

its the pct which confuses me - someone said i dont need it as t bol is mild, someone said i do... what do i take, for how long for and where do i get it...

also, any advice on the cycle great thanks

all help appreciated

point of this thread is NOT TO DO ORAL ONLY CYCLES!!!
is there empirical evidence/studies that show how much of an oral steroid such as dbol is equivalent to break even with regular test production?

without such proof, everything you say is broscience

edit: this quote is taken from the dianabol profile from steroid.com, not sure if it's correct

The original package insert said that 10mgs/day was enough to provide full androgen replacement for a man and Dr.Zeigler recommended that athletes take 5-10mgs/day. Incidentally, this is also the dose that Bodybuilders were reputed to take from then until roughly the 1970s. Yeah, this was allegedly Arnolds dose, Zanes dose, etc... simply stacked with some testosterone. (For any trivia buffs out there, Dan Duchaines mail order steroid business operated under the name "The John Zeigler Fan Club").

Read more: steroid.com/Dianabol.php#ixzz1p9qTtW9R

I'm not trying to argue that oral cycles are smart, I just want proof that what you say is correct
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is there empirical evidence/studies that show how much of an oral steroid such as dbol is equivalent to break even with regular test production?

without such proof, everything you say is broscience

edit: this quote is taken from the dianabol profile from steroid.com, not sure if it's correct

I'm not trying to argue that oral cycles are smart, I just want proof that what you say is correct

yes the medical studies have done thousands of studies just to help bodybuilders do illegal steroids lol.

empirical and broscience in your 1st post , congrats. ive probablly been around this stuff since before you were born so ive got a pretty good feel for how things work in the real world. the fact is to take enough steroids to do any good you will shut down your natural testosterone , thats just a fact . so now you no only have to take enough steroids to get gains but to also make up for your loss of testosterone production. since orals have more effect on your health due to their stress on the liver taking enough oral steroids by themselves to offset your loss of testosterone AND make gains places a unnecessary strain on your health/liver. can you make gains from a oral only cycle , YES you can but WHY . take off your panties and put on your jock strap and do the injections , its better for gains and better for your health.
yes the medical studies have done thousands of studies just to help bodybuilders do illegal steroids lol.

empirical and broscience in your 1st post , congrats. ive probablly been around this stuff since before you were born so ive got a pretty good feel for how things work in the real world. the fact is to take enough steroids to do any good you will shut down your natural testosterone , thats just a fact . so now you no only have to take enough steroids to get gains but to also make up for your loss of testosterone production. since orals have more effect on your health due to their stress on the liver taking enough oral steroids by themselves to offset your loss of testosterone AND make gains places a unnecessary strain on your health/liver. can you make gains from a oral only cycle , YES you can but WHY . take off your panties and put on your jock strap and do the injections , its better for gains and better for your health.

i'm only trying to make a point that yes you can make solid keepable gains on dbol because for some reason, people like to parrot what they've heard from others and say that all gains from a dbol cycle is all water and WILL be lost. It's not a waste of time of done properly. Of course injectables are a much better because it doesn't have to go through your liver but I think you're overexaggerating the effects of dbol on the liver, unless people are taking retarded doses of 50mg or higher, a dose of 20-30mg is very light on the liver and is still MUCH more than what your natural test can yield in terms of muscle gains. A dbol cycle of 20-30mg at no more than 6 weeks is in FACT still very safe for your liver when done properly.

I'm not encouraging the use of oral only cycles to replace injectables but to only say that there can be reasons OTHER than people being scared of needle and that a dbol only cycle WILL give good KEEPABLE gains
i'm only trying to make a point that yes you can make solid keepable gains on dbol because for some reason, people like to parrot what they've heard from others and say that all gains from a dbol cycle is all water and WILL be lost. It's not a waste of time of done properly. Of course injectables are a much better because it doesn't have to go through your liver but I think you're overexaggerating the effects of dbol on the liver, unless people are taking retarded doses of 50mg or higher, a dose of 20-30mg is very light on the liver and is still MUCH more than what your natural test can yield in terms of muscle gains. A dbol cycle of 20-30mg at no more than 6 weeks is in FACT still very safe for your liver when done properly.

I'm not encouraging the use of oral only cycles to replace injectables but to only say that there can be reasons OTHER than people being scared of needle and that a dbol only cycle WILL give good KEEPABLE gains

why the hell would you run 20-30 mg of dbol and shut down your natural test for that dose. quit trying to be smarter than everyone else and use your head.