perscription for roids


New member
hopefully this is not a stupid question, and if it is i appoligize. but does anyone have any idea about what one could go to the doctor complaining of that would result in a perscription for roids?? again i appoligize if this is stupid. I thought that since i have had a vasectimy that i could go to a doctor to test my sperm count and when there is nothing there i could maybe con him into a script! if anyone has any other ideas let me know.
jph said:
hopefully this is not a stupid question, and if it is i appoligize. but does anyone have any idea about what one could go to the doctor complaining of that would result in a perscription for roids?? again i appoligize if this is stupid. I thought that since i have had a vasectimy that i could go to a doctor to test my sperm count and when there is nothing there i could maybe con him into a script! if anyone has any other ideas let me know.

im pretty sure that you're not going to doop the doc with that one... :spin:
Go see an Endocrinologist, if you find the right one and your test levels are low, they may put you on test injections weekly. I found one that put me on test gel. It is called androgel, it is very week though. You will need to be in your mid 30's, at least. You can also go to an anti-aging clinic. They will prescirbe test and HGH, but you better have very deep pockets.
plaque said:
Go see an Endocrinologist, if you find the right one and your test levels are low, they may put you on test injections weekly. I found one that put me on test gel. It is called androgel, it is very week though. You will need to be in your mid 30's, at least. You can also go to an anti-aging clinic. They will prescirbe test and HGH, but you better have very deep pockets.

Wonder if insurance covers that kind of thing.
matty2412 said:
Wonder if insurance covers that kind of thing.

Yes and Yes.

I was diagnosed with low test (Hypogonadism)

Went to a local Endo, prescribed Androgel, barley broke me into the normal reference range. Would not prescribe injectables.

Then went to a anti-aging clinic and got an injectable.....Much better.

My insurance covered both less a copay. Good luck.
Even guys that have legitimate hypogonadism have a hard time getting a prescription for test, and even if they do get a prescription, it is often for Androgel. What I'm saying is that it is a big battle, unless you live in FL near one of the docs that will prescribe anything.
What if u were to do a hefty nandrolone cycle, and come back to ur doc to check test levels. Just an idea :). Dont tell him that u have used nandrolone of course :).
mranak said:
Even guys that have legitimate hypogonadism have a hard time getting a prescription for test, and even if they do get a prescription, it is often for Androgel. What I'm saying is that it is a big battle, unless you live in FL near one of the docs that will prescribe anything.

I DO...there is one of those right down the street lol but im serious
Has anyone heard of doc prescribing HGH to those who vertically challenged; I should say? I wonder what the rule or cut-off for that is? If so, how much would they be likely to give you. This is probobly one of my stupid phantacies, but I was just considering it. I'm about 5'3" and full grown. Just a thought.
i have a shrapnel wound in my lower back, i wonder if i can go to a doctor and get a script for test? better yet, you think he'll prescribe me cocaine? errr...solution: fly to a country where you can buy pretty much ANYTHING on the local market, no questions asked.
nateman06 said:
Has anyone heard of doc prescribing HGH to those who vertically challenged; I should say? I wonder what the rule or cut-off for that is? If so, how much would they be likely to give you. This is probobly one of my stupid phantacies, but I was just considering it. I'm about 5'3" and full grown. Just a thought.
Well, if you truely are 'full grown', then all I can think to recommend is high heels. :D

How old are you?
vados said:
What if u were to do a hefty nandrolone cycle, and come back to ur doc to check test levels. Just an idea :). Dont tell him that u have used nandrolone of course :).
Real world comments from doctors
- It isn't in the 'normal range', but it is normal for you.
- Let's wait 3 months and do another test
- I'll refer you to an endocrinologist. His next opening is in 2007.
- Let's see if we can get your levels up with a SERM
- Come in my office every (2, 3, or 4 weeks, depending on how clueless the doctor is) and the nurse will give you an injection.

And the good doctors that realize you need treatment:

- Here is your prescription for Androgel. (Effective for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), but good luck using it for a cycle)
nateman06 said:
Has anyone heard of doc prescribing HGH to those who vertically challenged; I should say? I wonder what the rule or cut-off for that is? If so, how much would they be likely to give you. This is probobly one of my stupid phantacies, but I was just considering it. I'm about 5'3" and full grown. Just a thought.

Growth plates are all closed up completely by 24 years old, if you are lucky. Probably sooner than that, if you are average. If you are still 19-20, there is a chance you might grow still... not sure how well HGH would help with that, but good luck getting a doctor to prescribe it to you to "cure" being short.

But why bother? You can look totally jacked at 150 lbs.
That's the stupidest thing I ever read. Has to be a joke. If people want test that bad, why don't they just find a source and buy some AAS? You'd have to be half-retarded not to be able to find a source.
Or instead of doing all that riduculous crap, you could just take some prop, susp or other fast acting adrogen, and discontinue a couple days before the test (long enough for the test to clear, and not enough time for andy HPTA recovery). Then you'll test will be way low, too low for them to possibly say it is "good enough for you" because it will close to zero (remember, though, this is not gauranteed - some docs really are that bad!). This will be much easier, and probably more effective, and doing all that and showing up drunk at your docs - looking for a script for a controlled substance!
I believe it is against the law to perscribe any drug (steroids) for cosmetic purposes. People that have had cancer surgery or AIDS or something that has devastated there
muscles can get about anything. The rest of us NADA.

Anti aging clinics will give you a shot of test every 2 weeks or Andro Gel. They will
also give you HGH. However, your insurance will not pay for HGH. They will test your
blood and will not let you go outside the normal limits. However, they do want clients
and there may be exceptions to the rules. This however is TOP SECRET.