Pinnacle Labs SALE!!!! Mao Raws.....

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Re: Warm di@k

Quote Originally Posted by Georgia View Post
How long did it take you to come up with that??? That shit is Hilarious!!!!!!View attachment 544531

Georgia posted this on another board and I just had to put this up here!!!! Funny shit!!!!
quality wise you won't top pinnacle!! you can find cheaper but you will not find better!
Can the adex be injected or did they just use sealed vials out of their convienence?

Sealed vials for convenience, it is to be taken by mouth. Since you use a syringe to get accurate dose, why not just put in a vial? Take your needle off once you get proper dosage and squirt it into your preworkout drink or into some water cause the shit is strong!!!! Taste like fucking mouth wash!!! Works great, I been using it this whole cycle with perfect results but.... the taste is harsh to me!!!
Well, it looks like Pinnacle has stepped up the competition for all those underdosers and low quality competitors!!! I just saw their site and it blew me back. It appears they are using the BEST raws this game offers and have been offering for a VERY long time as Mao Raws have been around forever and have been the TOP of the food chain in final product since day one!!!
I guess they are kicking off this conversion to Mao with a HUGE sale!!!!

Pops!!!! It's time to get yourself stocked up on all that BADASS ana Anavar (var) you been waiting on cause it looks like they are stocked to the gills and have even added a few products!!!!

Happy Pinning!!!!

If the goal of this was post was for people like me to log on and buy more Pinnacle gear . . . It WORKED! LOL. 20% discount was too good to refuse. Been looking at buying some Anavar (var) for Cycle 2 or 3. Also got a few more items
If the goal of this was post was for people like me to log on and buy more Pinnacle gear . . . It WORKED! LOL. 20% discount was too good to refuse. Been looking at buying some Anavar (var) for Cycle 2 or 3. Also got a few more items

Well, I'm sure their goal was geared around making a few bucks yes. But they also want their current and future clients to know that they are in this game to provide QUALITY and take this AAS to the best level it can be taken to. With all the pain and hassle in trying to find RELIABLE QUALITY AAS what with all the LONG WAITS and UNDERDOSING and flat out RIP YOUR ASS OFF labs out there, Pinn wants bros to know that even though it may not be cheap..... QUALITY VS QUANTITY will win hands down!!! And With Mao Raws being the powering force in Pinnacle Gear..... I think the point was made!!!!
Damn i've been on for awhile but not much of a poster, more of a reader. Kicking myself in the ass for not posting and getting in the loop so I can get in on this acton. Trying to get posts up so maybe I can earn my way into the loop, take it easy on flaming bro's.
remember with mast p you can go an extra day between shots. in essence u can inject it 2x per week if you space the days out. kick in time of 1 week for mast p and 4-5 weeks for mast e
remember with mast p you can go an extra day between shots. in essence u can inject it 2x per week if you space the days out. kick in time of 1 week for mast p and 4-5 weeks for mast e

Zeek is 100% correct here!!!! I love it that he knows his shit!!!! There is really no point in carrying Mast E as it has tooooo long of a kick in time for most to care to use!!! mast P works well at 2 x's per week and 3 would be excellent which is not much for the experienced BB!!!!!
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