Powerathlete's Training Log


New member
I have been on a break from my workout routine secondary to a very hectic work/school schedule. I am using a new routine because I hope to gain back the strength I have lost and more. This log will only include work sets.

Tuesday-August 16, 2005
245X5, 255X5
Box Squats
215X5, 215X5
Leg Press
12-45's and 2-25's for 2 sets of 5
Weighted Abs
3X8 with 25lbs
Wednesday-August 17, 2005
Flat Wide Grip Bench
225X3, 225X3
Medium Grip Declines
225X5, 225X4
Four Board Presses Wide Grip
265X4, 265X3
Cable Push Downs
100X10, 100X10
I threw in some calves because I did not have time yesterday.
Seated Calf Raises
160X12, 170X10
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My legs were still quite sore today from Tuesday's squat routine but I really wanted to do deadlifts. One problem I encountered was that my grip failed during my working set of deadlifts. Therefore I will be scowering the forum for some good grip work.
Friday-August 19, 2005
Bent Over Rows with Medium Pronated Grip
225X5, 225X5
Pulldowns with Medium Pronated Grip
200X5, 200X3
*I have a little trouble with the last few inches of the concentric phase of pulldowns no matter what weight. I'm not exactly sure why yet.
Wide Grip Straight Bar Curls
100X6, 100X5
Decline Crunches with 25#
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Powerathlete said:
My legs were still quite sore today from Tuesday's squat routine but I really wanted to do deadlifts. One problem I encountered was that my grip failed during my working set of deadlifts. Therefore I will be scowering the forum for some good grip work.
Friday-August 19, 2005
Bent Over Rows with Medium Pronated Grip
225X5, 225X5
Pulldowns with Medium Pronated Grip
200X5, 200X3
*I have a little trouble with the last few inches of the concentric phase of pulldowns no matter what weight. I'm not exactly sure why yet.
Wide Grip Straight Bar Curls
100X6, 100X5
Decline Crunches with 25#

for now use some wrist straps so you dont sacrifise weight cause of your grip. i like plain ol grippers here at home. they work very well. jut smake sure you have some that are tought to squeeze.

static holds with weight after your back day will help build grip strength.

and to answer your querstion about speed work on dimels. yes they build explosive power and raw power as well. speed work with less weight takes as much or moer work than slower heavier reps., m x A = W to be tecnical.
please do. this is my favoritre forum on this board. i love readingthe jouranls. i have picked up some nice tips from this section and the same on other boards i frequent.
Tuesday-August 23, 2005
255x5, 265x5
Box Squats
225x5, 225x5
Leg Press
675X3; I stopped at 3 reps versus 5 because my right hip is really bothering me. My right glutes and quads are weaker on my right so I think I will add in some unilateral training. If anyone has suggestions feel free to post.
Decline Abdominals
3x8 with 25#, 1x8 35#

My strength is really shooting up and I'm wondering if I should make smaller jumps or not. Since my last workout my squat is up 20#'s for reps. I want to keep progressing so maybe I'll just keep doing as much as I can.
i have heard of people doing one leged press' and ext./curls one at a time try it out.i don't know personaly mine have always been cool with squats.
Wednesday-August 24, 2005
Wide Grip Flat Bench
225X4, 225X4
Medium Grip Declines
235X5, 235X4
Wide Grip 3 Board Presses
245X5, 245X4
BWx10, BWx10, BWx6
Seated Calf Raises
160X12, 180X9

I still feel as though my technique on bench is not correct. I feel a lot of pressure in my anterior shoulders with the powerlifting technique. I have never had shoulder pain with bench press even when I was doing 275X6 with bodybuilding style form.
I've been sick the past couple of day sleeping 14 hours a day. I will be taking this week off to give my body a rest and I bet when I come back my strength will be even better.
Well I have been feeling better and decided that I am going to switch back to a bodybuilding type of workout.
Monday-September 5, 2005
Incline Bench (without any lockouts)
135X10, 185X10, 185X8, 185X6, 155X10

DB Flat Bench (with a pause at the end of the concentric phase)
60'sX10, 70'sX10, 70'sX8, 60'sX8

Cable Crossovers (with a pause at the end of the concentric phase)120X15, 140X15, 160X10

Skull Crushers
65X10, 85X10, 105X8

V-bar pushdowns
120X10, 140X10, 180X8, drop set with 160X5

Decline Abs
3X10 with a 10# plate overhead

Torso Twist in Decline

This workout felt a lot better to me than the past few and I really enjoyed the pump!
Wednesday-September 8, 2005
Narrow Stance Squats
45X10, 135X10, 185X8, 225X10, 225X10

Single Leg Extensions (Hammer Strength)
25X12, 45X10, 65X10, 90X8

Standing Single Leg Curls
25X10, 35X10, 50X10


Calf Raises on Hack Squat Machine
270X12, 360X10, 450X10, 540X8

I took it easy today with squats because I can't even remember the last time I performed narrow stance squats. I focused on form and even though I'm 6'2" the stance felt better than shoulder width or wide stance. I've realized that my hamstring strength needs some focus. They are much weaker than my quads and I have a difficult time with the last 1/3 of the range of motion. I believe a lot of that has to do with my extreme hamstring tightness.
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I had to take a few days off mostly due to being extremely sore from the previous workouts. I am going to adjust my volume and intensity a little bit.

Monday-September 12, 2005
Pullups with assist of 40lbs.
Low Hammer Strength Row
90X12, 140X10, 180X8
Supinated Grip Barbell Row
135X10, 135X10, 185X10
Straight Bar Curls
45X12, 45X12, 55X10
Pronated Straight Bar Curls
45lbs 3X10
Concentration Curls
25lbs. 2X10
Grip Work
225X30sec pronated grip, 315X15secX2 with staggered grip
Decline Abs
BWX10, 10X10, 20X10, 25X10
Decline Ab Twists

Next back workout I am only going to do partial reps at the end of the concentric phase. This is where I struggle the most through the movement and I will focus on this impairment.
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I am adding volume but I am decreasing intensity. It's more of a periodization program. Over the course of the year, after I get to the right volume, I will start decreasing volume and increasing intensity. So far Monday's workout has left me feeling very good today. I have a slight soreness in my lats and bi's. During my workouts I am not training to complete failure but am looking to increase poundages each week.

Tuesday-September 13, 2005
Narrow Stance Squats
45X15, 135X10, 185X10, 235X10
Leg Extensions
50X10, 90X10, 130X10, 160X10
Leg Press
Single Leg Calf Raises
BWX10, BW+20lbsX10, BW+30lbsX10
nice looking workout..so you are gonna try and not go to failure and basically just do more sets\exercises?
mister69 said:
nice looking workout..so you are gonna try and not go to failure and basically just do more sets\exercises?
Precisely. I can't remember the last time I trained this way and it will be a good change of pace. I really believe I was overtraining this past year. I never gave my body a break from training to complete failure. I figure as long as I make progress it's all good. I have also switched my leg routine around so now it is split up into quads and hams. It looks like this:

Monday: Back and Bi's
Tuesday: Quads and Calves
Wednesday: Off
Thursday: Chest and Tri's
Friday: Hams and Shoulders

We will see how the shoulders do with this workout. I might end up switching them around.