Pre-Contest Cycle


New member
Hey guys, I'm doing my first contest on June 4th, 2011. I've been training on and off for the last 6 yrs and extremely hard for the last 3. I've done 2 cycles so this will be my third. I've done test and eq, and test eq dbol.

For the pre-contest i have test prop, masteron, and tren ace. I'm also looking at getting some growth hormone peptides because I've heard very good things and not any negative, and I figure that will help burn fat too.

I would like some help with how much of these drugs you think I should run leading up to the contest. Im planning on 10 weeks leading up to it.

right now Im at around 11-12%bf, ~210 and im 5'9"
im 20. ill put up some better pictures when my gf gets here so she can take some current pics of me.


this pic was last summer so im definately a little bigger and tanner now. and that is pretty much my natural bf level in the summer. i've always ate decent. never tried to cut down tho, so this show will be fun lol.


and this pic, the light must have hit my back just perfectly or something because my back looks pretty decent, but this pic is definately sick. doesnt usually look quite like that.
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from what I've looked up I have a general idea

test prop 75mg oed = 260 a wk
masteron 100mg oed = 350 a wk
tren 75mg oed = 260 a wk

that seems like low test tho...maybe do 100mg eod until a couple weeks before the show then ease up because of water weight?
Ill also be running ghrp2 and cjc1295 starting soon. The juice cycle ill start march 26.

Im probably going to have a natural pro bodybuilder doing my diet...would my diet be the same with or without the juice?

The show im doing is a pretty big show so I might be one of the smaller guys on stage so im trying to grow into this show a little bit.
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since i might have a natural pro bodybuilder doing my diet, im wondering if my diet would be the exact same with or without the gear?
prop,tren and mast is a great cycle but will have sides namely feeling tired this is due to the toxicity of both the tren and the mast. I ran this exact cycle last summer however at diff doses,prop 150 eod, mast 400 wk, and tren 100 eod all for 16 weeks with stan at the end wks 8-16. I got amazing results went from 220lbs with 20%bf to 222lbs with 13%bf so it works but really runs ur immune system right down, take liver support pills when u run it or else!
very nice. sounds good. i will probably do 150mg test prop eod until closer to the show. and the first 4 weeks ill start with dbol just to hopefully jump start putting on some muscle before hand. I'm really hoping to grow while cutting, which it looks like u did very well.
alright guys, this is what im thinking now. and i plan to start this cycle on march 12, which is 12 weeks out from the show. maybe a couple days sooner if i get my gear from naps in the mail :)

test prop 100-150mg eod wk 1-10
dbol 30mg ed wk 1-4
masteron 100mg eod wk 1-12 or 3-12
tren ace 75mg oed wk 1-12 or 3-12

prami .25mg ed

letro, arimidex, aromasin, nolva, and clomid on hand.

I was thinking about running the test prop at 100mg eod for just the first week instead of 150mg because i read somewhere on these forums about people getting test flu which sounded like it may happen from ur test levels jumping so high so fast? that sounded uncomfortable so maybe this will help? thats my only reasoning for starting with 100mg eod instead of 150, so correct me if im wrong. and wk 1-10 because i was told for the show, u drop the test about 2 weeks before to make sure u arent holding any extra water.

the dbol is to help jump start the gains because im trying to put on some more muscle while cutting down. i figure the first 4 weeks, even tho its a cutting cycle, the dbol isnt going to be bad to start with.

the tren and masteron just seem like good dosages? if anything maybe 75mg masteron just cause its a DHT compound or whatever so it might cause faster male balding, which more than likely i am very prone to going bald since every male on both sides of the family are bald.

or up the tren to 100mg eod just cause it sounds like its a sweet ass drug :)

and i did start my pre-contest diet today. once i actually start this cylce i will post stats and pics to monitor progress on here. im so fucking pumped to run tren. i hope i grow. my calories are around 2500-3000 on day one but im carb cycling so the calories will go down some throughout the week then back up. im keeping my protein to atleast 250g a day every day.

oh ya, and the reason i said wk 1-12 or 3-12 for tren and masteron is cause then it would be 10 wks instead of 12 wks on those, which seems like a long time? and plus i wont be that lean the first few weeks of the cycle. or do u think i should run all of them from the beginning?
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what do u guys think? would u change anything? is my prami dosage good? should i be running an anti-estrogen to keep fat and water down as it gets closer to the show? but 2 weeks out, ill drop the test and the other 2 shouldnt retain any water or fat so im good?
just started my cycle!! Put 100mg of test prop in left cheek. hopefully i dont get the infamous prop soreness.

So this is the plan, since im running 2 things that will be new to me, im going to do test prop for a week, then bring in the tren ace at 75mg/eod and a week later i'll bring in the masteron at 100mg/eod, and then im upping my test to 150mg/eod, so 500mg/wk. I'm also picking up some dbol in a couple hours, and i'll be running that at 25mg/day for 4-6 weeks.

So the layout once i get everything going:
test prop 150mg eod wk 1-10
dbol 25mg ed wk 1-6
masteron 100mg eod wk 1-12
tren ace 75mg eod wk 1-12

I have a whole bunch of anti-e, Aromatase inhibitor (AI), and anti-prolactin stuff on hand. I dont plan to use any unless needed. I've never had a problem with estro, so if i develop gyno, i'll jump on the prami. Plus, masteron is supposed to help keep estrogen sides down.

and im 12.5 weeks out from my show fyi. 12 weeks on saturday. diet has been going good. well it sucks, but i've been sticking to it. i've already lost a noticeable amount of weight (hopefully all fat) in the last couple weeks. I do notice i am more cut, I see more definition in my shoulders and legs for sure. So i'll keep with the diet, and with the help of the gear, hopefully I can put on 5-10lbs of lean mass while losing fat.

it sucks losing weight, just mentally. for the past few yrs i've only focused on getting bigger so its weird.

and a side note about the dbol, im getting 5mg pills so 5 a day, but only 20 days worth. I have 10mg pills on the way from naps right now, so hopefully they will be here soon, and once i run out of the 5mg pills, i'll switch to the 10 and do 30mg/day for the remaining 20 some days. I'll keep u guys informed of my progress.
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Very well thought out cycle, you will shred up like no other on it I am sure. If you are dropping the test two weeks prior, how will that short and ester test work with your post cycle therapy (pct) or will you just worry about that post contest?
I still plan to talk with some bbers about when or how do i know when to drop the test before a show, last I heard a guy told me 2 weeks. So thats what I'm planning right now. the other 2 compounds go up through the show, and I planned to do a normal basic post cycle therapy (pct) starting a day or 2 after the show.
I still plan to talk with some bbers about when or how do i know when to drop the test before a show, last I heard a guy told me 2 weeks. So thats what I'm planning right now. the other 2 compounds go up through the show, and I planned to do a normal basic post cycle therapy (pct) starting a day or 2 after the show.

I always thought that with prop you didn't hold much or any water at all but I am no expert, hence the question. Good luck with your prep and the show!
right, u shouldnt hold much water, but i think u still retain a little, and as it gets close to the show, you gotta get rid of almost every drop, so u drop the test. thats what i've been told by many bbers. and there r some that believe u should run it through the show. that detail i'll just end up figuring out as it gets closer.
So, I have been doing 100mg of test prop eod and i just started tren at 75mg eod yesterday. I'll bring in the masteron in like 4 more days. So far, i've stuck prop in my left glute, right glute, and left quad i added in the tren. As far as soreness, its been mild, but i feel pain in my left quad now when flexing or stretching the muscle. Once I bring in the masteron, I might be doing 2 injections eod because i dont want to put 3ml in 1 place. or maybe i will do that for glutes.

But i plan to rotate the tren/prop sites between glutes, and lower and upper part of quad (6 spots) and then masteron i'll rotate the 1ml shot between pecs, bis, tris, shoulders, lats. something like that.

oh ya, and im doing 25mg of dbol ed split between 3-5 doses a day (5mg tabs).

As far as weight, I've been on this diet for I think 3 weeks now, and ive lost almost 10 pounds lol. its fucking depressing. I started somewhere around 205 I think, and last sat i weighed 192. I look noticeably thinner and more cut. my face especially looks thinner which is gay. Just gotta get used to this. But im gonna stop looking at my weight and have my gf write it down for me so i dont have to see it. It sucks that since im cutting, i wont really see any gains in the gym till after my show. So im just gonna try to stick to 10-12 reps for most things and use perfect form so i can get good pumps and maintain muscle mass, and hopefully somehow build a little more muscle with the high protein diet (300g+/day sometimes 350g)