Psych issues amplified?

I'm on 75mg Effexor for GAD. It's like hypervigilance. When work got really busy and most of us do...slacked off or ignored some imperative job duty and caused problems for others. I would get tunnel vision, auditory exclusion and mild tremors. I always made sure to wait 'til the parasymathetic reactions went away before talking to anyone and NEVER had an issue controlling
Other wise while at the bar or any public place I always had a mental pic of the entire room. I could tell you who was where as well as exits and all that.

Just wondering if this type of thing will be amplified while on a cycle. I'd hate to go into the "fight" of fight or flight reaction and be prone to a roid rage.
tell us more about your condition...I've never heard of issues like this.

Steroids would not exacerbate any issues that you mentioned. Although, some people with existing problems tend to exaggerate their problems as a result of a placebo effect. Don't allow steroids to do this to you. DO just gave me a Dx of GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) and an SNRI-which is like an umbrella med to hit everything. Placebo included.
I now have fewer adrenaline dumps and less of a need to have an eye on everything around
Which I'm guessing explains my desire to try a cycle and bulk faster...
tell us more about your condition...I've never heard of issues like this.

Steroids would not exacerbate any issues that you mentioned. Although, some people with existing problems tend to exaggerate their problems as a result of a placebo effect. Don't allow steroids to do this to you.


If you choose to do a cycle, just be vigilant about your mood. Get in the habit now of always thinking before you react or talk. Think of it as learning to respond instead of react.

If you choose to do a cycle, just be vigilant about your mood. Get in the habit now of always thinking before you react or talk. Think of it as learning to respond instead of react.

Yup, already done...DO asked if I don't go kill them why do I want meds? It fucked with my concentration and I'd forget other shit I should be focusing on...
I've know a few guys who were all geared up. 3 were perfectly normal. 1 was an insecure jackass w/something to prove. Egg b4 the chicked on that I guy I always assumed.
I agree w d tone. AAS rarely cause thing s mentally but can exacerbate a person s existing behavioral type.

I don t do big cycle s anymore cuz I m old and... so prone to depression I m scared that coming off a large dose back to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) may trigger a another dark episode..

20 mg Lexapro is the majic elixor for me.
I agree w d tone. AAS rarely cause thing s mentally but can exacerbate a person s existing behavioral type.

I don t do big cycle s anymore cuz I m old and... so prone to depression I m scared that coming off a large dose back to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) may trigger a another dark episode..

20 mg Lexapro is the majic elixor for me.

most indeed brother!!!
Steroids can help amplify psych issues you need to make sure you are aware of them and can stop them if you need to.