PUSH'S Bulk Cycle Log

Chest and Shoulders this morning.
HS incline 2x15, 3x12
Pec Dec 1x15, 3x10
Flat DB press 3x12, 1x15
Seated shoulder press/rear flye 4x15/20
Seated side laterals 4x15
Machine rear delt 4x12
Machine lateral raise 1x20, 3x15
Machine chest press 4x12

Calories 3750
Pro 226
Carbs 392
Fat 111

Arms tomorrow before work then 2 rest days.

Arm Day!
Bw dips 4x15
Cable low curls 1x20, 1x15, 3x10, ds 1x8/8/8/10
Seated hammer curls 2x12, 4x8-10
Machine 1 arm preacher 1x12, 4x8
Overhead extensions 1x20, 2x15, 2x12, 1x18
Dip machine 1x15, 3x10
Rope pushdowns 1x15, 2x10, ds 1x10/7
1 arm extensions 4x8-10

3700 Calories
Pro 190
Carbs 366
Fat 127

4575 Calories
Pro 218
Carbs 478
Fat 180

Back Day tomorrow after work.

Saturday will be end of week 9.
Starting to think about whether I will cruise or go right into a cut.
I'm leaning towards a cut cycle, just to lean out a little.
I'm bigger, fuller and stronger now but I do have some unwanted fat/water around my midsection.


Today was Back Day in my garage.
BW pullups 4x12
Bent row 1x15, 3x8, drop set 1x10/12
Neutral grip pullups 4x10
1 arm DB row 4x8
DB pullover 4x12
DB shrugs 4x10
Upright row/barbell shrugs 4x12/12

Calories 4750
Pro 262
Carbs 443
Fat 183

Tomorrow is LEG DAY


Leg Day
Lying leg curls 2x16, 2x12, 2x8-10, 1x16
Leg extensions 3x20
Seated calf raises rp 1x10/8/8, 3x8/6/6, 1x10/8/8
Hack squats 2x12, 4x8
Machine calf 3x10, ds 1x6/6/6
Seated leg curls 3x12
Walking lunges 2x40
Leg extensions 4x8

Tried to keep a slooow tempo, and feel the muscle working.
I think It worked I'm sore already.


Chest and Shoulders tonight.

Pec Dec 4x12
DB incline press 1x14, 1x10, 3x8, 2x7, 2x4
HS iso wide chest 1x15, 3x12, 1x15
Machine chest press (ds) 3x10/10
Machine rear delts 4x12
Seated smith shoulder press 1x16, 3x12, 1x14
Seated side laterals 3x12, 2x15, 2x20
Rear DB flyes 2x20

Calories 4150
Pro 240
Carbs 394
Fat 132

Yesterday was Arm Day before work.
BW dips 4x15
Seated hammer curls 1x15, 3x10, 1x14
1 arm preacher curls 1x15, 4x12
Low cable curls 1x15, drop sets 3x10/8, 1x12/10
Cable Overhead ext. 1x20, 1x15, 3x12, 1x20
Cable kickbacks 4x-15
Rope pushdowns 3x10-12, ds 1x10/6/8

Yesterday's Macros
Calories 4000
Pro 208
Carbs 423
Fat 121

Today was a rest day.

Today's Macros
Calories 3550
Pro 202
Carbs 322
Fat 128

Leg Day tomorrow.


Legs are done.
Lying leg curls 2x20, 2x15, 2x10
Seated calf raises rp 1x15/10/8, 3x8/6/6, 1x10/10/10
Hack squat 2x12, 2x8, 3x6, ds 1x10/10
Machine calf raise rp 3x15/10, ds 1x8/8/7
Walking lunges 3x40
Leg extensions 4x20
Seated leg curls 1x15, 2x12, ds 1x10/8/6

Post Workout Meal
Calories 596
Pro 48
Carbs 81
Fat 9
View attachment 564996


Still running PSL sust 250 eod and PSL npp eod.
After this run I'm going right into an 8 week cut.
I've got some fat and water around my midsection.

Today was Back Day in the garage.

BW pullups 4x12
Barbell row 1x15, 2x8, ds 2x8/10
Neutral grip pullups 4x10
1 arm DB high row 4x10
DB shrug hold 3sec./upright row 3x10/10
Barbell shrug ds 3x10/10

Calories 4150
Pro 204
Carbs 451
Fat 131


Chest and Shoulders in the garage.

Incline DB flyes 1x15, 2x12, 2x8
Flat bench 1x15, 1x12, 1x10, 3x6-8, rp 1x6/2, 1x8/3/3
Wide grip ds 1x12/10, 1x10/10, 1x7/10
Seated DB shoulder press/rear flyes 3x10/10
Standing side laterals/rear flyes 3x15/20

Calories 4000
Pro 228
Carbs 381
Fat 156

I might hit Arms after work tomorrow.
View attachment 565025
View attachment 565026


Arm Day after work in an empty gym. (5 people total)
BW dips 4x15
Low cable curl 2x15, 3x10, ds 1x10/10/10, ds 1x10/10
Seated hammer curls 2x12, 3x8-10, ds 1x12/10
1 arm DB preacher 1x15, 3x11-12
Overhead cable extensions 1x20, 2x15, 3x12
Rope pushdowns 1x15, 3x10, ds 1x10/12
Cable kickbacks 1x15, 3x10-12
Single arm rope pushdowns 3x10

Calories 3800
Pro 205
Carbs 409
Fat 127

Legs in the morning.


Leg Day

Lying leg curls 2x20, 2x15, 2x12
Seated calf raises rp 1x12/10/8, 3x8/6/6, 1x12/10/8
Hack squats 1x15, 2x12, rp 1x5/5/5, 1x7/4/4
Leg press 1x20, 2x15, 3x10, 1x20
Machine calf raise 4x10
Seated leg curls 1x25, 2x12
Leg extensions 3x25


Back Day

BW pullups/neutral grip pull downs 4x10/10
TBar row 1x12, 1x10, 4x8, 1x12, 1x15
DB high row 4x10
Barbell shrugs 1x12, 3x8, 1x10 (3sec hold/3sec neg.)
DB shrugs/upright row 3x12/15
Back extensions 4x8

Calories 3500
Pro 248
Carbs 318
Fat 97

Chest and Shoulders tomorrow.
No training today.

Calories 3750
Pro 270
Carbs 277
Fat 138

I reduced my goal calories,carbs and fats.
Increased protein goals.
The extra fat/water around my midsection is really bothering me now.
Sooooooo........Cardio will be introduced this week, slowly introduced.
Will switch up gear in a couple weeks.
Training split will be a little different going forward also.


Chest and Shoulders

PecDec 4x12
Bench press 2x12, 2x10, 4x6-7, 2x8
Wide grip paused 4x12
Incline DB press 1x7, 1x8, 1x7, 1x9, 1x10
Standing overhead press 4x8-10
Seated DB shoulder press 4x12
Cardio 20 Minutes

Calories 3600
Pro 246
Carbs 440
Fat 67


Leg Day.

Lying leg curls 2x20, 4x16
Seated calf raises rp 1x12/10/10, 3x10/8/6, 1x13/11/11
Hack squats 1x15, 2x10, 2x8, ds 1x10/10
Leg press 1x25, 1x20, 3x12, 1x18, 1x25
Smith back squat 4x10
DB Stiff leg deadlifts 3x10

Calories 3550
Pro 265
Carbs 335
Fat 102

Quick Arm session after work.

Sunday nights = empty gym!!

BW dips 4x15
Close grip 1x12, 3x10
Cable overhead ext. 1x15, 3x12
Machine dips 1x12, 3x10
1 arm DB preacher 1x14, 3x10
Low cable curls 1x12, 3x10
(SS) Seated hammer curls/cable rope hammers 1x12/12, 3x8/8

Calories 3435
Pro 260
Carbs 335
Fat 91

Rest Day tomorrow.
Maybe some cardio.....maybe