PUSH'S Bulk Cycle Log

No training today not even cardio.
Chest and Back isolation workout tomorrow before work.

Only 3200 calories today
Pro 227
Carbs 305
Fat 90


Chest and Back work.
Pec Dec 4x12
HS iso incline press 1x20, 3x12, rp 2x5/4
Machine chest press (neutral grip) 1x14, 3x8, ds 1x10/8/8/12
Stiff arm Lat pull 4x10
Pull downs neutral wide 1x12, 3x10
HS iso lateral row 1x12, 4x8-10
HS iso high row 4x10

Calories 3584
Pro 315
Carbs 370
Fat 64

Legs tomorrow.


Quick Shoulder Session - Garage

SS Seated side laterals/rear flyes 4x12-15/12-15
Standing front raises 5x10-12
One arm side laterals ds 3x12/12
SS Upright rows/rear flyes 4x15/20

SS EZ bar curl/French press 4x15/15

Calories 3106
Pro 275
Carbs 305
Fat 61

No Training Tomorrow.


Rest Day
Work First then Friday Night Lights with the kids.

Calories 3611
Pro 268
Carbs 341
Fat 97

Back Day tomorrow!!



BW pullups 4x12
Pull downs neutral grip 1x12, 3x8-10
Tbar row 1x15, 3x10, 1x12, 1x15
DB 1 arm high row 1x12, 3x10
DB 1 arm low row 1x15, 3x10
Barbell shrug 1x12, 3x8, 1x12
DB shrug 2x10, 3x15
Back extensions 4x8


Leg Day

Lying leg curls 2x20, 3x16
Seated Calf raises rp 1x15/10/8, 3x8/8/8, 1x15/12/12
Leg press 1x30, 2x20, rp 1x10/6, 1x10/6, 1x12/8, 1x20/15
Hack squat 1x12, 2x8, rp 1x6/3, 1x5/4
Smith squats 5x8-10

Calories 3509
Pro 287
Carbs 331
Fat 87

Rest Day tomorrow.....


Chest and Shoulders

Pec Dec 4x10
Incline DB 3x10, 3x8, 2x4, 2x8
Overhead barbell press 4x10, 1x12
Wide grip bench drop sets 3x8/12
Seated DB shoulder press 4x10-12

Calories 3435
Pro 298
Carbs 340
Fat 75

Work Late means late meal...View attachment 565133

Good stuff so far Push!
This far in are you still seeing the weights going up?

How's the abs look? At the start of your log you had some visible.... still the same?

I'm always interested in what people eat. Can you post up a typical day of eating at 4000 cals?

Your running test at 1 g/wk is that normal for you or did you increase your dosage for this run?
Good stuff so far Push!
This far in are you still seeing the weights going up?

How's the abs look? At the start of your log you had some visible.... still the same?

I'm always interested in what people eat. Can you post up a typical day of eating at 4000 cals?

Your running test at 1 g/wk is that normal for you or did you increase your dosage for this run?

Thanks for checking in brother.
I was running sust 250 eod. This was my first run with sust. And definitely the highest total dose I've run.
About 2 weeks ago I started lowering my calories mainly by reducing fats and carbs.
I wasn't very happy with the fat and water build up around my mid-section.
So I got advise from a diet/training coach, and have just begun a cut cycle.
I'll post the new regiment after this response, along with some pics from today.

Leg Day yesterday.

Lying leg curls 2x20, 2x15, drop set 1x10/8
Seated calf raises rp 1x15/12/8, 1x12/10/8, 1x8/6/6, dropset 1x15/10
Leg press 1x30, 1x25, 3x15, 1x30
Hack squat 1x15, 2x10, 2x8, 1x10, 1x15
Cardio 15 min bike

Calories 3539
Pro 240
Carbs 376
Fat 94

Training Split is:

Legs: Compound
Back/Traps: Compound
Chest/Shoulders: Compound
Legs: Compound
Arms: Isolation
Bask/Chest: Isolation
Shoulders/Traps: Isolation

Rest Days as needed or dictated by life.

No training today.


No training yesterday, and maybe none tomorrow.......
Soooooo today was two days in one.
Chest and Shoulder isolation, and Back and Trap isolation

Pec Dec 4x12
Smith incline 1x12, 3x9-10, 1x12
HS iso wide chest 1x15, 3x10, dropset 1x14/18
Pull downs wide neutral 1x15, 3x10
HS iso row 4x10
HS iso high row 4x10
Machine rear flye 1x15, 3x12
Machine lateral raise 2x15, 2x12, 1x20
Seated front raises 2x20, 2x15
HS seated shrugs/upright row 4x12/12
HS Standing shrugs 3xfailure

Of course the plan was to do 10-15 mins on the bike after, but that didn't happen.
I was spent when I left.

Good stuff push. Can't train for a day or two? Then smash em up and do sit all now!!
That's what seperates you from the herd!

No training.

Calories 3038
Pro 278
Carbs 290
Fat 78

2nd Pin Test C today.
Dropped sust down to .7cc eod
Winny is 40mg ed.

Leg Day Tomorrow


No training today.
Back Day Tomorrow after work.

Calories 2790
Pro 211
Carbs 275
Fat 57

Busy day at work, ended up missing a meal.


Today was back day in the garage.

BW pullups 2x12, 2x10, 2x8
DB low row 1x15, 3x12
DB high row 1x12, 3x8
Barbell bent row 1x12, 3x8-10, rp 1x10/7
DB shrugs 3sec hold 3xfail
Barbell shrugs dropsets 3x10/10

Calories 3640
Pro 288
Carbs 334
Fat 103

Feelin kinda stiff and sore past couple days.
Not sure if my body is fighting all the sickness going around or if coming off NPP and right into Winstrol is whats making me feel this way.
I'll probably drop winny down to 20mg daily and see if that has a positive effect.

Yeah Push! I have a basic gym set up in my basement. I never have an excuse not to train.
Also have weights at work!
I only miss a day when I don't sleep enough or feel like I'm over training. But I don't think I ever over train .