PUSH'S Bulk Cycle Log

Yeah Push! I have a basic gym set up in my basement. I never have an excuse not to train.
Also have weights at work!
I only miss a day when I don't sleep enough or feel like I'm over training. But I don't think I ever over train .

I love my garage setup brother. One of the only drawbacks is the heat. It gets hot as hell out there. :redhot:
Chest and Shoulders

Pec Dec 4x12
Flat bench 1x15, rest pause giant set (100 reps total)1x12, 12, 9, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 6, 5, 4, 3
Seated barbell shoulder press 1x15, 4x8-10
Incline DB 1x12, 1x10, 1x12, 1x12

Calories 3154
Pro 249
Carbs 328
Fat 63

Weight Today 180

Arm Day Today.
BW dips 4x15
Cable curls 1x15, 3x10, 1x12
Standing hammer curls 4x8
1 arm DB preacher 4x12, rp 1x8/5, 1x8/4
Machine preacher dropsets 1x10/8/10, 1x6/7/8, 1x8/9/10
Overhead cable ext. 1x20, 1x15, 3x10-12
Rope pushdowns 1x20, 3x12-15
French press 1x20, 3x15
1 arm rope pushdowns 3x10-12, dropset 1x12/10

Calories 3439
Pro 291
Carbs 332
Fat 76

Rest Day tomorrow. Work all day.

Leg Day (no compound movements)

Lying leg curls 2x20, 1x15, 1x12, 1x10, dropset 1x11/8
Leg extensions 1x24, 1x20, 1x18, 1x16, 1x13, 1x15, 1x16
Machine calf raises 2x15, 2x12, 2x10
Bad girls 1x25, 1x20, 1x15, 1x20
Good girls 1x20, 3x12
Seated leg curls 1x20, 1x15, 3x12
Lying 1 leg curls 3x8-10
Leg extensions 1x20, 4x12, dropset 1x12/6

Calories 3045
Pro 210
Carbs 286
Fat 95

Chest and Back isolation tomorrow.


Chest and Back in the garage.
Opposing Muscle group supersets:

Incline bench w/ Wide pullups 2x15/12, 2x10/12, 1x7/10, 1x6/10, dropset 1x8/10 & 10pu
EZ bar row w/ DB flyes 1x12/12, 1x12/12, 1x15/12, 1x15/10
Wide grip flat bench w/ DB high row 1x12/12, 1x12/12, 1x12/10, 1x12/10

Calories 2998
Pro 240
Carbs 309
Fat 56

Mast p 1.5ml eod
Proviron 50 mg ed
Test c 1.2 twice a week
Winstrol 20 mg ed


Yesterday was work then fridaynightlights with the kids

Today I got an arm day in......
BW dips 4x15
Machine calf raise 4x20
Low cable curls 2x20, 4x10-12
Seated hammer curls 4x12
1 arm DB preacher 4x10-12
Rope hammer curls 3x12, dropset 1x9/8/8
Cable overhead ext 1x20, 1x15, 2x12
Rope pushdowns 2x12, 2x10
French press 4x15
1 arm rope pushdowns 4x15

Yesterday's Macros:
Calories 3008
Pro 259
Carbs 252
Fat 80
Tomorrow I hope to get legs in after work....

Watching College Football Now

Lowered cals by 1000! Is it tough.? Feel hungry?
I try for 2800 to 3000 and for me it's hard. Food is just too good! Ha

No training today, was supposed to be leg day.
I have been having some heel pain, and now my ankles are swelling up also.
I bought some heel cups for my work shoes as I'm on my feet most of my 10hr shifts.
Today when I got home I had to ice my feet/ankles to help with the pain.
My wife thinks I jacked them up training legs.
I'm hoping the heel cups and icing them help because we have inventory this week and I'm scheduled straight through til saturday.
My next opportunity to train will be tuesday before work.
Then no training til saturday.

Today's Calories 2849
Pro 243
Carbs 277
Fat 66


No training today.
I plan on hitting some chest, back and possibly a little shoulder work tomorrow before work.

Calories 2935
Pro 219
Carbs 307
Fat 77

No protein shakes today plus I had some birthday cake.

Nice thread man! Lookin good! How is that psl gear compared to other? I checked the site out good prices but I was thinking, if it seems to good to be true....
Chest, Back and Shoulders
I won't be able to get any workouts in for the next three days so I did an upper body combo today.

HS iso incline press 2x15, 2x12, 3x8-10, dropset 1x11/10
Pec Dec 1x12, 3x8
Machine chest press 1x20, 1x12, 3x8-10
Neutral grip pull downs 1x15, 1x12, 3x8-10, dropset 1x8/8
HS iso low row 1x17, 3x8-10, 1x14
HS iso high row 1x15, 3x8-10, 1x15
Seated barbell ohp 1x20, 1x15, 3x10
Front raises/rear flyes 1x16/20, 3x12/16
Machine lateral raise 1x15, 3x12

Calories 3145
Pro 275
Carbs 286
Fat 81

Late night at work so a few extra cals....
Busy couple days at work coming up, but I will try to update if possible.

Long day at work, another one tomorrow.

Calories 2579
Pro 244
Carbs 226
Fat 59

Weight 179
I'll try to get some progress pics up this weekend.

Back Day.
Wide pullups 4x12
Tbar row neutral grip 2x15, 2x10, rest pause 1x8/5, 1x8/5, 1x7/4, 1x15/10
Pull downs neutral wide 4x12
DB high row 4x10
DB low row 4x8
Seated HS shrugs 4x12 (3sec hold)
Standing HS shrugs 5xfailure

Weight was 175 at the gym.
So I'm going to have a refeed day that DarkBeast has approved.
I'll try to update later with the day's macros!


Ok DarkBeast said my refeed day should be
250 pro
500 carbs
40 fat

I ended up with:
Calories 3628
Pro 265
Carbs 467
Fat 47

12oz skim milk
1 egg 2 egg whites
1 blueberry bagel
1 piece american cheese
2 cups coffee

1 scoop preworkout
2 scoops BCAAs
20oz Vitamin water
1.5 scoops whey isolate

3 pancakes w/ sugar free syrup

Chicken breast
2 tbsp BBQ sauce
2 slices pepperidge farms whole wheat bread

12oz skim milk
1 scoop whey isolate
1 medium banana
2 tbsp chocolate syrup

3.5 oz watermelon

Protein Plus Powerbar
12oz iced coffee
1 Blueberry bagel
2 Fiber Well Gummies

Chicken breast
Tortellini with cheese
.3 cup Pasta Sauce
3/4 cup green peas

24oz Miller Lite


Leg Day - Still taking it easy on the heels :)
Lying leg curls 1x25, 2x20, 2x12, dropset 1x13/10
Leg Extensions 1x30, 1x25, 3x20
Machine calf raises 1x20, 1x15, 1x12, 2x10, 1x12, 2x15
Machine leg press 2x25, 3x20
Bad girls 3x20
Good girls 3x20
Seated leg curls 1x25, 3x15, 1x20

Calories 3382
Pro 303
Carbs 299
Fat 85
