PUSH'S Bulk Cycle Log

Chest and Shoulders in the garage.

Standing OHP 2x12, 4x8, 2x11
Incline bench 2x12, 4x5-6, 2x8
Flat DB press 4x12, 2x10
DB Hex Press 1x20, 3x12-15 (slight incline)
Seated DB shoulder press 2x12, 2x20

Calories 3066
Pro 253
Carbs 272
Fat 83

Legs tomorrow.

PSL test cyp 1.2 ml twice a week.
PSL Proviron 50mg ed.
PSL Mast Prop 1.5 ml eod

Leg Day!

Lying single leg curls 1x15, 3x12
Machine calf raises 1x18, 1x15, 4x12
Hack squat 1x20, 1x15, 3x12, 1x15, 1x20
Leg press 1x25, 3x15, 1x25
Seated calf raises 3x15
Machine leg press 1x20, 3x15

Less than 1 minute between sets.

Calories 3136
Pro 261
Carbs 274
Fat 88

Weight 174
Back and maybe some arms tomorrow.

Back with a side of Arms today.

Wide pullups 4x12
Pull downs neutral grip 1x15, 3x10
HS iso row 1x15, 1x12, 3x10
Cable row neutral grip 1x14, 1x7, 3x10
Machine pull down 4x12-15
Machine 1 arm preacher curls 1x15, 3x10
Low cable curl 1x12, 3x10
1 arm DB preacher 4x8
Seated hammer curls 4x12
Rope pushdowns 2x12, 3x10
Overhead cable ext. 2x15, 2x12, drop set 1x25/15/15

Plan was to do machine dips and then 1 arm pushdowns but my daughter's school called to get her because she wasn't feeling well.


No Training today or yesterday.

P.M. Weight 173
Calories 3535
Pro 269
Carbs 321
Fat 99

P.M. Weight 173
Calories 3158
Pro 220
Carbs 317
Fat 96

Chest and Shoulders tomorrow.
DarkBeast says I can have another refeed tomorrow!!


Chest, Shoulders and Refeed.

Pec Dec 4x10
HS iso incline press 2x15, rp 1x12/8, rp 1x12/6, ds 1x10/12
Smith incline press 1x15, rp 1x8/4, rp 1x12/4, ds 1x9/12
Machine chest press neutral rp 1x10/5, rp 1x10/5, ds 1x8/8/10
Machine rear flyes 1x15, 3x12
Machine shoulder press 1x15, rp 1x8/5, rp 1x8/4, ds 1x10/8
Machine side raises 4x15
DB front raises w/ rear flyes 4x15/15
For each Pressing movement I did 1-2 warm up sets then 2 rest pause sets and finish with a dropset.

Refeed parameters set by DarkBeast were.
1g protein per lb. bodyweight.
As little fat as possible.
As many carbs as I can eat.

I ended up with:
Calories 3839
Pro 209
Carbs 516
Fat 76

Legs or Back tomorrow depending on whether I can get to the gym or garage.

Refeed is great! It's good just for helping relax a little and not worry bout go over a certain number.

Back Day in the garage.

Higher rep workout than normal, focused more on controlling the weight and proper form.

Bw pullups wide 4x12
Bent barbell rows 4x15
Barbell shrugs 4x15
DB high row 4x15
DB shrugs 4x15
DB low row 4x15
Upright row 4x15

Calories 3169
Pro 309
Carbs 274
Fat 74

Tomorrow is legs.


Back Day in the garage.

Higher rep workout than normal, focused more on controlling the weight and proper form.

Bw pullups wide 4x12
Bent barbell rows 4x15
Barbell shrugs 4x15
DB high row 4x15
DB shrugs 4x15
DB low row 4x15
Upright row 4x15

Calories 3169
Pro 309
Carbs 274
Fat 74

Tomorrow is legs.

When doing a high rep workout such as this one you just did are you doing each set to failure?
When doing a high rep workout such as this one you just did are you doing each set to failure?

No not true failure but very close to failure.
Usually If I go to complete failure, my form is shit and I have to have more rest between sets.

Leg Day in the garage.

Lying leg curls 2x20, 3x15, ds 1x15/15
Front squats 2x15, 4x10
Goblet squats 4x12
Single leg standing calf raises 10 each x 6, 10 each x 4, 10 each x 2
Leg extensions 2x20, 2x12, 2x10, ds 1x10/8/12

Calories 3066
Pro 278
Carbs 272
Fat 74
View attachment 565418

Rest Day.
Weight Tonight 170.8
Calories 2887
Pro 229
Carbs 250
Fat 90

Tomorrow is end of week 5.
Plan is arms tomorrow after work.


Chest and Shoulders

Pec Dec 1x12, 3x10
HS iso incline press 1x20, 1x15, 1x12, 3x9, 1x12
Flat DB press 1x12, 1x10, 3x6-8, 1x11
Machine chest press neutral grip 4x10-12
Seated shoulder press dropsets 1x9/8, 1x8/7, 1x8/8
Machine rear flyes 1x15, 3x10
Seated side laterals 4x15
Seated front raises 4x15-18

Tomorrow is Legs again.
