Rate my natural physique(pics)


live for lift
Just curious whether people think I should stay natty, considering a Test E 12 week cycle. Looking to gain 20 lb LBM.
Age 21
Weight 160lbs 12%BF
HT 5"10"
Edit:I'm about 150lbs in the pics, from my summer cut
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Stay NATURAL! We or at least "I" "Juice" to fucking look like you look dawg! You can likely diet properly and grow just like most people on steroids. I was 150@12% when I first juiced but I didnt look nearly as big as you and Im 5'7"! You got wheels too? lol
thanks for the insight friends. my goal is somewhere between jason huh and branch warren .
my wheels are in the shop lol they dont have enough size and little separation, i think i tore my soleus or something because ive been limping for 2 days after doing too many calf raises.

how does this training routine look for bulking?
tuesday-chest/ shoulders
friday- back

3 movements 3 sets
1 warmup set then 12, 8, 6
thanks for the insight friends. my goal is somewhere between jason huh and branch warren .
my wheels are in the shop lol they dont have enough size and little separation, i think i tore my soleus or something because ive been limping for 2 days after doing too many calf raises.

how does this training routine look for bulking?
tuesday-chest/ shoulders
friday- back

3 movements 3 sets
1 warmup set then 12, 8, 6

Thats a good split! I always divide it arms/chest&back/shoulders.. 5+sets 20,16,12,10,8,I do legs once/wk on chest day usually between press sets. Abs/core work on arms day, just between sets
Looking pretty good I would hold off on the gear till your growth plates close. You looking straight though. Took me like 5 years natural to look like that.
Arms are impressive.. If you have to ask other people wheather to juice or not I'd say dont. You seem to be fine with your build and your progress so i'd just stick to what your doing right.
your arms are big for your weight i think... got a measurement? might be due to you doing them first day of the week... id say most people would tend to do bigger muscles first, since you use arms during those movements, such as


or something like that...
i dont measure them and im actually closer to 148-150 in those pics, my guess is around 14", they used to be 15 1/4" when i was 18, of course back then i had chest day and arms day and skipped everything else.

i dont follow and specific routine, dont count reps or sets or calories, i listen to my body and the mirror for anything, that is true bodybuilding(well maybe not at competitive level)

i also have good genetics or something because i dont train traps at all and diet is on and off, mostly from depression, but im working on it.

as for now ive made a personal decision to reach my natural genetic limit then reevaluate myself, thanks for everyones advice, my advice to anyone is if you want to do something then do it, and dedicate your life to your dreams, even if you think you dont stand a chance youll find if you dont give up youll achieve anything you set your mind onto doing.

thank you everyone!

just made new thread of my 2 yr transformation if anyones interested
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Nice work dude - i agree to stick natty - at your age you have a ton of natty test - make the most of it! Diet is key to putting on the pounds so keep it clean and make sure you feed yourself 7-8 times a day.