Should Prisoners Be Allowed To Lift Weights?

Should Prisoners Be Allowed To Lift Weights

  • Yes

    Votes: 24 55.8%
  • No

    Votes: 19 44.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
of course you should be able to lift weights in prison......get it through your thick fuckin head being in prison is the punishment , away from your friends family being told when to piss ,shit eat sleep , the foods shit , and then you want to take away weight lifting thinking its a leisure activity........?????? nice one dickhead.......your in prison to be rehabilitated, the reason a lot of guys dont is because the prisons are a barbaric place and it fucks you up ,makes you angry , i no ive been in the stinking shitholes and it altered my life forever........luckily i learnt to control my anger by burning it off exercising....... and lifting weights.....for any dickhead on this board thinks that prisoners need to be punished for there crimes is an idiot.....doing the time is punishment enough.......until you go through the system yourself you havent earned the right to comment ...the legal system is just so unjust and completely fucked up ,there are literally hundreds of thousands rotting away in prison on the most trumped up law and order bullshit sentences its not funny,,,,,,,,,,,,,,your law system is a fuckin joke, so is your government ,they profiteer from peoples misery and the money goes into lawyers pockets.......and the pockets of those who work in the legal system......incarcarating one young man for a year costs the same as sending that guy to college.........and that money comes from your tax dollars........SO FUCK YOU ALL FUCK YOU ALL VERY MUCH

Im going out on a limb and saying you still have some issues...step back...take a breath..count to 10 if you have too...but i dont think the "rehibilitation" worked for you.
In my opinion, they should be able to lift. But it should be on a "good behavior" basis. If you shank your cellmate, well, no perks for you. I haven't been to prison, hope like a mother fucker that I never do, but I seriously doubt lifting weights makes any "serious" criminal any more dangerous. Benching 400lbs. doesn't make you more likely to go out and commit a violent act.
of course you should be able to lift weights in prison......get it through your thick fuckin head being in prison is the punishment , away from your friends family being told when to piss ,shit eat sleep , the foods shit , and then you want to take away weight lifting thinking its a leisure activity........?????? nice one dickhead.......your in prison to be rehabilitated, the reason a lot of guys dont is because the prisons are a barbaric place and it fucks you up ,makes you angry , i no ive been in the stinking shitholes and it altered my life forever........luckily i learnt to control my anger by burning it off exercising....... and lifting weights.....for any dickhead on this board thinks that prisoners need to be punished for there crimes is an idiot.....doing the time is punishment enough.......until you go through the system yourself you havent earned the right to comment ...the legal system is just so unjust and completely fucked up ,there are literally hundreds of thousands rotting away in prison on the most trumped up law and order bullshit sentences its not funny,,,,,,,,,,,,,,your law system is a fuckin joke, so is your government ,they profiteer from peoples misery and the money goes into lawyers pockets.......and the pockets of those who work in the legal system......incarcarating one young man for a year costs the same as sending that guy to college.........and that money comes from your tax dollars........SO FUCK YOU ALL FUCK YOU ALL VERY MUCH

YOU'RE A FUCKING RETARD. You are the reason prisoners have a worse reputation than ever. I can't even take this seriously. are a moron, and yes prison is a place for my opinion we should revert to the way romans punished prisoners....don't commit crimes and you won't go to prison....but i do think that weights are a good way to let them get out stress and energy....and as far as them gaining strength to commit crimes i doubt they are going to hold up a liquor store with their muscles alone....oh and our justice system is garbage? name me another country that is so lenient on criminals as we are? oh and by the way what were you in prison for anyways? i'd love to hear that one
This thread is getting a bit heated...

I thought Rockape's response was hilarious.

I'm thinking you guys need to lighten up a bit.

CHILL....please.:beertoast:toilet: are a moron, and yes prison is a place for my opinion we should revert to the way romans punished prisoners....don't commit crimes and you won't go to prison....but i do think that weights are a good way to let them get out stress and energy....and as far as them gaining strength to commit crimes i doubt they are going to hold up a liquor store with their muscles alone....oh and our justice system is garbage? name me another country that is so lenient on criminals as we are? oh and by the way what were you in prison for anyways? i'd love to hear that one
LMFAO!!! I suppose u have a perscription for ure gear and have never smoked a joint.
I suppose none of ure family or close or ureself have ever driven drunk???
Guess what, u hit someone and they die u go to prison for a long time.

Lotta friggin hypocrites in the scene I see.
Quite funny.
I'm so glad I'm not a hater and I take full honest respoinsibility for my life.
Yes although they are trying to take away the weights ... It is bull shit they want the cons to be small so they are easier to control... it is bull shit , I d rather my tax dollars go to that than all the stupid pointless classes they teach... They took away smoking and all sorts of other shit, none the less they are building more and more SHU prisons which means some day everyone will be in a SHU and they will be locked up 24-5 and 23-2 and never go outside and they wont have weights... I know I enjoyed lifting when I did my stent, and I know that the prisons hate us being in better shape than there fat lazy fucking guards... And on the news you always here about this giant guy just released from prison who went in weighin 180 pounds and left at 225 assualted 10 police officers and this is why inmates should nt be given weights it makes them bigger and stronger and more of a threat... <<< really.... What about the guy who got out weighin 150 who grabbed an AK 47 and mowed down numerous police ??? was that dued to weight lifting too ??
Lol. This is why I started the post as the BBC posted an article on this. How ignorant of you not to understand. 80% of prisoners re-offend. 29% are in for violent crimes and of the 29%, 95% commit violence once again. Certain prisons now only let inmates with non-violent crimes use the weights. This is why I started this thread.

I think these stats are way off, sorry .... I shot a mofo I was a violent offender , and I did nt re offend and I know other guys who are the same so out of 100 ppl I know that were all violent offenders well shit 32 are still out that sure the hell aint 5 % ?? I hate subjects like this , its like I am on some left wing fucking talk show with Colmes from fox news spealing his liberal Jargin... You all want to live in fear then so be it, that is the issue here is fear, get a fucking gun, stop letting the dirty ass news media scare ya, not all of us are as bad as they say and statistics can be bias...... Just my 2 worthless ex con cents...
The vast majority of inmates are low lifes. Just because they did not commit a "violent crime" does not mean they arent a scumbag. Drug offenses are serious whether some of you want to believe it or not.

All this bullshit of how the US prisons are filled with dope dealers and drug users and not the violent criminals is ridiculous. There are plenty of violent felons behind bars, and the drug users and dealers belong right there with them. All those drug users arent working 9-5's to support their habits. They are out there committing burglaries and robberies to support their habit. All those dope dealers are supporting this lifestyle.

snigg I like you but I have to say u use steroids ??? hmm us law says it is illegal and a drug correct so what does that make you a junkie ??? dont give me it is different or that aas should nt be illegal a law is a law right ?
in england weights are a privilege, if you fuck up no weights for 1-3 def yes, because it keeps the biggest guys out of trouble.

the only problem is sometimes a small guy knows how much a big guy likes his weights and wont want to fight back cuz he doesnt wanna lose gym privileges, but we used to make those guys realise it was a bad idea to fuck with the bigger guys.

p.s prison is where i went from 160 to 190...weights in prison are def a good idea, def kept me out of trouble
well, my dear, in order to keep the good shape i suggest that they can do any sport except weightlifting.. but, maybe they prefer it, because give them extra satisfaction? but anyway they can hurt us without their big muscle :)
This thread is probably dead - but I've been on both sides and the best term for it is the criminal INjustice system. I spent ten years working in probation and parole lot of different positions, half-way house, pre-sentence investigations, juvenile hall. Our so called system exists to insure full employment for lawyers. After ten years, I quit - I couldn't stand what I was doing or not doing and workingin such a corrupt, fucked up system.

Three years ago, I had an argument with my wife. I left the house to chill, she called her girlfriend to commiserate. Her GF, who never liked me called 911 and told them she was worried cause I owned a gun. In California "gun" on a 911 means you are hosed. I just finished probation on 10/31/2010. Ask my wife -- we're still together -- if she thinks it was worth it. The treated her more like shit then me. It was a insane. Ended up costing me $25,000 in legal bill, fines etc. I only spent one day in jail in a holding cell. They took my glasses, might be a weapon. Everything was a blur. I plead out and avoided more jail. I have actually written a book, but I'll spare you. Just one thing my lawyer told me this is not about justice its about law -- this is a court of law, if justice happens it's just a touch of good luck. For the most part the real criminals are working for the criminal INjustice system. If you think different, you haven't seen both sides.
i just got released from prison last year. i didnt start lifting untill my my 2nd year in. it changed my life in ways. before i would stay in trouble. but lifting gave me something to do with my time. an when i begin to see a change in my body i was hooked! haha i think its great for inmates to have weights. lifting helps with the constant stress, an it probally cuts the number of fights in half.
I think exercise and activity is great for them but I'm going to say no.

I consider having access to weights a "luxury" and they are supposed to be punished.

If they truly want to get strong and build muscle there ways to do it regardless...push-ups, pull-ups, etc.

I don't think the majority of prisoners are going to physically "hurt" others when they get released. However a few will and it's best they don't have access to weights. Like I said before...if they are determined to get muscular/strong they will find a way without weights.

What is your opinion?
what kind of stupid question is this ,only a moron who never did a day in jail would dream up a goofy question,no ,you should pull your pin 24/7.
The only thing they should be liftin is trash off the side of the road and cleaning brush up not having fun on the taxpayers dollar.Prison is prison not vaction work to help pay there keep.