Started my cycle today - Before pictures!!!


New member
Hi there, I started my cycle today, here are some pictures I took this morning.

100mg of Prop. EOD
60mg of Turanabol ED

Body Fat ??? If I had to guess I'd say around 8% to 10%, what do you think?

Sample of my diet:

1. Meal
80 grams oat meal
1 bagel
5 slices turkey
20 grams protein powder
1 apple

2. Meal
100 grams brown rice
7oz of chicken, steak or fish
1 piece of whole grain bread
salad or veggies

3. Meal
40 grams protein protein powder
1 bagel
1 apple

4. Meal after training
Recovery drink

5. Meal 1.5 hours after recovery shake
7 oz steak chicken or fish
100 grams rice
1 bagel
lots of green
1 apple

6. Meal
50 grams protein powder
1 apple

Thanks for all the help and info you guys have given me so far ;)
By the way, i just started working out again about a month ago. I went from 164lbs to 172lbs with creatine only.
I have not been in the gym prior to that in 5 years.

Back then a did about 4 or 5 cycles, my initial weight was 139lbs. I ended up at 205lbs at my heaviest weight, (66lbs gain) in a bout 2 years.
I don't to max weight any longer because of some sport related injuries (BJJ) but back then, my max was 415lbs on the bench when I was around 185lbs.

Gear I've used in my past cycles were, Durateston, D-Bol, Hemogenin, Depo-Test., Sten, Trenbolone(home made), Winstrol, HGH, Deca, Equipoise, Test. Propinate and Enanthade. I fucked around with insulin for about 10 days but got a little spooked and paranoid about something going wrong so I stoped.

Oh yeah, I'm 29yrs.

looking great!! (and i looove the ink! more pix of that, please!) do you have a back pic? judging from your post, i have to say you've made a lot of impressive gains... keep it up; you will definitely thicken up even more if you keep going! good luck, and keep posting pix...
strngthmnx said:
looking great!! (and i looove the ink! more pix of that, please!) do you have a back pic? judging from your post, i have to say you've made a lot of impressive gains... keep it up; you will definitely thicken up even more if you keep going! good luck, and keep posting pix...

LOL! i'll get a pic of the tat up sometime this week.
Thanks for the positive props.

Take care :)
wow, looking pretty lean already. I'd say you're between 8 & 9% Bf. the great thing is that if you maintain that %, any gains you make in LBM will look amazing. Good luck bro and Keep us updated with pics.
BiggerthanLavar said:
wow, looking pretty lean already. I'd say you're between 8 & 9% Bf. the great thing is that if you maintain that %, any gains you make in LBM will look amazing. Good luck bro and Keep us updated with pics.

Thanks bro, I'll keep the pictures coming.
Easto said:
I really don't think you need drugs. You need FOOD!!!!

I wish was only food I needed bro, thrust me, I've try that and it just dosen't work. I have a VERY fast metabolism and I train and teach Brazilian Jiu Jitsu 6 days a week and that burns a lot of calories, so its hard for me to keep weight on.

thanks guys
LOL! said:
I wish was only food I needed bro, thrust me, I've try that and it just dosen't work. I have a VERY fast metabolism and I train and teach Brazilian Jiu Jitsu 6 days a week and that burns a lot of calories, so its hard for me to keep weight on.

thanks guys

Cool, you train BJJ??? So if I reply to every post with "RICKSON BY ARMBAR" you'll know what that means!!! HAHAHA! BTW, I think Mir can beat Arlovski. *Dons flame suit*
BiggerthanLavar said:
Cool, you train BJJ??? So if I reply to every post with "RICKSON BY ARMBAR" you'll know what that means!!! HAHAHA! BTW, I think Mir can beat Arlovski. *Dons flame suit*

LOL!!! Defenily Rickson by armbar! Yeah, I have my own school bro, and yes i also think Mir can beat the George Micheal look a like :) as long as he dosen't stand there and trade for to long.

Later bro

p.s: you post on
Looking good, even tho I still think your J/K bro. Cant wait to see what you will look like after cycle!!!
Swoleburn said:
Looking good, even tho I still think your J/K bro. Cant wait to see what you will look like after cycle!!!

LOL! Funny guy, don't make me tell everyone that I'm your daddy!!! j/k
You hitting the gym today???
I'll be there aroun 1:15pm.

Later bro
you are pretty lean dude. If your diet is dialed in right over this cycle, you should look pretty good.
Train your calfs 3 times a week bro, They so need some catching up to do!! large. Keep it up comming along!
LOL! said:
By the way, i just started working out again about a month ago. I went from 164lbs to 172lbs with creatine only.
I have not been in the gym prior to that in 5 years.

Ya know.....this is probably gonna hurt, but you have absolutely NO BUSINESS doing a cycle right now.

You guys just amaze me, thinking steroids are some magic potion. Why don't you concentrate on actually training for a few years. Do that, add in a good diet and you'll make plenty of gains.