Supplement Reviews Wanted

1. I like Jacked by USP tastes ok lemon lime flavor, its sold at a great price. i dont get a huge crash after taking it like i do with other preworkout supplements like n.o. explode, white flood, or super pump. I have used almost every pre workout supplement and this has been my favorite.

2. Post and during workout i like Size-On it tastes great. i use fruit punch flavor. It helps me stay fueled with carbs to keep me going during my workout and has six grams of protien per serving...word on the street is gaspari nutrition is making a new size on with a lot more protien in it : )
1. For the price i would recommend Jacked but also like Black Powder by MRI and would consider it to be the best pre workout supplement i have ever taken, its downside is its price, it is the most expensive pre workout supplement i have taken, taste is amazing I tried orange burst i think, pumps are great with little crash after. I have come to believe that most of the crash after workout doesnt only come from the caffiene but from the high amounts of sugar and other shit thats put into preworkout supplements that spikes your blood sugar levels and then they dive after an hour ot two. The cheapest and most effective preworkout supplemment for the price are caffiene pills. I have bought 100 two hundred milligram pills for like four dollars. I just chew a one or sometimes two up and am ready to go. This is all i have used for my current first cycle with some size on during workout and has worked great for me and saved me a lot of money. I have heard that Arnolds pre workout was dbol three table spoons of honey and some coca cola.
I just finished my first container of N2KTS from need to build muscle i have taken jacked as well as your run of the mills from gnc and there hasnt been anything that has even come close to gettin me ready to roll then N2 I find it is the best product for helping me focus and the pumps are absoutly insane
I don't take any special pre workout supplements. Just food.

Post supplement the same....just protein powder...usually from true protein.
I don't use any pre-workout stuff bc it all makes me vomit & ruins my workouts. The ones I have used were LG Sciences T-911 and it definitely has a nice caffeine boost and tastes like cherry which isn't bad. I'll give it up to them again as Ive also tried LG's Anadraulic State & the stuff gets some serious pumps during workouts that last a while afterwards too. I'd actually recommend giving em both a shot, particularly the Anadraulic State. Otherwise I never use any preworkout sups bc whatever they give me is essentially lost when I run out vomiting. My stomach can't handle shit bouncing around in it when I lift so I don't even bother. If you can stomach it, give it a try you'll see it's gtg

Postworkout I never use any supps but I do use & really like LG's Lipotropic Protein. Nice blend of proteins, low cal, low fat, some bcaas too. I mix in an extra 5 g's of BCAA's, Glutamine, & Flaxseed oil.

I'm not a big fan of supps and prefer gear or natty, I'm not in 9th grade anymore & don't buy into the hype of these things even though many claim to get gains from some of em. I prefer real FOOD an hour before workouts, a shake after, and a nice meal 30-40 mins after that

ok I'm done
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1. I dont really respond much to stims after the first dose or two but the pre-workout supplement I liked to most was Superpump 250 by Gaspari. The taste was better than anything else ive tried especially no xplode. Currently Im not using anything pre-workout but I do consume 1 cup oats about an hour or so before my workout and drink bcaas throughout my workout.

2. Post workout I have a 50g shake of Myofusion by Gaspari. As you can see I really like there products. One of the best tasting proteins Ive ever had and by far the best tasting when mixed with water. Most proteins taste like garbage if mixed with water.
i've used myofushion it was not bad but no lasting effects, superpump i got absolutly nothing from it. BCAA works well for me. Gaspri Protein mix is very tastey, the celltek was alright but not worth the money. Icon helped me gain 5lbs but it needs to be cycled and for the money i could have juiced. and there is plenty more but the only thing i use now is protien and roids.
ECA stack, Whey, Multivitamin, Vitamin E, C, Glucosamine & Chondroitin, Zinc if low.

My gallon water jug never goes empty, and never leaves my side.
Pre-workout, I take an ECA stack, drink some coffee, and more coffee for the drive to the gym. I eat 4-6 egg whites and a medium size white potatoe about 45 min before my workout.

Post workout 60g of choc whey (whoever has it wholesale) multivitamin,E,C. The rest of my post workout meal does not have supps. I'll take the Glucosamine after dinner.
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I have used
VPX red line
Universal Nutrition Shock Therapy
bsn-no explode
and some other crap clled nano vaper I think it was called.

Out of all of them jacked was the best. I have used others I think are better but out of this list jacked was the best.
pre workout - jack3d (except it makes my skin itchy so i kind of refrain from using it now)
pwo - optimum's after max
pre workout - jack3d (except it makes my skin itchy so i kind of refrain from using it now)
pwo - optimum's after max

That is a tiny niacin flush that the product gives. Others give a way better one.

toxins are pulled up threw the capillaries in the skin.
1. For preworkout, the two best supps I've used are Gaspari: SuperPump 250 and Nutrex: Hemo Rage Black. As far as taste goes, every flavor of superpump is delish!! Excellent pump in the gym, good focus in the gym. I do prefer Hemo over the two however, it has 10.5 grams if waxy maize per serving which I like for some good slow acting carbs to fuel workouts. The euphoric feeling on it was indescribable. All in all they're both fantastic products, but if I were to pic one to use indefinitely I would use SuperPump and just had in my own waxy maize to make the perfect preworkout cocktail.

2. I've never used post workout supps, ky my own creations. In the off season it consists of a protein/carb shake (usually maltodextrin or dextrose), and sometimes I throw in some Skittles or Zours, hehe ;-)
As I am pre disposed to being geared, I rarely use a pre workout drink...when I do I get itchy head and crawly skin...makes me feel like the crack head looks on the Chapelle show.
Monster Pump is what I have now for pre workout, if I do it...I can t turn it off and as I pre dominately train late afternoon I cant risk my sleep...
Basically I use whatever is the best deal at Body Building .com...none of it tastes worth a damn.
I m using Cyto- Gainer as a supplement for my protien and carbs and can stomach it OK.
I believe supp s have come a long way since the Weider/Shaklee crap I used to choke down in the 8o s.
I also take Omega 3, B-12, Niacin and Milk Thistle.
I have not taken any pre workout supplements-just Mulit Vit, B complex, fish oil and vitamin C.

My workout partner has, and i feel i can give an unbiased opinion. we workout together everyday and i know when he makes gains-and or is having a great workout.

the 2 that were tried recently was jacked-and Premax by Primordial Performance

He made awesome strength gains on the pre max-he started when i started my dbol. his strength improved daily, and it was obvious the intensity was way up in the gym.

Jacked was also the same way way-he was amped up and made some gains with only a week's worth of use. He said he did not feel as good coming down from the jacked-and that it kept him up late at night. He said the pre max did not make him feel like that and still gave him the kind of pump NO and jacked did. The pre max is stimulant free so im sure that is the reason for not being as edgy as on the jacked.

I am now a firm believer in premax-and will use it during my post cycle therapy (pct) for sure. I have no ties with any supplement maker and this is an unbiased review, although it is third party.
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I would say pre by far N2KTS it last and keeps me foucsed on my pumps post needto muscle replenisher its great got everything you need
Pre workout I usually drink a coffee and take some L-Arginine. Most Pre workout drinks make me feel sick to my stomach or have bad diarrhea. I'm going to give Jacked a try though.

Post workout I usually do a protein shake. Whatever I currently have at home.. Cytogainer has always worked good for me.
niacin 3 times ed,milk thistle in the morning ,colon cleanser one a day , If I get bloated over the counter diuretic..oh and vitamin c 3 times ed, I don't eat with sugar nor sodium..