Suppressing Prolactin Safely, Effectively and Cheaply

I think I still have a full bottle, or close to it, of ttokkyo deca as well as 20ml of tren....I might try this...
I think I still have a full bottle, or close to it, of ttokkyo deca as well as 20ml of tren....I might try this...
TxLonghorn said:
I think I still have a full bottle, or close to it, of ttokkyo deca as well as 20ml of tren....I might try this...
good luck bro it sucks being that gyno prone . i didnt havegyno problems with tren but no matter how much test i ran with it my libido was in the crapper . no more tren for me god bless test and dbol:)
TxLonghorn said:
I think I still have a full bottle, or close to it, of ttokkyo deca as well as 20ml of tren....I might try this...
good luck bro it sucks being that gyno prone . i didnt havegyno problems with tren but no matter how much test i ran with it my libido was in the crapper . no more tren for me god bless test and dbol:)
DADAWG said:
good luck bro it sucks being that gyno prone . i didnt havegyno problems with tren but no matter how much test i ran with it my libido was in the crapper . no more tren for me god bless test and dbol:)

Tell me about it...the biggest baddest cycle without anti-es I was able to run was test 250mg/eq 400mg. I had to take anti es with eq at 600mg, and I tried 500mg test...I had to stop that one immediately, but then all I had was arimidex.

Now with letro I feel confidant I can run a decent amount of test next cycle.

Now you have an insight into why I research so much...because I don't really care for some lumpy-ass breasts. :( Believe me, I'd much rather be doing other stuff, I just don't have that option unless I want to be limited to eq/winny cycles for the rest of my life.
DADAWG said:
good luck bro it sucks being that gyno prone . i didnt havegyno problems with tren but no matter how much test i ran with it my libido was in the crapper . no more tren for me god bless test and dbol:)

Tell me about it...the biggest baddest cycle without anti-es I was able to run was test 250mg/eq 400mg. I had to take anti es with eq at 600mg, and I tried 500mg test...I had to stop that one immediately, but then all I had was arimidex.

Now with letro I feel confidant I can run a decent amount of test next cycle.

Now you have an insight into why I research so much...because I don't really care for some lumpy-ass breasts. :( Believe me, I'd much rather be doing other stuff, I just don't have that option unless I want to be limited to eq/winny cycles for the rest of my life.
TX: You tend to latch onto one thing that was said and misconstrue it. I was just using the RDA as a reference point. At no time was I suggesting that was all you needed or that more B6 wouldn't be benficial.

I like the idea of extra B6. I just think it has limited application. Not only do B vitamins work best in the complex, they are water soluable, so they're only present in the system for about 12 hours. Therfore taking 1000X's of time over the dosage will just be pissed out.

The doc is right, but you'd think people should know that Deca, Anadrol and Tren increase prog and too much prog will have a femizizing effect. Estrogen isnt the only female hormone you know.
TX: You tend to latch onto one thing that was said and misconstrue it. I was just using the RDA as a reference point. At no time was I suggesting that was all you needed or that more B6 wouldn't be benficial.

I like the idea of extra B6. I just think it has limited application. Not only do B vitamins work best in the complex, they are water soluable, so they're only present in the system for about 12 hours. Therfore taking 1000X's of time over the dosage will just be pissed out.

The doc is right, but you'd think people should know that Deca, Anadrol and Tren increase prog and too much prog will have a femizizing effect. Estrogen isnt the only female hormone you know.
Originally posted by hhajdo
As long as you keep your estrogen levels under control, you don't need to worry about prolactin.

Originally posted by DUANABOL
I agree with this 100%! Control the estrogen and you will not have any nasty prolactin sides from things like Deca. I know this to be true from personal trial & error cycles.

TxLonghorn said:
I know this to NOT be true from personal trial & error cycles.


I've cycled Test & Deca together w/o Nolva...gyno & lactation.

I've cycled Test & Deca together w/ gyno & no lactation.:)
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Originally posted by hhajdo
As long as you keep your estrogen levels under control, you don't need to worry about prolactin.

Originally posted by DUANABOL
I agree with this 100%! Control the estrogen and you will not have any nasty prolactin sides from things like Deca. I know this to be true from personal trial & error cycles.

TxLonghorn said:
I know this to NOT be true from personal trial & error cycles.


I've cycled Test & Deca together w/o Nolva...gyno & lactation.

I've cycled Test & Deca together w/ gyno & no lactation.:)
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Originally posted by DUANABOL


My point exactly. I totally controlled estrogen, and still had gyno problems. I think it would be nice to be able to control gyno so easily, but in the real world, it just doesn't work like that.
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Originally posted by DUANABOL


My point exactly. I totally controlled estrogen, and still had gyno problems. I think it would be nice to be able to control gyno so easily, but in the real world, it just doesn't work like that.
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Nelson Montana said:
TX: You tend to latch onto one thing that was said and misconstrue it. I was just using the RDA as a reference point. At no time was I suggesting that was all you needed or that more B6 wouldn't be benficial.

Possibly, if I did it was because you seemed dismissive that it could actually work.

Nelson Montana said:
THe thing is...who's deficient in B6? Likely, nobody.

A standard multiple vit/min has about 500X's the RDA of B6. between an aditional MRP and food, you get more B6 than you can possibly use.

And here is your original quote where you say you get more b6 than you can possibly use. I don't see how I latched onto or misconstrued what you stated. And it does seem you say more b6 wouldn't be beneficial. But I did just skim through it.

Anyways, I think it's worth a shot, especially when you consider all the 'I've got gyno' posts as well as the fact I have had gyno problems consistently since beginning gear. And if you have gyno symptoms and nolva or another anti e isn't helping and you are taking gear that is known to raise prolactin, why not try it?

It's threads like these that make these boards interesting. Finding something simple and yet possibly effective. I hope this works, because bromo just plain blows.
Nelson Montana said:
TX: You tend to latch onto one thing that was said and misconstrue it. I was just using the RDA as a reference point. At no time was I suggesting that was all you needed or that more B6 wouldn't be benficial.

Possibly, if I did it was because you seemed dismissive that it could actually work.

Nelson Montana said:
THe thing is...who's deficient in B6? Likely, nobody.

A standard multiple vit/min has about 500X's the RDA of B6. between an aditional MRP and food, you get more B6 than you can possibly use.

And here is your original quote where you say you get more b6 than you can possibly use. I don't see how I latched onto or misconstrued what you stated. And it does seem you say more b6 wouldn't be beneficial. But I did just skim through it.

Anyways, I think it's worth a shot, especially when you consider all the 'I've got gyno' posts as well as the fact I have had gyno problems consistently since beginning gear. And if you have gyno symptoms and nolva or another anti e isn't helping and you are taking gear that is known to raise prolactin, why not try it?

It's threads like these that make these boards interesting. Finding something simple and yet possibly effective. I hope this works, because bromo just plain blows.
ok just calrifying this so bear with me. I am prone to gyno from deca and tren caused by progestrogen. WOuld B6 help me with that or is bromo a must?
ok just calrifying this so bear with me. I am prone to gyno from deca and tren caused by progestrogen. WOuld B6 help me with that or is bromo a must?
great info, thanks for being so candid, tx. valuable information.

damn female hormones causing trouble, evidence that men and women are made from the same stuff, just in different amounts. playing with your hormones is like juggling.

im guessing the future is in genetic manipulation.
great info, thanks for being so candid, tx. valuable information.

damn female hormones causing trouble, evidence that men and women are made from the same stuff, just in different amounts. playing with your hormones is like juggling.

im guessing the future is in genetic manipulation.