Susts and blends


New member
I've been bouncing around these boards for years, snooping here and investigating there. Although nothing is set in stone there are some guidelines, not really rules just guidelines that 30-40% of guys have to play with. With the wealth of information available I am more and more convinced they must just make this up.

Good luck boys.

Reading mass posts I keep seeing "Sust" and "Test E" and "Tri BlendYoMoma". And wonder: WTF?

I am running a "Test E cycle" . . . it's just Test

SUST is merely 3-5 esters of Testosterone.

TriTren is still Trenbolone.

I am no fan of multiple compounds let alone multiple esters. All of this is difficult to master: managing 5 half lifes from one injection? Really?

FYI: TD will and I mean does keep you shut down for at least 52 days post last pin. So many love Sust because they PCT so well........that is because you don't really come off for 2-3 months?

Just my .02
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good post defiantly makes plenty of allready stocked up on my omnas for next cycle but after this one i think im just going to keep things simple with enanthate or cypionate...ive always loved sust myself but all the old timers must be using cyp and enanthate for a reason, experience led them that route...i would imagine as a supplier its also easier to master a properly dosed single ester rather than a properly dosed blend...
Test D has a 14 day half life . . . .that is ridiculous for good post cycle therapy (pct). Of course switching to a P or PP after a sust run before post cycle therapy (pct) would's just the mgs jacking that gets a guy.
yeah... although i do like to hear what ester people are doing when they talk about their cycle. it effects the actual total mg of hormone, the peak levels they'll reach on cycle, and more. so if i know that, it gives me more info with which to answer their questions. or more ammo to use to call them retarded. whichever way you look at it. :D
Blends are a gimmic for the un informed imo. If you have to drop mg on a certain compound your screwed because it's locked into that blend. Most blends out there from ugl's have never done too well anyways. Running a 3 estered tren is pointless, it accomplishes nothing but maybe a jump start in the beginning.

I always see these test blends that contain test enanthate and cypionate. Why? Those two esters are 1 molecule away from being identicle. Marketing is what it comes down to for the guys that may not know about esters. I new one guy who thought sust was 4 different kinds of testosterone lol.

Some just like to complicate things running a 4 estered test. Keep things simple with single esters, keeping hormone levels stable is key.
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A tren a/test p/mast p blend is about the only one that seems worth while imo. But i'd rather stick to pinning each one seperately.
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Blends are a gimmic for the un informed imo. If you have to drop mg on a certain compound your screwed because it's locked into that blend. Most blends out there from ugl's have never done too well anyways. Running a 3 estered tren is pointless, it accomplishes nothing but maybe a jump start in the beginning.

I always see these test blends that contain test enanthate and cypionate. Why? Those two esters are 1 molecule away from being identicle. Marketing is what it comes down to for the guys that may not know about esters. I new one guy who thought sust was 4 different kinds of testosterone lol.

Some just like to complicate things running a 4 estered test. Keep things simple with single esters, keeping hormone levels stable is key.

Amen my man!
Yes, I'll run some Prop with Cyp according to how I feel. Syringe mixing and not being locking is the way to "blend".
good post Mike, makes sense

im not a fan of blends myself

I just saw NJ and wondered WTF . . . someone steal your pic because I knew I'd seen that pic and another country.

We both have the two wheel thing going on. I love

Welcome back Bro.
well i would say one thing about a test-e and c blend is that you can keep the overall cc injected down? those are often 200/200, meaning you don't need a full cc to get 300 or 250 if you're doing 5 or 6 hundred a week.

i mean sometimes they make sense.... really, how often to people who use this stuff regularly have to modify their dosages suddenly in ways that they couldn't accomplish with blends. but then again, i guess i always have other stuff on hand so a blend wouldn't hinder me from doing that anyway.
Test E can hold at 500mg+ no problem using minimal EO. There's no point in 400mg test E/C when 400mg E would be identicle. That extra ester does nothing benificial when e will hold.
I agree with the science behind what your saying, although blends, prop and short esters in general feel different. Some guys get better wood from a blend or from prop, this is because of the different wave pattern the injections would create on a graph, totally changing the amount of testosterone in the blood at a single time...............
Our bodies do not create natural testosterone in stable peaks and troughs, its like GH its a pulse, studies have shown on animals and humans that the pulse creates more changes than constant exposure to high androgen or growth hormone levels..................but yea- more gains = more sides, just like in puberty :) I think this is partly why women have trouble making huge gains, not only do they not have the androgens to gain like we do, but they are more of a bleed, constant exposure to smaller amounts.
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it also doesn't do anything detrimental, nor do most people sell 400 or 500mg test-e. i haven't been keeping abreast of brewing sections on forums recently, but most people i know can't get it to hold very well beyond a few hundred mg. if you know a ton of labs selling 400 and 500mg/cc test-e feel free to correct me, but i certainly haven't seen that kind of number on regular test-e from any labs i've ever looked at.

plus det is right. the wave patterns, as well as the peak levels, are totally different. and for those who know who esters really work, sust is actually not a bad idea because of the peaks it reaches in comparison to the others, and the manner in which it builds to those peaks. but if you don't understand that and want to go on thinking it doesn't matter at all.... be my guest.

for beginners, however, i agree with just sticking to simple stuff.
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it also doesn't do anything detrimental, nor do most people sell 400 or 500mg test-e. i haven't been keeping abreast of brewing sections on forums recently, but most people i know can't get it to hold very well beyond a few hundred mg. if you know a ton of labs selling 400 and 500mg/cc test-e feel free to correct me, but i certainly haven't seen that kind of number on regular test-e from any labs i've ever looked at.

plus det is right. the wave patterns, as well as the peak levels, are totally different. and for those who know who esters really work, sust is actually not a bad idea because of the peaks it reaches in comparison to the others, and the manner in which it builds to those peaks. but if you don't understand that and want to go on thinking it doesn't matter at all.... be my guest.

for beginners, however, i agree with just sticking to simple stuff.

Your missing the point, Test E and C are identicle. Why have a 200mg test e/200mg test c blend when 400mg test E is the same.

Your buddies must not brew too often, hyou can get E to hold at 400mg using ba/bb only. I don't go over 350 personally because of pain but E is the easiest ester to hold at high mg.

I understand exactley how sust works, it was designed around less injections with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) in mind. The key is stable blood levels, single esters are best at that.
I see more guys going from premixed and blended esters the straight esters and syringe mixing, not the other way around. I've always been too focused on clearing well for PCT and running that long ass shit just ruins a good PCT.
Your missing the point, Test E and C are identicle. Why have a 200mg test e/200mg test c blend when 400mg test E is the same.

Your buddies must not brew too often, hyou can get E to hold at 400mg using ba/bb only. I don't go over 350 personally because of pain but E is the easiest ester to hold at high mg.

I understand exactley how sust works, it was designed around less injections with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) in mind. The key is stable blood levels, single esters are best at that.

X's 2