Swear the Post Office just called and said I had a package. WTF?


New member
Ordered some gear, now the P.O. is calling telling me I have a package. They dont do that, and that is very suspecious.
Never heard that before...

I know man! I was like WTF? She said, is this Matt? I was like "ya, who's this?" She said, "this is the postal service, you've received a package, will you be able to pick it up today?" I said, "I dunno. Let me get back to you."

Thats weird, right?

Should I consider this a loss? 600 BUCKS worth of gear.
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i have NEVER received a phone call from the post office for anything, legal or otherwise. But then again, I don't own a PO Box either. Maybe the package was too big for it to fit? Who knows...
Should I consider this a loss? 600 BUCKS worth of gear.

i would say definately not!

if they actually tracked everything and know u bought it, then ur screwed anyways. but thats still probably not enough gear to make it worth it for the feds to bust u.

i would just give it a couple days, walk in there asking for ur package, and act like u dont know what it is. and once u get home, grab a sharpie and write return to sender on the box. let it sit for another week. if no one knocks on ur door ur gtg. i figure if they did knock on ur door asking about a package, say oh ya, idk what it is, so i was just gonna have it returned to sender. but if they actually wanna catch u, it doenst matter, ur caught.

HIGHLY unlikely tho. just go get it.
i have NEVER received a phone call from the post office for anything, legal or otherwise. But then again, I don't own a PO Box either. Maybe the package was too big for it to fit? Who knows...

Last time I ordered, I got a package too big and all they do is put a key in your box and you walk out to the lockers in the lobby and get your package. I'll wait to pick it up. Maybe A few days. And like the guy under you said, write return to sender on it.
Last time I ordered, I got a package too big and all they do is put a key in your box and you walk out to the lockers in the lobby and get your package. I'll wait to pick it up. Maybe A few days. And like the guy under you said, write return to sender on it.

Weird. the only thing is, they might retuen it to sender if u take to long
You could try to confuse them and thell them
You are going there at 5pm and infact show up at 1 or 2...

Can you call your source and see how they pacakaged it?
Cause if it repackaged and with a different return address, or is retaped you might not want to accept it, and just tell them you don't know what it is.

I dunno...

It's probably nothing though, they wouldn't bother with that little bit of gear.

Also the laws are different in every Country.
Obviously you gave them your number at some point..how long have you been at that address??

And HELL NO i wouldnt chop up a $600 loss cause im scared...quick being a pussy and go down there, if you were in trouble, you would know...trust me.
call a diffrent post office and aske them if they make phone calls to say a package is in?
thats all you have to do.
if they say no we would just send a card stating you have a pick up then you know that its a set up.
If they were going to try to bust you, would they really do it in a public place were they would be putting others at risk. No. They would do this at your residence. Yes it's a little odd. I wouldn't wait because they may try to send it back.

I know a guy who would just leave the pack at the post office if they didn't deliver when he was at home because he was to afraid to go get it. He did that three times. Retarded.

If they suspected you of illegal activity, they aren't going to attempt to bust you in public. You could be dangerous.
i would say definately not!

if they actually tracked everything and know u bought it, then ur screwed anyways. but thats still probably not enough gear to make it worth it for the feds to bust u.

i would just give it a couple days, walk in there asking for ur package, and act like u dont know what it is. and once u get home, grab a sharpie and write return to sender on the box. let it sit for another week. if no one knocks on ur door ur gtg. i figure if they did knock on ur door asking about a package, say oh ya, idk what it is, so i was just gonna have it returned to sender. but if they actually wanna catch u, it doenst matter, ur caught.

HIGHLY unlikely tho. just go get it.


I think this is the best idea. Except I would only wait a day.

I will say that is pretty weird though. I have never gotten a call from the PO before...never heard of it either.
Please let us know how it goes.
I have had DHL call me a few times when I have a package in. They ask if ill be able to come pick it up or if I want them to send it back out on the truck. I usually just tell them to hold it and ill come pick it up.
for 600$ i would go in there. and if they try to pull something just say that isnt yours and you ordered some supplements.. and that you dont want it.. i doubt they could get you as long as you dont sign for the package anyways... just cause osmehting is mailed to u doesnt mean its urs.
If they were going to try to bust you, would they really do it in a public place were they would be putting others at risk. No. They would do this at your residence.

Maybe, but I 've heard of guys getting caught just outside of their car.
They could also either follow you and see where you go, or just surround your vehicle, smash out the windows and flash bomb you.

I doubt they are even concerened about the small time people.

Just do what everyone else stated here, and go get your package.
Just outside your car is a big one. They dont like having to go into your house to get you out for obvious reasons. But really quit being so parnoid and just grab your package. When it comes down to it you really cant get in shit for something somebody sent to you unless you let them scare you and say something stupid and incriminate yourself. Its not worth their time for 600 bucks of juice.