Test E/EQ Spring Cycle

what kinda stats results have u gotten so far?

Incline DB Press 105's/5 --> 120's/5
Flat Bench 305 --> 345
Squat ~375 --> 465
DB Shoulder Press 70's/7 --> 85's/6
Bent Over Rows 275/6 --> 385/6

*Some of the before numbers are a little bit off because I was training differently and my back had been bothering me a little bit. I know for a fact that before the cycle I didn't Squat for at least 6 weeks and I didn't Deadlift all that often either. Overall though, I have been very happy with my strength and size gains.
Incline DB Press 105's/5 --> 120's/5
Flat Bench 305 --> 345
Squat ~375 --> 465
DB Shoulder Press 70's/7 --> 85's/6
Bent Over Rows 275/6 --> 385/6

Milk - that is awsome - R those numbers from the last 93 days only? Those are fukkin incredible results - gains of 20-40%!!! I've never seen anyone lift those kind of weights who wasn't a powerlifter (and had +100lbs BW on you!)

One question - those Bent Over Rows - on the T bar?

Only problem is that you'll have a tough time topping those when u get to be my age!!! - LOL - (Good problem to have, I feel for you buddy)
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Milk - that is awsome - R those numbers from the last 93 days only? Those are fukkin incredible results - gains of 20-40%!!! I've never seen anyone lift those kind of weights who wasn't a powerlifter (and had +100lbs BW on you!)

One question - those Bent Over Rows - on the T bar?

Only problem is that you'll have a tough time topping those when u get to be my age!!! - LOL - (Good problem to have, I feel for you buddy)

Yeah, those #'s are from the last 93 days only... Most of the numbers I took were from the first couple workouts and the last couple workouts, just to make comparisons. Thanks for the compliment, I normally get some funny looks when I go super heavy.

The Bent Over Rows are actually done with a barbell. They are just as the name suggests, done with a barbell on the ground. I must add that those reps weren't exactly 100% strict, I definitely used some more body english than I should have.
Day 94

5 pumps 1-T Tren... AM application
10 pumps Sustain Alpha... PM application
1 pump AIFM
120mcg Clen

Cruise Week: Chest Day

Decline Bench Press 225/10, 255/10, 275/6
Incline DB Press 100's/8, 100's/5
Pec Deck Flyes 130/12, 130/12, 130/12

Decline Bench Crunches 2 x 15
Hanging Knee Raises 2 x 15

*felt pretty good, got a good pump and got out of the gym... workout took all of about 25-30 minutes
*yesterday's calorie intake and macro-nutrient breakdown is attached below...
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5 pumps 1-T Tren... AM application
10 pumps Sustain Alpha... PM application
1 pump AIFM
80mcg Clen

Cruise Week: Chest Day

Decline Bench Press 225/10, 255/10, 275/6
Incline DB Press 100's/8, 100's/5
Pec Deck Flyes 130/12, 130/12, 130/12

Decline Bench Crunches 2 x 15
Hanging Knee Raises 2 x 15

*felt pretty good, got a good pump and got out of the gym... workout took all of about 25-30 minutes
*yesterday's calorie intake and macro-nutrient breakdown is attached below...

damn, you have more calories in 2 of the 3 groups than I do for all of mine.

Your calories from protein is only like 400 less than I take in combined for the day.

Good work Milk
damn, you have more calories in 2 of the 3 groups than I do for all of mine.

Your calories from protein is only like 400 less than I take in combined for the day.

Good work Milk

Thanks man.

At 240lbs with a relatively quick metabolism, I need to pack away the calories if I want to grow. Believe it or not, I was very tempted to take in another meal during the day which probably would have put the total caloric intake for the day up around 5,200 calories.
Day 95

5 pumps 1-T Tren...
1 pump AIFM
120mcg Clen

Cruise Week: Back Day

Lat Pull Down 150/12, 180/10, 200/10
Bent Over Rows 185/12, 225/10, 275/10
Lying T-Bar Rows 115/10, 115/10, 115/10

15 minutes HIIT on the Elliptical (30 second sprints, 1 minute jogs) + 5 minutes of additional jogging

*felt good enough, it's nice to cut down on the intensity for a little bit because not only is my body feeling a bit better, but my whole mental state is a little bit better...
*looking forward to hitting it really hard in these next couple weeks
Day 96

5 pumps 1-T Tren...
1 pump AIFM
120mcg Clen

Cruise Week: Shoulders and Arms Day

DB Press 75's/10, 75's/10, 85's/8, 95's/6
Side Raises 30's/12, 35's/10, 35's/10

Smith Machine CGBP 225/10, 245/8, 265/6
Standing DB Curls 45's/10, 50's/8, 55's/6
Rope Pushdowns 130/12, 140/10, 150/10
Cable Hammer Curls 130/15, 140/12, 150/10

*left at least 2 reps in the tank for each set, could have definitely pushed it way harder, but I had to make myself take a step back and not go to failure...
*pump in my shoulders was almost painful today
5 pumps 1-T Tren...
1 pump AIFM
120mcg Clen

Cruise Week: Shoulders and Arms Day

DB Press 75's/10, 75's/10, 85's/8, 95's/6
Side Raises 30's/12, 35's/10, 35's/10

Smith Machine CGBP 225/10, 245/8, 265/6
Standing DB Curls 45's/10, 50's/8, 55's/6
Rope Pushdowns 130/12, 140/10, 150/10
Cable Hammer Curls 130/15, 140/12, 150/10

*left at least 2 reps in the tank for each set, could have definitely pushed it way harder, but I had to make myself take a step back and not go to failure...
*pump in my shoulders was almost painful today

Nice compact workout dude - you'll def be able to keep this going strong even when you are not a student any more!
BTW - Are you done w/ the injectables?
Day 97-99

Day 97

375mg Enanthate, 300mg EQ... left quad


Day 98

*Baseball all day... Felt great out on the field (went 2-6 with a homerun and double, and lined out hard twice... pitched a scoreless 7th inning and got the save) and I'm thinking about making a comeback lol


Day 99

*Was going to train today but my shoulder is not feeling right after pitching so I think I'm going to start up the training again on Monday.


All Days

5 pumps 1-T Tren
1 pump AIFM
150mcg Clen
Nice compact workout dude - you'll def be able to keep this going strong even when you are not a student any more!
BTW - Are you done w/ the injectables?

I love the shorter training sessions. Training 4x a week for an hour a day leaves so much time open for everything else.

The cycle is going to end on June 1st. So I'm going to be running injectables til the end. I have one shot left of EQ, and my last Enanthate injection will be mid-May, I haven't timed it out yet, but I'll be running Prop for the last 2 weeks of the cycle. When I'm done with the 1-T Tren, I'm going to add some Anavar in there at 60mg/day til close as well.
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nice progress amigo

i also like training shorter time,
but sometimes i kinda start socializing rt about the time im supposed to be working abs... so it takes me an extra 30 minutes to get the damn abs in...
nice progress amigo

i also like training shorter time,
but sometimes i kinda start socializing rt about the time im supposed to be working abs... so it takes me an extra 30 minutes to get the damn abs in...

Thanks man.

The shorter training time is always a plus... it's a win win in my eyes. I really never set a time to do abs lol, I kinda just wing it and if I feel up to it great, if not... oops.
Day 100

375mg Enanthate, 240mg EQ... finished up the EQ today
5 pumps 1-T Tren... AM application
Sustain Alpha... PM application
1 pump AIFM

Day C16: Legs

Squats 275/5, 315/2, 385/5 widowmaker 225/15
SLDL on 3 inch platform 315/8, 335/7, 355/5
Leg Extensions 200/15, 230/15
Seated Leg Curls 150/15, 170/12
Nautilus Calf Press 300/20, 350/15, 400/12, 200/8RP

15 minutes on the Treadmill... 16 minute mile pace, 6% incline

*felt good, had a crazy lower back pump after the SLDL's
Day 101

5 pumps 1-T Tren
1 pump AIFM

Day A17: Chest, Shoulders, Tris

Incline Bench Press 225/10, 240/7, 255/4, 175/4RP drop 135/3RP

Smith Machine Shoulder Press 185/10, 200/7, 215/4, 145/4-3RP
Front Raises Palms Up 30's/10, 30's/10

Dips bw/12, bw/11
JM Presses 95/10, 105/6
Supinated DB Floor Press 65's/6, 65's/6

*didn't feel too good training today, came in kinda flat and never really felt 100%... think I'm coming down with something which figures because this is the first week back to blasting...
Hey bro just wanted to ask have you noticed any bloat with this cycle or is the AIFM taking care of it all?
Hey bro just wanted to ask have you noticed any bloat with this cycle or is the AIFM taking care of it all?

The AIFM has done a great job in reducing any bloat that I have been noticing. To be honest, I feel like I'm holding a minimal amount of water for running 750mg/wk of Test Enanthate.
Day 102 and 103

5 pumps 1-T Tren
1 pump AIFM

*Day 102 was a day off from training and I took Day 103 off because I was too tired to do anything other than sit around all day... Had a little bit of a drinking binge last night which wasn't a good idea but it was the party our boss throws for all of the employees and it was one hell of a time.
5 pumps 1-T Tren
1 pump AIFM

*Day 102 was a day off from training and I took Day 103 off because I was too tired to do anything other than sit around all day... Had a little bit of a drinking binge last night which wasn't a good idea but it was the party our boss throws for all of the employees and it was one hell of a time.

LOL - Milk - great to hear that you are keeping all things exercised! can't loose those party skills! Besides - it's good to throw a curve ball to the liver every once and a while!