TESTosterone Enanthate, 12 Weeks, ***PICS***


New member
Just going to start this, so I can keep track, as well as others that may be in the same boat. I have the Test, just gonna do a bit more post cycle therapy (pct) research to keep my balls!

22 years Old
Lifting 4 Years
Type 1 Diabetic
Only done a PH cycle, never "real" stuff :o

Anyways, I plan on:

Weeks 1-12 Test E @500mg (dont know about an AI)

post cycle therapy (pct)
Weeks 14-18 Nolva @40-40-20-20
Natty T booster


Try to eat as MUCH AS I CAN CLEAN (suggestions welcome)


With school, and work, I will be on a 3x a week, Chest/BIS Legs/Shoulders Back/Tris

I will start the cycle in a couple weeks, (waiting on a few more supps). If anyone see things they would change let me know NOW!



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Dis gon' b gud :)

Im at the end of the same cycle and gained 8 kilos so far (17,5 lbs). I would suggest to train 4x times / week if you can do this.
Just going to start this, so I can keep track, as well as others that may be in the same boat. I have the Test, just gonna do a bit more post cycle therapy (pct) research to keep my balls!

22 years Old
Lifting 4 Years
Type 1 Diabetic
Only done a PH cycle, never "real" stuff :o

Anyways, I plan on:

Weeks 1-12 Test E @500mg (dont know about an AI)

post cycle therapy (pct)
Weeks 14-18 Nolva @40-40-20-20
Natty T booster


Try to eat as MUCH AS I CAN CLEAN (suggestions welcome)


With school, and work, I will be on a 3x a week, Chest/BIS Legs/Shoulders Back/Tris

I will start the cycle in a couple weeks, (waiting on a few more supps). If anyone see things they would change let me know NOW!




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I would suggest to train 4x times / week if you can do this.

Why? The kid's got a great base physique. Obviously 3 days a week works well for him. He seems to be doing just fine, especially as a Type 1.
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Sarcasm? Or....O and dammit, someone tell me if I should use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on cylce!?

you havent started yet, why you're so paranoid about it?

If your nipples start itching and hurt really bad, then you should start taking an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) thru the end of the cycle.
you havent started yet, why you're so paranoid about it?

If your nipples start itching and hurt really bad, then you should start taking an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) thru the end of the cycle.

Why am I so paranoid? Lol, I dont wanna fuck my self up! Im starting soon, but being my first cycle, you gotta expect me to by SLIGHTLY paranoid. I cant help it, im OCD as fuck. I have seen some grocery list PCT's out there and mine is just...


O and sorry off subject guys, I will be starting SOON hope yall follow!
It's easy and relatively cheap to obtain an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). I'd strongly suggest having one on hand. There's no need to be waiting for a shipment to arrive if you have symptoms of high E2 or gyno when you could have been better prepared and not have to wait.
get some clomid to add to you PCT as well.. and add HCG weeks 3-14 250iu 2x a week. don't run Aromatase inhibitor (AI) unless you are showing symptoms
I would suggest running and Aromatase inhibitor (AI) throughout. Aromasin(if u can afford it) 12.5mg a day is the your best bet....or letro at .5mg a day..or Adex at .5mg MWF
Have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand, amd clomid is the best for pct, if you feel inchy under the nips or bloat, use arimidex, if its not enough use Aromasin.
Hey bro, there's lots of good advice here, Arimidex, Aromasin, HCG.....ETC. But your cycle is a basic starting cycle. Don't try to make it too confusing !! Your original plan will work fine and if your diet is fairly clean you won't have to worry too much about bloat . Sometimes people try to make a big deal out of something simple. Your cycle is as simple as it gets so apply the old Adage....KISS !(Keep It Simple Stupid)
Good luck and hit it hard !!:frogjump: