I'm curious if I'm going to see some big changes come Test time... I feel like this will probably work wonders when I'm on a cycle.
I've used it on cycle it was so great! Also, isn't it logical to conceive that using anything to do with HGH can inflict any of the HGH effects? I think it has a great dependency to how it effects a user by the state of hormone balance its thrown into. Results WILL vary! lol
I think Massive's little brother must have hacked his account.
I dont think I've ever seen him use the term 'whatever' so much in one post. lol
So I was planning on staying off of the gear til mid Feb... Plans have changed slightly (now mind you, I have been good to go on the whole time on - time off theory as of Jan 1st) because I have committed to a meet early April. Looks like I am going to hit the test on Sunday.
ahhh the good old gear itch... story of my life... good luck keep us posted
I was going to get back on January 1st but decided to hold off til mid Feb. I figured it would be fair to split the difference. To be honest, I wouldn't mind holding off until mid Feb but I want to peak at this meet, so I need every day possible on gear going forward. I will only have 8 training weeks on cycle, so I have to get at it.
god dammit you piece of shit!!!
The wife and I were talking about holding off on trying to get pregnant for a bit. If i didn't have this race to do in March I think i might join you. lol
Maybe after we get back from Jamaica.![]()
god dammit you piece of shit!!!
The wife and I were talking about holding off on trying to get pregnant for a bit. If i didn't have this race to do in March I think i might join you. lol
Maybe after we get back from Jamaica.![]()
Looking to hit a 475 bench in my shirt and 585 on the deadlift in briefs. Gonna need some help with it lol. I got a sponsor too so I better kill it.
Hey MilkMan, how many cycles you been thru? You're ridiculously huge anyways right?
probably the toughest one day endurance race on the planet - Tough Mudder
March 12. 10 miles of badassery!!
Bro I just checked this out and I said I'm doing it...but NE event its the same day as my cousins wedding so I will be doing this some time.
That looks kick ass
November 13-Tri state Im in!
RJ this is one tough mudder