The Massive Freak World Harris - amateur bber

Hey, does anyone out there know if he trains his forearms and abs? In the articles I've read about him it is never documented whether he does or not.
Damn he's almost as big as I am, oh I ment his arm. Id love to know what this guys BBcurling, and did I read that right he does amateur contests /wtf.
great physipue i agree! and congrats to him turning pro, yet he does lose something once he diets down, not near as freaky as when in the offseason!
Did you notice that Will is one of the "Dub MD's" in Travolta's new movie, "Be Cool"? Quincy Taylor is another.

Richard Jasper
Ann Arbor, MI
arpeejay said:
Did you notice that Will is one of the "Dub MD's" in Travolta's new movie, "Be Cool"? Quincy Taylor is another.

Richard Jasper
Ann Arbor, MI

thats what I was wondering about in the conversation lounge, but no one knew and thanks for the info there.
i always admired this guy since he was underground, apparentlly alot of people think he's the next big thing, His back is unreal, But he needs some work on his delts and traps in my opinion. :)

awesome pics! thank you!
Ah jeez not this shit again... THOSE PICS ARE FAKE! It's Will Harris...

Indeed he was one of the dub mc's in Be Cool, but he's not really as big as in those photoshopped pics...
That guy is truly amazing. He could give Ronnie a good run, that is if you could see Ronnie at all with him on stage.
ha ha ha ha

I see that guy all the time at WorldGym in Marina del Rey. He is not even close to as big as he looks in those pics. He does NOT give ronnie a run for his money.

The angle of view is what distorts those pics. Its called forced perspective guys, c'mon. I almost didnt realize it was the same guy the difference is so much.
holy shit....this dude fuckin biiiiiig,,,,,, and he's got a real small waist....

i wonder how it feels to be that big..!! :D
You can tell he is full of synthol. Thats not good.

LMFAO, no you CANT tell he's on synthol. and thats coz hes not. have you seen anyone on synthol? trust me they dont look like that. for the record i think his delts need work. BTW there is not a lot of money in the WWE, tru the top guys make large cash but it would take years for this guy to get to their status. I think this guy should go into movies, thats ez money compared to the WWE and its safer and he'll make his physique look a lot better coz he'll be on screen with actors as opposed to other pros.

Freak nontheless.
he's not on synthol, it's very obvious.. anyone have any updated pics? I love the handle bars! i wish i could grow them!