Politics I agree. However had Joe Weider in their corner would win. Kinda like the yankees 68million dollar roster. Their aloud to exceed the salary cap go fiqure.

Check out Arnies 74 pic's he looked amazing. Thing is I think back then they also looked at who was aesthetically pleasing to look at. Even though Firrigno was thicker platz's with bigger legs, arnie had something they didn't. He was taller had longer arm's and a chest that was ripped to shreds. There were some comps back then when he should have lost though I agree. Look at the next Olympian Lee Haney another mesomorph. If it were up to me I would judge these guys on how big they were according to how tall they were. The taller guys always seem to win.
I see where your coming from man but don't forget being shorter means you look more built, with tall guys its harder getting that bulky built look, I met Iron Mike once and the dude weighed 50 pounds less than me but he looked like a real built mofo and I looked like a tall mofo who works out a little
Just trying to set the record straight. First off, the pics are real. They were not taken after his heart surgery but after his rotator cuff surgery because of an injury he sustained to his shoulder during filming T3. I would imagine that anyone would tend to get out of shape (escpecially when they are in their 50's) after they just got done having surgery. Actually I don't think that he looks that bad. His bodyfat is not really that high, but he is down in muscle mass which is obvious from the pics. Now, fast forward to recent times. Add about 10-15 pounds of muscle and a few pounds of fat loss and you still have a pretty decent physique that anyone here would be glad to have even in their 20's. Hope this helps.
These are pix of him AFTER OPEN HEART surgery!!
Shit if he looks like that imagine what we ALL will look like!!
LT said:
...IF you dont work out a muscle every 72 hours (3days) that muscle will go into atrophy (it will shrink). I dont mean right away. but it will slowly shrink...

You have a lot to learn bro.
bizup69 said:
I'm dissappointed in all of you guys who even considered those top pics to be real!!

Actually i am real impressed with Arnold, Stallone, Hogan, Lou F. They all have kept up a good diet and exercise program, Arnold did have "heart surgery" but it was "elective" to repair-replace a valve, that would have gone later, so he elected to use a pig valve and do it before it became a problem, he had ONE surgery thats it, pretty impressive when you look at the men of his day, most are still alive and healthy, i also agree that the 80 Olympia was a political win..... I remember seeing Arnold take about 8 tablets right before he lifted, wonder what they were? :afro: He did train twice a day to do Terminator, he did get in very good shape for it, but we all do get old.....
I saw some other versions of those pics where he wasn't all dried up and withered looking. They looked like an older guy, but one who still had some tissue in his pecs and stuff like that. I'll try to dig them up again.
u guys r sick................

what the heel u have been taking guys ............. now a days it does not matter how arnold loook likes but what matters is how do u looook like okeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
did u got me or not..................................
8pack said:

What I love about those pictures is that Arnold is wearing the same exact type of trunk he used to wear in competition, lol some things never change.

I don't care how Arnold looks, he is a legend and will always be a legend no matter what.
i think the pics are real but not recent, one way to tell is by looking at his hands, those hands are arnires the fingers and all look like his.
Just wanna add that people should really respect arnold. The man is very macho not just by his physique but the way he talks acts and overall personality unleke some other dudes who are huge and act all gurley, this guy is a tough guy just like mentzer franco and lou. Franco deadlifted 728 at a bodyweight of 165. I have nothing but respect for these guys no matter how they look now, every dog has his day and you cant expect to look good all the time and forever, arnire's symmetry and bicep peaks were out of this world and they still are, show me someone with his bicep peak, my man mike on the other hand was freakin solid, he was thick as a mother and remained in shaped throughout his entire career, mike is amazing.
LT said:
Ok guys i know you all love Arnie...

Oh no, I don't like very much, I always think he's pretentious and more todays since he's "gouvernator" (lol). In this time I prefer Lou Ferrigno or Tom Platz
those top pics are real! those were in people magazine,
just saying that they spoted arnold and his daughter out enjoying them selves on a nice sunny day at the beach.

he is still big, just a bit flabby. he is 60. he just had lots of operations and shit so. i got to meet arnold at universal studios about 2 months ago. his arms were kinda thick but not his chest. i was suprised at how tall he was
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I consider arnold the best because i don't know what it was but his body structure just seemd overwhelming.

Plats was great, but his legs were much bigger and seemed to overStrech his body.