what countries can i buy steroids in a pharmacy??

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Mexico and Thailand is all that I know.
But you can get it pretty much anywhere if really desperate and look around.
I wouldn't even bother with Mexico & Thailand, much better places out there and better prices too.. you just need to find it.
You cannot walk into a pharmacy in Dominican republic and get gear, its on a restricted list for some reason. My father just retired and for some off reason decided to move there lol.. Told him to get me a load of gear, but when he went into the pharmacy he was unable.
In our pharmacies ( Ukraine ) you can freely get Prop, one dollar an ampule of 50 mg. Some pharmacies carry omnadren as well. Also there are few internet shops left which send around the country only for very decent prices ( I think much less than you pay in the West buying from Pakistan and such )
If you'll be here let me know, may be I'll be able to help you
The country is in chaos aint it, euro bail outs, no jobs, rioting etc. Basically everyone on there arse over there.

Prescription or no prescription I'm pretty sure they would sell you some lol
i got some test ampules in mexico from the pharmacy. apparently they dont sell multi use vials in the drug stores any more. they sell deca durabolin in a ready-ject that is only 50mg/ml you get 2. its retardedly expensive like $25-30 for 100ml. halotestin tabs are there too along w/proviron for a decent price. nolvadex was $20 for a bottle of 100 tabs 10mg each... i couldnt find AI's . Good luck trying to fly anything in. its really not worth the risk
Roiting, i might have to join in and do a couple of pharmacies over lol. Hopefully ill be able to get a load of primo and test with a bit of luck!
anyone know about gear in turks and caicos

a gym friend who is traveling there for work asked me.

i think it might be british owned island
getting gear in greece is not what it used to be. Very difficult nowadays. Many of my friends with contacts have tried. Plus customs is a bitch at greek airports. I would be surprised if you scored. Sorry just what i know to be true.
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