I grew up with a bunch of Guidos and we would hit Belmar and Seaside, but every April or May we would start our cycles. The guys with money would stack everything we could get which was Sustanon (sust), Decca, Winstrol (winny). The only time people heard of Tren back in 2002 amongst my crew around the Jersey City area was when I started to make it from the pellets. Alot of my buddies would just run Winstrol (winny) EOD at 100mg shots. For the most part everyone had a shit diet and would get drunk on the weekends and fight, bad combo but the "Jersey Shore" way. Also no one new what AIs or PCT were. I took a break from the juice from 2003 to 2010, so now the guys I talk to are doing Test cyp, Tren, Anavar, and EQ. Still my buddies are clueless on what and how to take it, I am new back into the game so they don't listen and want to teach me. My one buddy who is a big powerlfiter told me he has been running test cyp at 200mg for 30 weeks so far, just finished eq, 2 shots a week, and runs anavar at 20mg ED for his joints.
Anyway, The Situation looked like complete shit this season, all washed up and bloated. Def looks like he just came off a cycle with no post cycle therapy (pct). When he was using I'd say Test, Dbol, and winni
Pauly D looks like a test and winni guy
Ronnie might be on Sus and Tren right now.
It is hard to tell cause their diets all suck so they all look bloated and soft.