Who's the resident expert on Jersey shore.

I actually used to party on the Jersey shore (mainly Seaside Heights) and I know some of the juiceheads out there. Basically all of them use tren, count dosages in cc's instead of ml's, think taking "3 cc's of Sustanon (sust) a week, stacked with tren and dbol" is a good starter cycle, and doing PCT is pretty much unheard of. I even know a 5' 11", 160lb kid who has done at least 4 cycles(incl. tren) in the past 3 years. Not talking about the guys on the show of course, but the typical residents of that area.
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That's the pad from the show?^^^^

Yup thats it. It draws so much attention, all kinds of people were taking their pics in front. Its for rent, im wondering how much they want for it now lol. The owners gonna make a killin.
Yup thats it. It draws so much attention, all kinds of people were taking their pics in front. Its for rent, im wondering how much they want for it now lol. The owners gonna make a killin.

id says so! kind of a dump no? but for nickel chicking chicks it's not bad!
The guy'situation' looks quite bloated in the face. What could cause that?

I heard this guy Pauly D is a DJ and charges like 20K a gig... wow, I wonder how long he has been doing this? I have a friend that is a DJ in Austin, TX (dub step, breakbeat, trance, house, hard house... pretty much everything) hes been into it for about 10 years and not getting that much... I should tell him try to get on a show mtv maybe call it 'texas range'? and what makes Pauly so reputable other than the show 'jersey shore' ?
Wow The guys are much nicer on this forum. I just got ripped a new asshole on Anabolicminds.com for asking the same question. Haha.
Uhh, I want to be ronnie. I'm not taking anything but I keep thinking about taking the test pills. A little sketched out i'm 5'7 180 lbs.
I grew up just over the 37 bridge from Seaside there in Toms River. It was good to see the old stomping grounds getting some air time because it was a helluva adventure as a teen.
From what I see of the show it's a typical castoff from what takes place every year for 4 months out the year where guidos (bennies) from the city come down to just party. Rent went from 400 a month off season to 140.00 a day during season.
Back in the day it was hilarious to see these guys walking around in spandex shorts on the boardwalk. However not one of the Jersery crew really looks 100% italian as they did in the day. The best gyms were up the parkway 10 miles in Brick Township. There was a Golds in Toms River but those dudes over in Brick made the Guidos from New York look like towel boys. Best bars were like EJ'S or the Stone Pony further up in Asbury. Down the shore further there is Wild Wood in Atlantic City which is yet another Seaside boardwalk setting. Brings back great memories as my first job was wearing one of those stupid Casino Pier red polos working the spin wheels where you tried to win a mirror plaque of various design for a quarter bet. The pizza over at the Beach Comber was killer for breaks. I also before the new bridge was built & the old clankity wood 2 lane bridge was still up sell water by the gallon to the overheated cars for like a buck a gallon from off my bicycle. Oh the days gone by. LOL Just a little general info for ya.
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Pauly D is a nice guy, i have talked to him in the passed.
Seriously just a overall nice guy, awesome.. what people should be like.

Ronnie, Season 1.. Would have said Deca, Test, Dbol... now in Season 4, he has got his 6pack back and hes looking ripped and big.. I would say Test,Tren Maybe some Winstrol (winny) and or Primo

I dont think Pauly D has ever done bulking agents, hes just into Test/Tren/Winny/EQ etc.. Lean gains

You cant say what they use, you will never know.. Ronnie could be using Test Suspension, Halotest, Winstrol (winny), Anavar.. Know what im saying? everyone is different.
I can assure you that hes not using Anadrol, every guy i have seen use Anadrol looks exactly the same.. they blow up like a freak and look puffy and fatish/muscle.. i kinda like that look.
I grew up with a bunch of Guidos and we would hit Belmar and Seaside, but every April or May we would start our cycles. The guys with money would stack everything we could get which was Sustanon (sust), Decca, Winstrol (winny). The only time people heard of Tren back in 2002 amongst my crew around the Jersey City area was when I started to make it from the pellets. Alot of my buddies would just run Winstrol (winny) EOD at 100mg shots. For the most part everyone had a shit diet and would get drunk on the weekends and fight, bad combo but the "Jersey Shore" way. Also no one new what AIs or PCT were. I took a break from the juice from 2003 to 2010, so now the guys I talk to are doing Test cyp, Tren, Anavar, and EQ. Still my buddies are clueless on what and how to take it, I am new back into the game so they don't listen and want to teach me. My one buddy who is a big powerlfiter told me he has been running test cyp at 200mg for 30 weeks so far, just finished eq, 2 shots a week, and runs anavar at 20mg ED for his joints.

Anyway, The Situation looked like complete shit this season, all washed up and bloated. Def looks like he just came off a cycle with no post cycle therapy (pct). When he was using I'd say Test, Dbol, and winni

Pauly D looks like a test and winni guy

Ronnie might be on Sus and Tren right now.

It is hard to tell cause their diets all suck so they all look bloated and soft.