will anavar help to get rid of a double chin


New member
i have recently just done a tbol cycle and gained 16 pounds but its seemed to have given me a double chin, cardio is not really an option as im a hardgainer. will anavar help to get rid of this. thanks guys
i have recently just done a tbol cycle and gained 16 pounds but its seemed to have given me a double chin, cardio is not really an option as im a hardgainer. will anavar help to get rid of this. thanks guys

welcome to ology .

the answer is NO
Bro gaining 16lbs of ??????

Those are not the kind of pounds you want.

Diet that down and start over. This isn't a magic show where Poof the Pill did IT.

Tbol only eh ?

Anavar for spot fat/water reduction??

..whoever told you that needs to be slapped. Twice.

I hear these 26 yr old guru s in the gym running Winstrol (winny) for fat loss, tren for this, this for that.

I m to tired to even care anymore.

If you read that anavar can lean you out... that only occurs if your advanced both in musclarity and and low in bdyfat.

Not calling you out bro....really.
i have recently just done a tbol cycle and gained 16 pounds but its seemed to have given me a double chin, cardio is not really an option as im a hardgainer. will anavar help to get rid of this. thanks guys

Huh? you gained 16lbs but are a hardgainer? I'm confused because if you are a "hardgainer" it would be hard for you to put on muscle. And only after you eat enough cals to sustain muscle growth will the extra additional cals go to fat (unless you are eating complete garbage calories).

Something just seems off to me. But I'm guessing your diet is not spot on.
yeh im a hardgainer always been skinny weighed 159pounds then did a tbol only course tried to eat more than i had been and worked out 6 days a week for 5 weeks gained 16 pounds completly changed my body i was amazed it was first cycle tho. believe it or dnt believe it but vp tbol at 80mg ed is fire, i dnt really have any fat on me all 8 abs are there i just randomly have a double chin out of knowere
i have recently just done a tbol cycle and gained 16 pounds but its seemed to have given me a double chin, cardio is not really an option as im a hardgainer. will anavar help to get rid of this. thanks guys

Hi oakie and welcome to Ology!

The guys already pointed out some of the things you are doing wrong.

I am going to point you toward doing things right.

Contact our site nutritionist 3J and he will indeed help you get rid of that double chin much more effectively than any steroid you take.

Good luck and keep us updated on your progress!
u didn't have 8 abs and also have a double chin... sorry, but I'm calling BS

oral only cycles are a complete waste bro, get your diet in check and u'll be surprised how u can transform your physique without gear!

lastly... u are NOT a hardgainer! if u gained 16lbs of anything, u are not a hardgainer... period