What up Barn? I didn't leave you guy's just had a horrific car accident the day after the super bowl coming back from Bmore. Left hammy little fucked and that same damn left lower back knot that was getting better. That and I think I got some issues with Prostate, going to see Doc again at 2.
Dude, ima tell you straight out, FUCK THE SUP's!!!!!!!!!!! They have killed my boys liver, sex drive and imo since not regulated by FDA like their something, lol dude Test oil is way SAFER!!!!!! Your progress/dedication on here and with training has been up there with Lean and Milk. Dude your 19 bro. I started all those crazy sup's around your age and I'm pretty confident it helped contribute to some problems I'm now having. Grant it I haven't alway's been upfront I party and shit time and time again and drink wine so I'm sure that doesn't help.
You sound like a good kid with a good head on your shoulders and I am no one to preach or suggest anything but wanna give you a little user feedback threw-out the yrs.
There are some good sup's out like green foods, super foods etc..... cross that with a little test and lot's lean meats, fruits and veggies and oats and rice dude your straight. It sounds like you might be taking these suppliments because you don't wanna go back to any illegal test or d-bol or what not. Bro I have cut back to one cc of cyp every two weeks and I still bang the old lady everyday and have appetite and I think it's helping me heal from my car accident. Wish the best for ya no matter which route you take but I truely beleive test is probably the safest thing and best thing out there. Again though at your age I would even stay away from that unless it's like a shot every two weeks.