Working for the BIG 200

Tomorrow is going to be my last day on 1-T..I will be starting post cycle therapy (pct) on wed. it will consist of Sustain Alpha, T-911, and Forged post cycle therapy (pct) from need2.

Didnt feel like wasting clomid, not to say Im not shut down but with the results I saw and 1-T being very mild I figured this should be ok.

Comments, Concerns?


DB Flat- 30x20/60x6/100x10/100x9/100x6/40x20

DB Incline- 70x10/80x7/90x6-30x18

BB Decline- 135x15/185x12/225x6/135x18

DB Flys Incline- 60x10/60x7/60x4/20x20

Cables 3x10

Tri SS- v-bar/DB overhead/Diamond Pushups..3x10x3

SS Cable Kickbacks/WG flat BB

Exrteme Stretches.

*Looks like a lot of volume but was out of the gym in about an hr. Sick of using the mirror as my guide, some days I feel great about how I look, others I want to cut and Feel like I look like shit.
Some of your numbers are impressive bro, I know I've mentioned it before; but you've got to be a strong fucker to throw around some of those weights. So props bro. I kinda find the "widow maker" sets as you refered to them before, as a little bit redudant. How much rest are you getting in between sets? If I were to do a workout like that, with 90 seconds breaks in between sets it'd take me a helluva lot longer than less or equal to an hour. How fast do you push out reps? I'd still like to see some pics, I remember you posting some up awile ago, but I thought you took them down? I don't remember what you looked was awile back.
Some of your numbers are impressive bro, I know I've mentioned it before; but you've got to be a strong fucker to throw around some of those weights. So props bro. I kinda find the "widow maker" sets as you refered to them before, as a little bit redudant. How much rest are you getting in between sets? If I were to do a workout like that, with 90 seconds breaks in between sets it'd take me a helluva lot longer than less or equal to an hour. How fast do you push out reps? I'd still like to see some pics, I remember you posting some up awile ago, but I thought you took them down? I don't remember what you looked was awile back.

45-90 sec rest. Widowmakers are immedietely after my last set. Ill take some more pics sometime.

Probably wont be posting for a while, except for the need2slin review. Having some real problems and need to get my head straight before I do something Im gonna regret.

Take it easy guys.
Havent been able to take in near enough cals as I need to the last couple days. I havent been able to sleep or eat, its mad gay I wont even lie, but girls do that to you, especially when you dont want to lose them.

Anyways, Hit the gym real hard monday, chest/tri..great workout, crazy pumps and nice strength.

Skipped tuesday, 0-2hrs of sleep. maybe 1200cals for the day, drove 7hrs.

Wed. bout 5hrs sleep, maybe 2500 cals, hit back nice and hard, moved some nice weight. Had a couple guys come up to me and ask what I was on because "there was no way I can move that kind of weight DL, whats my secret and what Are you on?"

Took it as a cmpliment as these guys were fk'in huge and ripped, basically where I want to be.

Today Ill be hitting either shoulders or legs? lower back is sore so havent made up my mind.

Again only about 1000cals if that today.

not a good time as I just started PCT today, but over the last 3 days Its been like mini cut lol, have a lot of veins and more definition. strength hasnt gone down a bit, up if anything.
Taking today off. But yesterday was one of the best workouts Ive had.


DB Shoulder Press- 30x20/60x6/70x6/80x6/90x5PR

Standing BB Press 95x10/115x10/135x8

Behind the Back 95x10/115x10/125x8

Arnolds 50x10/60x8/70x6

Couple other things I just SS together.
Yesterday: Off

Today: Legs

Squats- Barx12/135x10/225x8/315x6/335x3/195x20

Angled Leg Press- 1plate(per side)x12/2x12/3x12/4x10/5x10/6x10/7x10

SS With calf raises 2px12/2x12/2x12

Single Leg..leg ext/ham curls/step calf raises


*Weighed myself today, weight was right around 190-191. This is the heaviest Ive ever been. Although I do have more veins and bigger than before i have gained some fat in the stomach Id like to lose.

In a couple weeks Im either going to add in cardio 3-5 times a week or decrease my cals, id rather do the cardio to be honest. I didnt reach all my goals...200lbs, 275x5 flat bb. But I also spent much of my time using DB's. The weight I will just keep plugging away on. Since June I have gained around 20-23lbs so not all bad. I surpassed my goal for squats 315x5 and DL 435x5.

These are my long term goals:

Weight: 205-210
BF%: 8-10
Squat: 405
DL: 500
Bench: 315
Shoulder Press: 225

All of them seem pretty attainable to me especially seeing how I havent jumped on AAS or any real PH yet.

DB Flat- 30x25/60x10/100x6/110x6/120x8(Had spotter, helped last 2 or 3 but couldnt tell how much.)

DB Incline- 70x10/80x10/90x7

BB Decline- 135x10/225x8 PR+2(Assisted)/255x1.5(Drained from previous set)

SS CG Bench/Incline DB Flys 3x10x10

Extreme Stretches

Workout took about 45 min

* Had a nice workout, kinda tweeked something in my left elbow/forearm. Shit sucks, makes my arm numb, its weird because when I pitch this is exactly where my arm hurts, have never had it in my left arm before but it def. sucks regardless of where it is.

DB Flat- 30x25/60x10/100x6/110x6/120x8(Had spotter, helped last 2 or 3 but couldnt tell how much.)

DB Incline- 70x10/80x10/90x7

BB Decline- 135x10/225x8 PR+2(Assisted)/255x1.5(Drained from previous set)

SS CG Bench/Incline DB Flys 3x10x10

Extreme Stretches

Workout took about 45 min

* Had a nice workout, kinda tweeked something in my left elbow/forearm. Shit sucks, makes my arm numb, its weird because when I pitch this is exactly where my arm hurts, have never had it in my left arm before but it def. sucks regardless of where it is.

I swear I'm not trying to hate bro, but I wouldn't be suprised for a second if it(your elbow pain) was related to your throwing around 120lb DB's on bench. I watch videos of Jay and various other enourmous fucking BB's dickin' around with weight like that, and failing around rep 10-12 bro. Just something to consider. I'd be fucking furious with you if I found out you were one of those fuckers that only does 1/4-1/2 the range of motion, haha.
. I surpassed my goal for squats 315x5 and DL 435x5.

These are my long term goals:

Weight: 205-210
BF%: 8-10
Squat: 405
DL: 500
Bench: 315
Shoulder Press: 225

Yes! Watch that elbow bro cause your numbers are starting to go up. Ice that bitch up, sounds like tennis elbow, way to much chest work, try some military's for now and maybe some decline bench when the elbow heals. Just keep hitting the pain spot with 20min hot pad then 20 min cold pad and rub some tiger balm or capzasin on there. I told you once before steroids and heavy lifting killed my baseball carreer, be careful
What up Barn? I didn't leave you guy's just had a horrific car accident the day after the super bowl coming back from Bmore. Left hammy little fucked and that same damn left lower back knot that was getting better. That and I think I got some issues with Prostate, going to see Doc again at 2.

Dude, ima tell you straight out, FUCK THE SUP's!!!!!!!!!!! They have killed my boys liver, sex drive and imo since not regulated by FDA like their something, lol dude Test oil is way SAFER!!!!!! Your progress/dedication on here and with training has been up there with Lean and Milk. Dude your 19 bro. I started all those crazy sup's around your age and I'm pretty confident it helped contribute to some problems I'm now having. Grant it I haven't alway's been upfront I party and shit time and time again and drink wine so I'm sure that doesn't help.

You sound like a good kid with a good head on your shoulders and I am no one to preach or suggest anything but wanna give you a little user feedback threw-out the yrs.

There are some good sup's out like green foods, super foods etc..... cross that with a little test and lot's lean meats, fruits and veggies and oats and rice dude your straight. It sounds like you might be taking these suppliments because you don't wanna go back to any illegal test or d-bol or what not. Bro I have cut back to one cc of cyp every two weeks and I still bang the old lady everyday and have appetite and I think it's helping me heal from my car accident. Wish the best for ya no matter which route you take but I truely beleive test is probably the safest thing and best thing out there. Again though at your age I would even stay away from that unless it's like a shot every two weeks.

some otc steroid can be bad for the liver that is for sure. so can any oral steroid though. Nothing like some good old test. At 19 one would really not need any steroids of any kind anyway..

As for the non hormone sups out there I feel there is a lot of good ones among the piles of crap. A lot more then just what you have stated.
I swear I'm not trying to hate bro, but I wouldn't be suprised for a second if it(your elbow pain) was related to your throwing around 120lb DB's on bench. I watch videos of Jay and various other enourmous fucking BB's dickin' around with weight like that, and failing around rep 10-12 bro. Just something to consider. I'd be fucking furious with you if I found out you were one of those fuckers that only does 1/4-1/2 the range of motion, haha.

Lol Im not throwing them around but I hear you. I started this for myself,like i said before I have no reason to make shit up, and I am not one of the tools who move the weight an inch.

Yes! Watch that elbow bro cause your numbers are starting to go up. Ice that bitch up, sounds like tennis elbow, way to much chest work, try some military's for now and maybe some decline bench when the elbow heals. Just keep hitting the pain spot with 20min hot pad then 20 min cold pad and rub some tiger balm or capzasin on there. I told you once before steroids and heavy lifting killed my baseball carreer, be careful

I hear that, I love lifting too much. Baseball is my passion but its pretty obvious to me Im not going pro so Im gonna play in the summers for fun and lift hard all year, Ill def. keep an eye on the elbow tho, thanks.

some otc steroid can be bad for the liver that is for sure. so can any oral steroid though. Nothing like some good old test. At 19 one would really not need any steroids of any kind anyway..

As for the non hormone sups out there I feel there is a lot of good ones among the piles of crap. A lot more then just what you have stated.

Im 20, not that it makes a huge difference.

* Good workout, hammy and knee are also sore so stayed away from deads.

Rack Pulls SS with DB Curls-


WG Pullups- 3x10(BW)

V Bar Pullups- 3x10(BW)

Lat/Crunch machine- 3x10

Couple other little exercises.

* First time doing rack pulls, I kind of feel like I was cheating myself out of deads but I also think these will def. help me up my weight in deads too. They target my sticking point exactly. Seeing how "easy" they were for me I think that my legs are holding my deads back.
Yesterday- Shoulders (pretty much same workout as last shoulder day)

Today- traveling the next 2 days so wont be hitting the gym. Did something different today and did a full body workout. I had 35 min to train. I managed to finish in about 15min including stretching and was ready to puke for an hr afterwards.

BB Flat Bench- 135x50

DB Curls- 25x50(each arm)

Squats- 155x50

Lat Pulldowns- 100x50

Dips- BWx50

* Basically just went 1 body part after another, with about 30 seconds in between.

I think that my legs are holding my deads back.

All hammy's brotha and quads to break the initial pull. You hit the nail on the head. It's funny if you check out some plers that specialize in the deadlift their leg's are huge!
All hammy's brotha and quads to break the initial pull. You hit the nail on the head. It's funny if you check out some plers that specialize in the deadlift their leg's are huge!

I know, Im jealous, I would love huge cut up legs.

Im havent figured it out exactly yet but ill be throwing in a few sets of hammys on back day, and some quads and calves on shoulder day.



Box Squats- 135x12/225x6/315x10/315x10

w/ WG Pullups- BWx10x3

DB Lunges- 60x20/70x16/70x16

Calves- 3px30x3

(single leg)Ham Curls/Calves- 60x10/70x10/80x10...3px30x3

Hanging Knee Raises- BWx12x5

SLDL (on 6in box)- 135x10/225x10/225x10

*Decent workout, for the first time had some veins popping out over my knee and going up my quad. Lol I need some legs like RJ, so sick.

* Not going to cut, but like I said before I want to shed some fat, I will be doing some cardio, either morning or night whatever I can do. Will post when I start, and I will also be cleaning up the diet more, for the past couple weeks I have been doing the See Food Diet, I see it and I eat it, whether it be brownies, cookies, whatever.
* Havent done incline BB in so long, almost a year. And realized that I am completely horrible at it, I can do TONS more for more reps with DB's, just tells me Im not used to the motion but non the less when i throw in BB work Ill probably do Incline rather than Flat.


BB Incline- 135x12/155x10/175x8/195x3

FLat DB- 80x10/90x10/100x6/100x6

BB Decline- 135x10/225x10(2 assist)/225x8(1 assist)

CG Bench(30sec rest) 135x10/155x7/135x8

Incline DB(Alternating Presses w/ single arm) 60x12/65x10/60x10

Pec Dec- 3x12

* Great workout today


Pullups- BWx12/BWx12/BWx12

Deads- 135x12/225x10/315x5/425x6/445x5

Super Setted w/ DB Curls- 30x10(ea)/35x10/40x10/45x10/50x10

BB Rows- 135x12/185x10/225x10

T Bar Rows- 2platesx12/3x10/4x8

RG Lat Pull- 200x10/200x10/200x10

SS Hammer Pulls ups & EZ Bar Curls- 3x10
Yesterday- Off

Today- Shoulders

BB Shoulder Press- barx20/95x10/135x8/135x8/135x10

Arnolds- 40x10/50x10/60x10/70x4

BB Front Raises- 45x10/65x10/65x10

Upright Rows- 95x10/95x10/95x10

SS Front/Side DB Raises 3x10x10

SS BB Shrugs/CG Bench- 135x12/135x10..225x10/135x10...315x8/135x10

* Took and hr to finish workout. Had some drinks last night but surprisingly still had a good workout.
Oh, and I know these workouts have had a lot of volume, but over the last year Ive gone from more of PL to this and tried all different things and right now this is def. giving me the best results. I feel like my chest, delts, and lats have all exploded with the higher volume.

Its kind of interesting my arms used to over shadow every part of my body and now I feel like besides my calves/quads that my arms are lagging.

ATG Squats- Barx12/135x10/185x10/225x10/225x10 (lowest Ive ever gone, ass basically hit calves)

Box Squats- 135x10/225x10/275x10/315x10

Cleans- 135x10/155x8/165x6/175x4/185x0(failed 2 attempts)

SLDL(On 6in box)- 135x10/225x10/275x10

SS Calves on Sled/BW Calves on Stairs/Ham Curls- 300x30/BWx50/60x10(each leg)...300x30/BWx50/70x10...300x30/BWx50/80x6+4

* Good workout, my legs are dead. they buckled on me a few times walking back from gym. That a sign of a good day.