wtf is wrong with my right nipple


sean usmc

i have like a nice lump under it and man i squeezed it and like an oil came out i know its gyno but ive been taking clomid should i up the dose?or what..
maybe a spider laid eggs in there and the sack is festering waiting to hatch.
If its gyno I think nolva is better....either that or have it cut out.
carolinacrackah said:
maybe a spider laid eggs in there and the sack is festering waiting to hatch.
If its gyno I think nolva is better....either that or have it cut out.
no i rather have the spider eggs and raise them on my own..thats alot of fucking shoes bro..
test enan 375 mg 3 times a week and deca d 300 mg finished anadrol 75 about a3 weeks ago wasnt bad at all and 50 mg of clomid daily.. and going to switch to eq and test..only.
clomid is not protection against gyno (it provides some, VERY minimal protection), nolva provides slightly more.

Why are you not using an AI?
btw- fluid usually indicates a prolactin issue (which may be primary or secondary)...
yeah im going to have fuk..the doc is a prick man always bitching about my shit but wont help out
prolactin ..hmmm thats an injectable testerone replacement too soo that means ? what can i prob expect ..will it interfear with the gear im using/
Heard Nolva and deca is a bad idea though, high dose B6 is suppossed to be good for high progesterone levels...any way there is another thread already active on this subject.
sean get yourself some arimidex or aromasin man... i had the same problem if you remember ... i have been taking arimidex and it's slowly taking away the gyno that i have had since i started cycling... and get yourself b6 and nolva
arimidex is a poor choice for most users
do not add nolva after anadrol (its a progestin)
b6 can help with prolactin, but bromocriptine and cabergoline are better choices BY FAR.

as far as AI's aromasin, AIFM or letrozole(though letro is often too strong and can cause rebouind so if you use it reccomend, you then switch to aromasin or AIFM)
wow thats alot of shit and i canrt get into the doc until fukn week...hurts to touch it...thanks ...
you can order these things right now. You can get AIFM from the AF STORE, you can order aromasin or letrozole from steroidology and other research sites.

now reccomend tablets for caber (though many like the liquid- which is fine IMO for aromasin and letro- but have concerns about stability for caber) which you can order from a dozen sites (though tabs are more expensive)